Generally the managements of Pubs, Janata Bars, Bars & Restaurants and Star Hotels are to show respect and magnanimity to all its customers.
On Holi day of 2015 year in Delhi, a differently-abled, specially abled Mr. Nipun Malhotra, youth, in his around 30 years, who was in a wheel-chair, was not allowed to enter Delhi Pub & club ‘Keya’.
The Security Guard has stopped him from entering into the Pub & the club in his wheel chair.
This discrimination had a wide spread resentment all over Delhi and other States.
When the Pub management issued with License to run the Pub, every citizen is having right to enter the Pub & Club and enjoy.
All the adults, including ladies, aged people, people with disabilities, are allowed to enjoy in the Pub, of course, on cost.
The ‘Keya’ pub management is charging for its services, including imposing entertainment tax, central excise tax, sales tax, service tax and other what not taxes on various items to its customers.
Right to admission into the Pub & Club is a primary right of each and every customer.
There was no reason why the Pub & Club management denied the entry of Mr. Nipun Malhotra who was differently abled and disabled gentleman.
One wonders, why the Pub & Club management has denied the entry of this gentleman.
Social service organizations, NGOs, Government and the Central Excise Department and other departments have to see that this type of incidents do not occur in future.
Many of the aged people above 60’s and 70’s do visit pubs, clubs, bars & restaurants and other top star hotels and resorts in wheel chairs.
For such people, a special care and attention is to be given by the respective managements.
All the necessary help is to be extended to these people. Of course, these managements are charging for their services with all types of taxes.
No management is serving free of cost to anybody.
The Central Excise Department and Government to display the guidelines at the entrance of any Pub, Club, Resorts, or Bar & Restaurants or any Star Hotels for information of all the customers, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
Even some old aged people consume alcohol, wine, brandy and other cocktail drinks to keep-up their physical fitness, especially in mid-rainy season and in winter season.
In some cases, doctors even advise these old age people to have alcohol to some quantum for maintaining good health.
In some cases these people also visit pubs, clubs, bars & restaurants, resorts with the support of wheel-hair, walking stick and other supporting operates/equipment.
All the pub & club management’s bar & restaurants, star hotels Etc. are to give some priority service and provide special care to the senior citizens and differently abled people.
Moreover, the Central Excise and the Government to extend some concessional rates and other benefits as a magnanimous gesture, from the Government to all the senior citizens, physically handicapped persons, mentally retarded persons.
There should be Right to Entry boards at the entry of Pubs, Clubs, Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, Malls, Multiplexes, Resorts, Museums, Parks and Gardens.
Email: [email protected]
Hyderabad, India
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