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Generally the managements of Pubs, Janata Bars, Bars & Restaurants and Star Hotels are to show respect and magnanimity to all its customers.

On Holi day of 2015 year in Delhi, a differently-abled, specially abled Mr. Nipun Malhotra, youth, in his around 30 years, who was in a wheel-chair, was not allowed to enter Delhi Pub & club ‘Keya’.

The Security Guard has stopped him from entering into the Pub & the club in his wheel chair.

This discrimination had a wide spread resentment all over Delhi and other States.

When the Pub management issued with License to run the Pub, every citizen is having right to enter the Pub & Club and enjoy.

All the adults, including ladies, aged people, people with disabilities, are allowed to enjoy in the Pub, of course, on cost.

The ‘Keya’ pub management is charging for its services, including imposing entertainment tax, central excise tax, sales tax, service tax and other what not taxes on various items to its customers.

Right to admission into the Pub & Club is a primary right of each and every customer.

There was no reason why the Pub & Club management denied the entry of Mr. Nipun Malhotra who was differently abled and disabled gentleman.

One wonders, why the Pub & Club management has denied the entry of this gentleman.

Social service organizations, NGOs, Government and the Central Excise Department and other departments have to see that this type of incidents do not occur in future.

Many of the aged people above 60’s and 70’s do visit pubs, clubs, bars & restaurants and other top star hotels and resorts in wheel chairs.

For such people, a special care and attention is to be given by the respective managements.

All the necessary help is to be extended to these people. Of course, these managements are charging for their services with all types of taxes.

No management is serving free of cost to anybody.

The Central Excise Department and Government to display the guidelines at the entrance of any Pub, Club, Resorts, or Bar & Restaurants or any Star Hotels for information of all the customers, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

Even some old aged people consume alcohol, wine, brandy and other cocktail drinks to keep-up their physical fitness, especially in mid-rainy season and in winter season.

In some cases, doctors even advise these old age people to have alcohol to some quantum for maintaining good health.

In some cases these people also visit pubs, clubs, bars & restaurants, resorts with the support of wheel-hair, walking stick and other supporting operates/equipment.

All the pub & club management’s bar & restaurants, star hotels Etc. are to give some priority service and provide special care to the senior citizens and differently abled people.

Moreover, the Central Excise and the Government to extend some concessional rates and other benefits as a magnanimous gesture, from the Government to all the senior citizens, physically handicapped persons, mentally retarded persons.

There should be Right to Entry boards at the entry of Pubs, Clubs, Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, Malls, Multiplexes, Resorts, Museums, Parks and Gardens.


Email: mrkndyl@gmail.com

Hyderabad, India


Kids Book Promotion: A Haven for Children's Books Authors and Illustrators

In the ever-evolving world of children's literature, the need for talented authors and illustrators to connect and promote their work is more significant than ever before. The digital age has opened up new avenues for reaching young readers, and Facebook groups like "Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" have become a vital hub for creators to come together, share ideas, and showcase their work. If you're a children's book author or illustrator looking to gain exposure and connect with fellow enthusiasts, this group might just be the perfect fit for you.

Join the Community!

Before we dive deeper into the group's offerings, let's take a moment to invite you to join the "Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" Facebook group. Simply follow this link to become a part of this vibrant community: Join the Group

What is "Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION"?

"Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" is a dedicated Facebook group created to support authors, illustrators, and enthusiasts in the world of children's literature. With over [insert number of members] passionate members, this group offers a wealth of resources and opportunities for those who create content for young readers.

Here are some key aspects that make this group stand out:

Promotion Opportunities: One of the primary purposes of the group is to provide a platform for authors and illustrators to promote their children's books. Members can share their latest works, book launches, and promotional campaigns to a highly engaged and like-minded audience.

Networking: Building connections within the industry is crucial for success. "Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" facilitates networking by allowing members to interact, collaborate, and exchange ideas. Whether you're seeking advice or looking for a collaborator for your next project, this group is the place to be.

Support and Guidance: Children's book creation can be a challenging journey. The group offers a supportive environment where members can seek guidance, share experiences, and learn from others who have navigated the world of children's literature successfully.

Resources and Information: Stay updated on the latest trends, publishing news, and industry insights. The group often shares valuable resources, tips, and articles to help members stay informed and improve their craft.

Inspiration: Sometimes, all it takes is a spark of creativity to fuel your next masterpiece. "Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" is a source of daily inspiration, with members sharing their artwork, book excerpts, and innovative ideas.

Why Join?

Joining "Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" is a fantastic opportunity for anyone involved in children's literature, whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out. Here are a few reasons why you should consider becoming a member:

Visibility: Promote your work to a targeted audience of fellow authors, illustrators, and potential readers.

Community: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for children's books and form valuable professional relationships.

Resources: Access a treasure trove of resources, knowledge, and information that can help you succeed in the competitive world of children's literature.

Feedback: Receive constructive feedback and critiques on your work to help you refine your craft and create better content.

Inspiration: Stay inspired and motivated by engaging with creative individuals and their unique storytelling and artistic talents.


"Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" is more than just a Facebook group; it's a thriving community of individuals dedicated to nurturing and promoting the wonderful world of children's literature. By joining this group, you're taking a significant step towards enhancing your visibility, connecting with fellow creators, and honing your skills as a children's book author or illustrator. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity – click on the link below and become a member today!

Join the Group

Your journey in the world of children's literature is about to get a whole lot more exciting with "Children’s books authors, illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION" by your side!

In the dynamic world of children's literature, authors and illustrators often find themselves embarking on a solitary creative journey. While this solo approach can lead to fantastic works, there's an emerging trend that's gaining momentum - collaborative projects. By bringing together the diverse talents of children's books authors and illustrators, collaborative projects have the potential to yield remarkable results. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of collaborative ventures within the supportive community of 'Children’s Books Authors, Illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION.'

1. Fostering a Thriving Children's Literature Community

Within 'Children’s Books Authors, Illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION,' the sense of community is palpable. Authors and illustrators from various backgrounds unite to celebrate their shared passion for children's literature. This unique environment is conducive to fostering connections, and it's the ideal place to find potential collaborators for your next project.

2. Networking Opportunities Abound

Networking for authors and illustrators has never been easier. When you're part of a community like 'Children’s Books Authors, Illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION,' you have access to a vast network of creative individuals eager to collaborate. Whether you're looking for a co-author, an illustrator, or even a marketing partner, you'll find like-minded individuals ready to bring your vision to life.

3. Book Promotion Opportunities

Collaborative projects are not just about sharing the workload; they also provide unique book promotion opportunities. When multiple authors and illustrators come together, they bring their respective fan bases with them. This means increased exposure for your work, reaching a broader audience, and enhancing your credibility in the competitive children's book market.

4. Insights from the Children's Book Industry

One of the greatest advantages of being part of 'Children’s Books Authors, Illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION' is the access to valuable industry insights. Stay updated with the latest trends, publishing news, and market analysis. This knowledge can be instrumental in shaping the direction of your collaborative projects, ensuring they resonate with your target audience.

5. Creative Inspiration

Collaborative projects often lead to creative sparks that might not have ignited in isolation. Authors and illustrators complement each other's strengths, resulting in innovative and captivating children's books. Being part of this vibrant community provides a constant source of creative inspiration to fuel your collaborative endeavors.

6. Support for Authors and Illustrators

The support for authors and illustrators within 'Children’s Books Authors, Illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION' is unwavering. Whether you're navigating the intricacies of co-authoring or seeking advice on collaborative strategies, you'll find a wealth of experienced individuals ready to share their knowledge and offer guidance.

In the world of children's literature, the power of collaborative projects cannot be underestimated. When authors and illustrators join forces, they create a synergy that can result in outstanding works that resonate with young readers. 'Children’s Books Authors, Illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION' offers the ideal platform to explore these collaborative opportunities within a supportive and nurturing community.

So, if you're a children's book author or illustrator eager to take your craft to the next level, consider the possibilities that await you within this vibrant community. Connect, collaborate, and create magic together. Your next literary masterpiece might just be the result of a collaborative project born in 'Children’s Books Authors, Illustrators - KIDS BOOK PROMOTION.'


Unleashing Potential: The Transformative Power of Writing Successfully

Unleashing Potential: The Transformative Power of Writing Successfully

Writing, a seemingly simple act, possesses an extraordinary power that goes beyond the mere arrangement of words on paper. The ability to write successfully holds a transformative force, influencing not only the writer but also those who engage with their words. Let's delve into the profound impact and unparalleled benefits that come with mastering the art of writing.

1. Expressing Thoughts with Clarity:

One of the primary strengths of successful writing lies in its ability to articulate thoughts with precision and clarity. Writers who master this skill can convey complex ideas in a way that is easily understood, fostering effective communication.

2. Connecting Emotionally:

Successful writing possesses the unique ability to resonate emotionally with readers. Whether through storytelling, poetry, or persuasive essays, writers can elicit a range of emotions, creating a profound connection that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

3. Shaping Perspectives:

Words wield the power to shape perspectives and influence opinions. A successful writer has the capacity to introduce new viewpoints, challenge existing beliefs, and inspire critical thinking. Through well-crafted arguments and compelling narratives, writers can spark positive change and broaden minds.

4. Leaving a Lasting Impression:

The impact of successful writing extends far beyond the immediate moment of reading. Memorable words have the potential to linger in the minds of readers, leaving a lasting impression that can influence decisions, behaviors, and even inspire action.

5. Empowering and Inspiring Others:

The power of successful writing extends beyond personal gratification; it becomes a source of empowerment and inspiration for others. Through shared experiences, motivational stories, or educational content, writers can uplift and guide individuals on their own journeys.

6. Documenting History and Culture:

Writers, through their words, serve as custodians of history and culture. Successful writing preserves moments in time, captures the essence of different eras, and contributes to the collective narrative of humanity. It is a powerful tool for recording the past and shaping the future.

7. Building Bridges of Understanding:

In a world that thrives on diversity, successful writing becomes a bridge that fosters understanding between individuals from various backgrounds. By sharing diverse stories and perspectives, writers contribute to a more inclusive and empathetic global community.

8. A Catalyst for Self-Reflection:

For the writer, the act of writing is a journey of self-discovery and self-reflection. Successfully putting thoughts into words allows individuals to explore their own beliefs, emotions, and experiences, leading to personal growth and increased self-awareness.

In conclusion, the power of writing successfully is a force that transcends the realms of mere language. It is a catalyst for change, a source of connection, and a testament to the resilience and creativity of the human spirit. Aspiring writers, take heed; your words have the potential to shape minds, inspire hearts, and leave an indelible mark on the world. Embrace the transformative power of writing, and let your words echo through the corridors of time.

Unlocking the Writer Within: Essential Writing Tips for Beginners


Embarking on a writing journey can be both thrilling and challenging, especially for beginners eager to express their thoughts and stories. Whether you're diving into creative writing, blogging, or crafting essays, here are essential writing tips to guide you on your path to becoming a proficient wordsmith.

1. Start with a Clear Purpose:

Before pen meets paper or fingers touch the keyboard, define your writing purpose. Whether it's to inform, entertain, persuade, or simply share your experiences, a clear purpose will give your writing direction and coherence.

2. Develop a Writing Routine:

Consistency is key. Establish a writing routine that suits your lifestyle. It could be a set time each day, a specific writing space, or a ritual that signals the beginning of your writing session. Regular practice helps hone your skills and builds discipline.

3. Read Widely:

Immerse yourself in a variety of genres and styles. Reading exposes you to different writing techniques, expands your vocabulary, and nurtures a deep understanding of storytelling. Analyze what you enjoy in others' writing and incorporate those elements into your own.

4. Embrace the Editing Process:

Writing is rewriting. Don't be disheartened by a first draft that feels imperfect. Embrace the editing process as an opportunity to refine and polish your work. Take breaks between writing and editing sessions to maintain a fresh perspective.

5. Seek Feedback:

Don't shy away from sharing your work with others. Constructive feedback from peers, writing groups, or mentors can provide valuable insights and highlight areas for improvement. Embrace critique as a tool for growth rather than a judgment.

6. Master the Basics of Grammar and Style:

A solid grasp of grammar and style enhances your writing's clarity and professionalism. Invest time in learning and understanding grammar rules, sentence structures, and common writing conventions. Numerous online resources are available to assist you.

7. Be Concise and Clear:

Effective writing conveys its message concisely. Avoid unnecessary embellishments and opt for clarity. Trim down sentences and choose words that pack a punch. Precision in language makes your writing more impactful.

8. Create Vivid Imagery:

Transport your readers into your world by incorporating vivid imagery. Engage the senses through descriptive language, appealing to sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. A well-painted scene captivates the reader's imagination.

9. Edit with Fresh Eyes:

After completing your draft, take a break before editing. Returning to your work with fresh eyes allows you to spot errors, improve flow, and evaluate overall coherence more effectively.

10. Embrace Patience and Persistence:

Becoming a proficient writer takes time and persistence. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the learning curve. Celebrate small victories, and view challenges as opportunities to refine your craft.

Remember, every writer evolves at their own pace. Embrace the joy of the writing process, and with these tips as your guide, you'll be well on your way to unlocking the writer within. Happy writing!

Navigating Success: 5 Key Areas Every Leader Should Focus on at the Beginning of the New Year


As the dawn of a new year unfolds, leaders find themselves standing at the threshold of fresh opportunities and challenges. This pivotal moment is more than just a mark on the calendar; it's an invitation to set the stage for success, inspire teams, and chart a course toward achievement. Here are five key areas that every leader should focus on as they embark on the journey of the new year:

1. Strategic Planning and Goal Setting: Paving the Way for Success

At the heart of a successful leadership strategy lies a robust plan. The beginning of the year is an ideal time to engage in strategic planning sessions, aligning organizational goals with the overarching vision. Break down these objectives into clear, achievable goals, ensuring that each team member understands their role in contributing to the broader mission. This intentional focus on strategic planning creates a roadmap for the organization and motivates the team by providing a sense of purpose and direction.

2. Team Building and Communication: Forging Strong Connections

A united team is a powerful force. Leaders should prioritize team building activities at the start of the year to strengthen relationships and foster a sense of camaraderie. Open lines of communication are equally crucial; ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding expectations, objectives, and their individual roles. A cohesive and communicative team is better equipped to face challenges, collaborate effectively, and celebrate shared successes.

3. Professional Development and Training: Investing in Growth

The growth of an organization is intricately linked to the growth of its team members. Leaders should invest in professional development opportunities and training programs to enhance individual and collective capabilities. Identify areas for skill development within the team and provide the necessary resources to facilitate growth. Cultivate a culture of continuous learning, adapting to industry trends, and positioning the team as a dynamic and agile force in the market.

4. Organizational Culture and Morale: Nurturing Positivity

A positive and inclusive organizational culture significantly impacts employee satisfaction and overall productivity. Take the time to assess the existing culture and, if necessary, redefine it to align with the organization's values. Acknowledge and appreciate team achievements, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation. Prioritizing the well-being and morale of the team lays the groundwork for a positive work environment where individuals thrive and contribute their best.

5. Technology and Innovation Integration: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Embracing technological advancements and fostering innovation are critical components of staying competitive in today's rapidly evolving landscape. Leaders should evaluate existing technologies, explore new tools that can streamline processes, and create an environment that values creativity and innovative thinking. By embracing technology and innovation, organizations can enhance efficiency, encourage adaptability, and position themselves as leaders in their respective industries.

In conclusion, the beginning of the new year serves as a pivotal moment for leaders to strategically shape the path ahead. By focusing on strategic planning, team building, professional development, organizational culture, and technological innovation, leaders can lay a robust foundation for success. This intentional approach sets the stage for a year of growth, collaboration, and achievement, propelling both leaders and their teams toward new heights of success.


Literary Field Research on




NON-LINGUISTIC LANGUAGE is generally mingled and used in other languages by many people, when they are at other languages spoken places.


Even the foreigner's languages are quite often mingled with other languages due to expression of words and speaking problem People who live in State/Country borders, the impact of mingled or clubbed languages used will be high and is very often observed. 


European languages like Italian, Russian, Spanish, Greek, Latin, are sometimes inter and intra-mingled and like that in Indian Languages, Sanskrit, Pali, Devangari, Dravida, Arabic, Parsi words are mostly mingled and inter & intra-connected while speaking and writing. In the present globalization scenario, many words of different country's languages are used very often so that people are able to understand what the other person is saying.


People like motherland and mother tongue language, respect their language and shower affection on their local language and would like to express their feeling while speaking/writing. This is called Sahityam, which speaks of literary expertise in respective living literary areas.


The language spoken/written indicates people’s culture and national integration.


The word makes magic in our lives. The love, passion fashion, mission, relation etc will be in order, when we use words properly, sensibly and tactfully.


Languages are made to use accordingly to the situation using proper proverbs, quotations, phrases, short stories, examples, experiences to give effective suggestions when people in problems will definitely give solace when you work with proper modulation. 


It gives more impact and importance to the situation.


When you want to give the information, you should use words properly and with firm voice. 


Use minimum words and try to convey the message. 

Lengthy and deviated conversation weakens the purpose.

They may lose the interest to get information or suggestions. 

All the time we can not practice the type of procedure.


By seeing the situation, we can change phrases, quotations, proverbs make the conversation very interesting and effective.


A balanced positive talk with durable pleasant positive vibration makes the other person feel like spending more time in your company.


A kind of bond will be created.


We should use the language with proper pitch and it should depict your feelings, emotions, reactions and your moods.


Accordingly, the other person should understand and react into the situation.


The language or the words should convey the message correctly without confusion.

Practicing this usage of words is very easy.

Keep the mind cool and clear in your thoughts.

Be firm when you want to convey the message. 

Do not get confused when others disturb you.

While you talk with others, words usage should be limited.


When you put it on the paper it can convey the message properly and completely with balanced good expression.


Indian languages have so many appropriate, expressive words.


We can play with the words to convey any impression, expression, emotion, reaction or feeling and son on.


But think with the mind, heart and soul.

Think in a positive way and deliver with proper words.

People should remember and think of you like a human being.


Another important aspect which could change and transform your life in a better way by increasing your influence and improving your relationship and lead to the road of success depends on using the words carefully while speaking to others.


The words are very important and powerful tools and it all depends on how you use these words.


As explained in earlier lectures, these words carry tremendous energy of your strong intent or will.


The energy of confidence, the energy of your assertiveness and these words which are nothing but sounds carry a very powerful magnetic field which is very intelligent.


When these words are spoken with 100 percent pure intent, honesty, conviction etc of the positive energies, it will affect the magnetic field of listener or listeners.


Every human being, being a magnetic will have his own magnetic field which is invisible and forms a circle around the body.


When we give speech in the form of words of magnetic sounds, it touches the magnetic field of listeners and in physics one reaction takes place which is called as inductance. 


Here, when they are meeting at one point, there will be an exchange of energies and these energies carry your thoughts, your suggestions, your ideas your concepts. 


If your thoughts are full of inner conviction, honesty, pure in nature, will definitely influence the magnetic fields of listener in a very positive way and all will be attracted towards how you and will be more receptive.


While addressing, you should also follow certain tactical steps which we have already described in various prerequisites like change your voice i.e., modulating your voice ups & downs will also have a very good positive impact on others.


This was proved by the scientists working at NASA.

Vedas are recited with a very specific and particular modulation of voice.


When you speak this way, sending the messages in the form of mantras create a very magnetic field which will influence the magnetic fields offers and brings about a positive reaction and response.


Hence, try to culture your voice and you can practice at home, learn how to modulate the voice, when to take the voice up, when to take the voice down.


But one thing, use words in a very proper way.

They should be very polite and very appealing.


I also give lot of importance to the usage of words and nothing but words, because the words are the only powerful tools of the communication.


If the words are not there, there is no communication and when there is no communication there is evolution.


Hence, try to use words very sparingly and talk only when you required.

Thus, you can conserve lot of inner energy.


One small wrongly used word will spoil the entire interview or inter-personal relationship.


Hence, always practice and practice your presentation at home.


One very well-known marketing or a director of a very big pharmaceutical company who had graduated from the Business School of Harvard University had the habit of always doing the presentation all alone much before the actual meeting begins. 


I had seen lot of seniors and highly successful people plan much before and list out things on a piece of paper, make rehearsals, before the actual presentation and achieved tremendous success.


Only one word about which most of the people, mostly the ‘teenagers do not understand, but use vey frequently the word as “individuality”.


Without knowing the deeper meaning of this word, it is misused, misunderstood and misinterpreted by most of the people.


A teenage boy or a girl when the elder’s comment about their dressing code, they react that they had their own individuality, they had their own freedom to wear what they would like to wear. 


This they call as individuality. 


According to them individuality means to have their own freedom starting from the dressing code, their physical appearance, their conscious, their ideas, they germ all these in one single capsule called individuality.


But, one thing they forget is all these impressions, ideas; concepts are formed by watching around their environments.


The type of movies now-a-days they see, the type of magazines, the type of advertisements, the type of concepts they are highly influenced by the surrounding environment.


Even the greatest scientists they confirm those factors with more than genetic effect, the environmental effect works on the personality of the human beings.


Unfortunately, the reading hobby has come down and the type of books available in the market they will never help in the self-development of the individual persons. 


The idea, the concept or the personality trades of the writers are imposed on the young readers who could not differentiate between what was required for their personality development, but on the contrary their emotions are easily influenced. 


As discussed in earlier lectures, the human beings could be stimulated or through their emotions rather than their intellect or the rational thinking. 


The same thing here, it is applied by the producers, directors, actresses and the politicians, the entire environment does not give practical meaning for life.


They always take you in higher up in the fantasies in the dream world.

They always take you away from the reality.


That is the reason most of the teenagers are frustrated and before they realize their potentials, most of them are becoming addicted to alcohol. 


Most of celebrities are having depression, frustration, anxiety, and neurosis and are terminating their lives.


The reason is very simple. It is nothing but the influence of the external factor is influencing your inner personality.


Right from the child-hood, your college atmosphere, the school atmosphere, the ragging by the senior students, in the most uncivilized ways and then the pictures you see, the books reading, the magazines you are reading and the type of friends and the type of movies, all these are making the artificial personality.


Earlier, the scientists used to behave with the genetic influence would be more on the personality trade, but the recent studies have proved that the environment influence is greater than the genetic influence.


Now-a-days, the entire generation is under the influence of the surrounding environment. 


Thus, the real potentials are masked by the artificial real personality trades.


There is always a conflict between the natural personality trades and the acquired personality trades from the surrounding environments and the social conditions. 


That is the reason the teenagers are unable to resolve the inner conflicts, one is natural and the other one is unnatural.


This is the reason most of the youngsters are terminating their lives before realizing the potentials.


The influencing personalities like the cinema stars both actresses and actors are super imposing on the natural personality trades of the youngsters mostly the teenagers.


That is how they lost their own hidden potentials and talents.

Mostly, they have become imitators than originators.


They are capable of producing and contributing so many useful things to the entire world, but unfortunately as informed earlier, that their own personality is being suppressed as they imitate the personality trades of the actors and actresses. 


The quality of the movies, of late, has come down with lower and lower moralities.

Actually, there are no moralities at all in the movies. 


The visual impact is always more influencing and that is what happening at this time and even the advertisements are misleading.


The celebrities do not care for the welfare of the society and for the sake of money, even promote the cheapest products.


The common people will imitate the same thing like smoking cigarettes or using sub-standard products since their beloved heroes advertise.


Thus, unfortunately, the present youth is embracing the un-useful personality trades of the people whose contribution to the society is less than zero.


At least, time has come for the present youth.

This is a wake-up call. Don’t be an imitator. You have tremendous potential.


Try to imitate patriots, the greatest people who have contributed to the society and to the common people of this world.


Also, try to logically analyse what is the meaning of individuality.

You cannot have your own freedom when you are living in a society.


For example, you are studying in a particular school and the school decides the uniform which could be standard for all the students and if you rebel and refuse to wear because there your individuality was hurt, then you will be losing the opportunity of studying in the school along with other students. 


Similarly, if you refuse to follow the dress code in an organization, then you will not get a job.


The present youth of India have got great potentials to develop their own personality instead of being an imposter.


Spend time qualitatively. 

The life is a gift from the God and use the life for the betterment of the society.


Expand your consciousness and live life independently with your own inborn personality trades.


Now, we are dealing with some of the negative energies.

I don’t wish to call them as prerequisites. 


Now-a-days, the entire world is suffering from one disorder or disease called depression or frustration. 


These two are negative energies, but, in my view and frustration are very common.


There is nothing negativity in these energies.


Even the most successful people when they were interviewed confessed that they have also passed different phases in life, the negative energies like depression, anxiety, and frustration.


Most of them could come out from these energies within short span of time.

When a human being is sick immediately the doctor will advise some pathological test.


The patient will be weak, he will have high temperature, he will not have appetite and the blood report reveals there was a presence of bacteria and increased number of WB cells which forms the defensive mechanism of the human body.


Similarly, depression is also a mental action to an inflection.

This is very common and natural. 


Every human being, at one stage or the other will have to pass through these depressions, frustrations, anxiety and lot of other negative energies.


But only thing is that this depression we should not analyse it to survive for a long time.


So, what is the best way to combat this depression or anxiety? 

Even in my case, I had depressions and frustrations on many occasions.

But I allow it to exist for not more than 15 minutes. 


What I do is that, I immediately change my clothing, I take fresh bath, sing a song and whistle the song, and I think all positive achievements in the life and I just go out for a walk, maybe I go to restaurant, have snacks, tea and relax myself. 


The depression has gone within 15 minutes.


Whenever you undergo depression or a frustration, just think of the best moment you had in your life and think all your best achievements in your life.


Every human being is born with tremendous potential and is capable of doing many greater things. 


Unfortunately, because of environmental influence one gets depression.


But he starts remembering his positive achievements and how he had achieved set goals in his life and how he was successful in different fields, he goes to the past and thinks about the happiest moments, the energy of depression will be dissolved and disintegrated immediately.


When you start thinking off your own achievements slowly you gain confidence and when you gain confidence the depression cannot survive in the company of confidence. 


I am once again repeatedly assuring and emphasizing that every human being including the most successful people in the world have passed this depression, anxiety, frustration and disappointments and negative energies. 


But the great quality they had is all are optimistic and hopeful for their future and constantly put forth their efforts.


Similarly, even a common man can become a celebrity or could become potential contributor for the good cause of the society.


For God’s sake, do not to be worried or scared about depression, frustration and they are the part of the life.


Sometimes, the depression will stimulate self confidence in most of the people who have positive thinking. 


This is also a feedback mechanism.


If Mahatma Gandhi was not insulted and not thrown out of the compartment and abused, he would have not become a great leader.


Similarly, you can see the life history of great people, all negative situations, and negative events made them very strong.


Then why you can’t? You can also become and achieve greater things in your life. Never give up hopes always live with hopes. 


After the storm, there is always calm. After the sunshine there are showers of rain.


I once again appeal to all the youngsters, kindly think that you are also made by the God, and the God’s creation there are no clause.


Similarly, in you there is no clause, you are born to do greater things.

You are born to achieve so many things. 

You are born to contribute to the society many good things.

Do not give up.

Wait and wait, try and try, you will definitely achieve your respective goals.

There are so many books which are written on Human Management.

But these books are not necessary to be appropriate in all the situations. 


The human beings are different throughout the world because of their cultures, their habits, and their customs.


What is applicable in India may not be applicable in other foreign countries like African continent or in European countries.


These books will only help to a certain extent.

What you need is your own analysis, or own logical deductions.


Whenever there are failures take some time, analyse and immediately take remedial measures. 


Constantly you have to do self-analysis that is the best way managing the human beings rather than reading the books and applying the same.


The only exceptions in some of the books, which discuss the basic psychological trades, are very useful.


The Upanishads are the best human management books because they have discussed the human personality trades in depth.


As a Training Manager, I read only few books on human management and was not convinced except some books which deal with the human psychology.


I have given lot of examples from my own experience under this title The Game of Life.


Basically, if you want to be successful you have to take lot of interest in other human beings.


By reading books, you are not able to achieve anything.


By reading the human beings in your own practical way, you would understand them and then when you apply the set principles definitely you will be more successful.


The same law is not applicable to every case of human beings.

You need to change your strategies in the same interview many times.


When the customer is closing the door your approach, you need to open another door. When closes that door, try to open another door.


In between these spaces, you should be able to assess the personality of the other human being and then open the door very wide. 


I have tested all these in my personal.

Hence my humble request that you read more and more about human beings’ personality and have your own experience.


Your own experience is the best teacher and the best guide to you.

It does not mean that you should not read other books, but you can read other books.


I try my best to list out all the important prerequisites, but there are many more that you need to find out for yourself.


It is also equally difficult thing for me to write-down lot of other training methods or techniques which could consume volumes and volumes and it would not be appropriate to put those things in our website.


However, those who are interested they van contact me on my contact phone.


Life is an interesting game.

Take lot of interest involving you.


Play the game according to the rules & regulations and improve the skills and enjoy yourself.



In the End

Coming up with a satisfying and impactful ending for a novel can be a daunting task for many writers. However, there are several strategies and techniques that can help you craft a strong and effective conclusion to your story.

Start with the beginning: Consider how you began your novel and think about how you can bring the story full circle. Your ending should provide a sense of resolution and closure that ties together the themes, characters, and plot points that you introduced at the beginning.

Identify the story's central conflict: Your ending should address the central conflict of the story and provide a resolution for the protagonist. This can involve the protagonist overcoming their flaws, achieving their goals, or learning a valuable lesson.

Consider your genre and audience: The type of novel you are writing and your target audience can influence the type of ending that will be most satisfying. For example, a romance novel might end with a happy ever after, while a mystery novel might end with the resolution of the crime.

Experiment with different endings: Don't be afraid to try out different endings and see how they feel. You might find that a different ending works better than what you initially planned.

Tie up loose ends: Make sure to address any loose ends or unresolved plot points in your ending. Readers should feel a sense of completion and understanding of the story.

Avoid cliches: Try to avoid predictable or cliched endings, as they can leave readers feeling unsatisfied. Instead, strive for an ending that is surprising, impactful, and unique to your story.

Seek feedback: Get feedback from beta readers or writing groups to see how your ending is received. This can help you identify any areas that may need improvement or clarification.

In summary, the best way to come up with an ending for a novel is to start with the beginning, address the central conflict, consider the genre and audience, experiment with different options, tie up loose ends, avoid cliches, and seek feedback. With these strategies in mind, you can create an ending that leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

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