FASCINATING ALCHEMISTS Aghoris Action with an American Journalist

FASCINATING ALCHEMISTS Aghoris Action with an American Journalist



Who are Aghoris?


What do they actually do and why do they only come out in public during Kumbhs?


"Aghor", "Aughad", "Kapalik", "Aghori", "Aughar", "Awadhoot" means the same, which is simple and natural state of consciousness.


The Aghora is a very vast subject, but here it is being explained in brief, a very little bit, as the readers may be able to know about the Aghori and their acts who are engaged in post-mortem rituals on dead bodies.


Mainstream Dharma (Sanathana Dharma) believes that ultimate goal of life is to attain salvation, but it is not at the cost of worldly pleasures.


This is according to Vedas - Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, Sannyasa are mandatory in mainstream dharma and one should not willingly skip any of the above and Sanathana Dharma emphasize on individual contribution to society.


Aghoris the most fascinating alchemists:


Aghoris are the most advanced tantriks.


They have mastered the tantra sastra which is also a branch of Yoga.


The entire space which we call as Aakash seems to be an empty, but in reality, it is filled with full of unseen energies.


This Aakash is filled with energies which are nothing but, positively, negatively and neutrally charged atoms and molecules of elements.


In science, these are called electrons protons and neutrons.


These are also called as electrolytes which mean carrying positive, negative and neutral energies or polarities.


All the physical forms are the essential building blocks of this basic form of these three energies.


Aghoris are the most powerful alchemists and they can associate various atoms from the space and form a physical structure and they can also change the physical structure into any other different physical form. In short, they are the best molecule manipulators.


When the structures are changed, their functions are changed automatically.


The Aghoris always live a secondary life, mostly in the jungles or in the grave-yards.


They can be compared to the scientists who also invent different elements by the manipulation of atomic structure or a particular substance.


There is a very fascinating story about these Aghoris narrated by the famous Paul Brunton, an American Journalist, who was specially sponsored by some of the rich people and sent to India to find out various genuine saints, yogis having yogic armistice powers.


He also lent about these Aghoris and he arrived at one place in order to have an interview with one Aghori who was supposed to stay at a remote place at the outskirts of a certain village.


There he enlisted a local person who initially was reluctant to follow Paul Brunton to meet the so called Aghori and interview him.


Because, the local guy was very much scared of this Aghori.


A lot of roomers was spread about the Aghoris.


Finally, Paul Brunton arrived at the spot where the Aghori was staying alone.


When the Aghori noticed these two people approaching him, he tried to scare them by throwing stones.


The local guy was very much scared, but the Paul Brunton pursued him that the Aghori was trying to scare us, as the stones were directed at a wrong place, as the Aghori only wanted to scare them and dissuade them not to approach him.


But Paul Brunton courageously approached this Aghori, and all of a sudden, the Aghori had become calm and quiet and with a lot of courtesy invited Paul Brunton and offered him a seat on a stone.


Then he turned to the local guy and addressed him in the local language stating that the Paul Brunton was his guest and in order to honour his guest, he ordered this local guy to cut a small piece from the dead body which was lying on a bank of a small lake near his ashram.


The local guy was dam scared, but he was more scared about the Aghori than the dead body. Aghori gave him a small knife and the local guy gathering his bits slowly approached the dead body reluctantly with closed eyes, he cut a small piece of flush from this dead body.


Paul Brunton was very much surprised by watching this drama as a spectator.


Finally, the local guy came back and handed over the small piece of flush which he took out from the dead body.


Then this Aghori noticed that this local guy cut his finger while attempting to cut the flush from the dead body.


The blood was running down, and this Aghori placed his hands on the bleeding finger, and said Oh My God, you are bleeding.


Don’t worry. Now your small wound is healing.


When the Aghori removed his hand, there was no trace of any blood or that small cut which was also noticed by Paul Brunton.


Again, the Aghori went inside, he took out a clay pot, poured some water placed his vet, the flush from the dead body and he started cooking on the fire.


Without any word Paul Brunton was watching the drama as he was very much astonished.


After a while, the Aghori brought some leaves of a nearby tree, washed them with water and he placed couple of Ron structures which were looking like small balls on these leaves.


One leaf he offered to local guy and the other one to the Paul Brunton and to his shock the local guy noticed it was nothing but Rasgulla. It was not dead flush.


It was not the flush from the dead body.


The local guy explained to Paul Brunton, it was called Rasgulla, which was a sweet meat.

Then the Aghori politely offered these Rasgullas to Paul Brunton.


When tasted by Paul Brunton it was so sweet and a lot of juicy syrup was oozing out and both of them enjoyed.


This is how that Aghori who mastered the tantra sastra, the science of tantra changed the molecular structure of this flush from the dead body and transformed to Rasgulla by changing the molecular structure.


This is what is called as a manipulation of the atom of molecular structure.


You disassociate a particular physical structure and re-arrange the atoms of the molecules from the same physical structure to rebuild another physical structure when the structure changes the function will also change.


That is why, we call the Aghoris are the most powerful and affective alchemists.


But they are misunderstood by lot of people, because no person will be daring enough to approach them and study them from close quarters.


Roomers always spread in a negative way and the people will go on adding their own whims and fancies and often depict Aghoris as bad guys.


The knowledge is very powerful, for that matter any knowledge, and even what the modern scientists are doing now-a-days.


When Alfred Noble Discovered Dynamite, the same dynamite was used in breaking the rocky structures to build the houses.


The same dynamite is also used by the terrorists to destroy the human beings.


The same way, same is the case with Aghoris. By mastering the tantra sastra and by practicing certain rituals they have evolved themselves to higher dimensions where they are capable of manipulating the energies of the five elements, the Earth, the Water, the Fire, the Wind and the Space.


By manipulating the atomic structures of these five elements, Aghoris can easily change the physical structures into different physical structures carrying out different functions.


They can change a solid particle to the liquid particle like from the element Earth to the element Water, same they can change into element Fire, and the element of Fire to other two elements.


This was the experience of Paul Brunton had when he encountered this particular Agohri.

For them, the dead body, it is the combination of five elements.


Hence, they do not fear the dead bodies or the death.


That is why they roam around the jungles and grave yard, where human beings do not visit.


In our Puranas Maharshi Durvasa created kurtchya, the most dangerous and negative entity to kill Ambarisha who was rescued, protected and rescued by Lord Maha Vishnu and Sage Durvasa had to ask for a forgiveness for Ambarisha.


We dismiss as this a myth, but Late Shri Narayanadutta Srimali had wrote a book who himself was a great tantric. In this book he narrated an incident where a most powerful Aghori created this krutchya in order to create and havoc among the other Aghories and Yogis who assembled for a meeting.


Then the most respected and tantric guru Sri Nitynanada Swamy who was a benevolent sage, destroyed this krutchya with his powers.


These are the powers of Aghoris, some are used for benevolent purpose and some others use to scare people and become a leader.




In Shree Rudham from Yajurvedam, you shall come across "Aghora Rishi" could be another name of Lord Shiva.


Aghori or Aghora are people whose principles derived from Advaita of Sanathana Dharma performs spiritual practices to get salvation.


The Aghori (Sanskrit aghora) are ascetic Shaiva sadhus.


The Aghori are known to engage in post-mortem rituals.


Aghora may refer to The Hindu God Bhairava, a form of Shiva.


Aghoris feel that the sadhana in cremation ground removes fear.


Ø to get rid of sexual desires, Aghoris, sometimes, does sexual practice on the dead bodies.

Ø to avoid shame, Aghoris, all the time stay naked



Most of the people are afraid and scared of Aghoris, because of their powers and Aghori have number of names in the country.


The Aghori is also known as Kapalika and Kalamukhas.


The Aghori goes on practicing this soul of the Aghori is set free and it obtains moksha.


The culture of Aghori was started by a person Baba Kina Ram.


He was said to have lived for 150 years.


He died in the 18th century as his followers continued to spread his teachings.


Some fear that Aghori knows little about their practices and Aghori practices mostly on children, which people are afraid of them.


For this reason, Aghori are considered responsible for crime or the other.


Some people also feel and have apprehensions that Aghori kills innocent people.

It is not Fiction, but it is a Fact:


However, this may not be true as Aghori perform sadhana on dead bodies but they do not kill people for their needs.


Some people believe that Aghori has super powers and they want to make the most of these powers and get benefited.


Some Hindus say that it is true that Aghori can help with a lot of problems but if we seek help from an Aghori to solve a problem it may give rise to many more problems.


The Aghori never bother about what society feels about them and they live secret lives without any intention to get social recognition


Aghoris Holy Book is called Avadhuta Gita.


This Avadhuta Gita Holy Book contains a sacred text or all their teachings and beliefs.


The book specifies that Baba Keena Ram was the founder and the Adiguru of Aghori tradition.


The book also justifies that Lord Shiva spent most of his time in cremation ground doing sadhana.


Aghori Accessories:


Some say that Baba Keena Ram was the incarnation of Lord Shiva himself.


The Hindus do believe that Lord Dattatreya was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva all in single body.


The Aghori goes into complete darkness and lives till they get self-realization and they use corpses to invoke the mother Goddess known as Shamshan Tara.


They consider Shamshan Taraas one of the ten wisdom Goddesses and She has the power to Bless the Aghori with supernatural powers.


The mahavidyas that the Aghori religiously worship is Bhairavi, Bagalamukhi and Dhumavati.


The male God which the Aghori worships is Lord Shiva in the form of Bhairava, Mahakala and Virabhadra.


Let us try to find out from a neutral perspective about the truths behind these and how the Aghoris themselves perceive this.


1.      An Aghori performs all seemingly nasty acts because it is a way to realize that nothing is impure or unclean.


2.      If one can see purity in everything that is the highest state of Divine Bliss


3. At the core of these seemingly raw and savage sadhus is a highly realized soul who is above all dualities of nature.


Please note that this only holds good for genuine Aghori Sadhus and not anyone pretending to be one.




Poet, Novelist, Song and Story Writer (The Scholar)


(Visited Nairobi-Kenya, East Africa)


His honors and awards:




·         Literary Excellence award 2023, Telangana Book of Records. Certificate of Achievement.

International Achievement Award in Authorship from IPRH, Philippines and Bangladesh.

·         Birland Government honored me with a One Pound Postage Stamp as an official Poet.

·         Global Honorary Advisor, Federation of World Cultural and Arts Society (FOWCASS), Singapore.


·         Rabindranath Tagore Literary Honor 2022 -----*

            (Government of Seychelles, Motivational Strips and SIPAY Journal)

·         CESAR VALLEJO AWARD 2021, 2022 and 2023 (3 Years) UHE, Peru for Literary Excellence WORLD WRITERS’ UNION Peru

·         Gujarat Sahitya Academy and Motivational Strips LITERARY EXCELLENCE Honor

·         Honored with “Royal Kutai Mulawarman Peace International Institute, Philippines”

·         Royal Success International Book of Records 2019 Honor, Hyderabad-

·         The Silver Shield Award from UHE, Peru for my Literary Excellence 2021.


·         The Scholar, Institute of Scholars Research Excellence Award-2020, Bangalore (India)

·         Hon. Doctorate in Literature from ITMUT, Brazil. (2019)

·         State of Birland at Bir Tawil Recognized Poet


·         Mr. Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu, Litt.D., is a retired Public Sector Enterprise Officer from Hyderabad (India).

·         He is the Deputy-Editor-In-Chief of www.petruska-nastamba.com (Serbia/Belgrade) eMagazine.

·         He is the Editorial Committee Member of THE PANACHE, eMagazine from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India (https://www.aadhyapublication.in)

·         He has worked in few News Papers (English) in Editorial Department.

·         He is also the Trainer in Motivational Management Programs.

·         He has published 75+ books with ISBN (Stories, Novels, Poems, Articles, Short Stories, Quotes etc) English/Telugu.

·         His stories are useful for making Movies, TV series, Web Series.


Address: Plot No. 37, Anupuram, ECIL Post, Hyderabad-500062 Telangana State - India

+91-9951038802, +91-8186945103, Email: [email protected], Twitter: @mrkndyl68



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