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- Mystery and Adventure
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The Four-Week Story Prep Workbook: A Step-by-Step Brainstorming and Outlining Workbook for Fiction Writers

Empowering Women with ADHD: Emerge From the Chaos and Isolation of a Neurodivergent Mind with Simple, Practical Tips to Stay Organized, Improve Social Skills and Time Management to Reveal the Real You

The poems in this collection explore Lillie's emotional journey through a rare disease, as well as her life before the diagnosis. Capturing her experiences of confusion, fear, anger, depression, and hope, the collection offers a raw and honest reflection of her struggles. Lillie hopes that readers will connect with her journey and find the same peace that she has discovered.
De Corazón a Espíritu: Hablando con Sinceridad: Sincerely Speaking Spiritually Spanish Version (Spanish Edition)

Career Planning For Teens : Achieve Financial Literacy, Attain Occupational Sucess, and Fulfill Personal Goals Amid Information Overload

The Ultimate Money Skills Handbook for Teens: A Simplified Guide To Earning, Budgeting, Saving, Investing and Creating a Positive Money Mindset for Lifetime Success and Financial Independence

Loving Self by Boo Black is a follow-up to Hating Self by Boo Black and stresses the importance of self-love, self-discovery, self-care, and authenticity. In diary-form, it follows me through my life events following a close call with Covid-19 and episodes of self-harm and depression. Loving Self is an uplifting and extremely personal account of my life as a black woman trying to find herself and learn to love and accept the wonderful person I am. Join me on my journey of self-discovery. You won't regret it!
"Alternative Economics: Reversing Stagnation" is an anthology of Austrian, Swiss, Polish and German critical economists who should be heard and not excluded in contemporary economic discussions. Trickle-down economics has no answer to exploding inequality and precarious work. Austrian, Swiss, Polish and German critical economists could help us find a sustainable economy that works for everyone. Michael Schwendinger's "Reduced Working Hours as a Socio-Economic Investment" is included in the anthology.
Involution: Mavericks and Inspiration
Two companions, Reason and Soul, embark upon a light-hearted journey through creation's evolution, and its legacy; memory. The recovery of Memory is traced through the startling intuitions of scientific genius; from pre-Socratic Greece, through the succeeding epochs of Western thought, until the dissolution of Modernism, where mind and matter re-approach their recovered essential unity.
Adding involution to evolution is adding yeast to flour: it bakes a lighter loaf. Saints and Scientists break the same bread.
What is revealed is a science beyond, one that honours all its prophets, restoring man to his origins, his deepest self.