
Science Fiction


The year is 2109. Tabitha, a devious vengeful clone of Bill Jones’ long-dead ex-wife, has developed a powerful weapon that can destroy stars, along with their planetary systems. With it, she secured her position as a Prime Director in the Mr’rk Interstellar Corporation.But her obsession goes far beyond absolute power or fabulous wealth. She wants revenge for the death of Bull Travers, the man she cuckolded Bill with years ago on the USS Armstrong. In addition to killing Bill Jones, she seeks to destroy the entire Solar System so she can plunder Earth.Fast forward five years. Bill Jones is promoted and given tactical command of the task force sent to stop Tabitha and her evil plan. But he...

Saddletramp1956 Saddletramp1956


They are coming. In the most daring and distant voyage across our galaxy, they are coming to colonize earth. But their challenge just begins when they land. Check this new thriller out. A great read for anyone who enjoys a little science and wonders about life out somewhere among the Stars.Available on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble and other sites.

Ben Kilgore Ben Kilgore


Five stories of fantasy plus a bonus novel—

 The Festival of Sin

A trio of stories about an ancient astronaut long removed from Earth, the strange worlds and peoples he encounters, and his quest to belong—

 The Florentine Mirror

      A mirror that holds a deadly secret of long ago treachery and tragedy—

 The Cabbage Patch

Coma patients discover a strange limbo where they are able to see the world in a new light—


A novella about a man who struggles to come to terms with an extraordinary power, and the magic beneath his fingers—

     Unrue's storytelling is a beacon of understanding for the human condition. AllAuthor


J. M. Unrue (Mike) J. M. Unrue (Mike)


DystopianSuperPower: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible by Roger E. Pedersen, is about men and women who have the SuperPower of flight or invisibility. They hook up with Professor Steele and his associate, the FA-King, to pull off the world’s largest one-night heist of major art museums in New York City, London, and Paris. This is a thrilling setup that ensures readers will have plenty of action in store for them.One day regular people discover that they have the SuperPower to fly or to become invisible. The next generation discovers that they now have two SuperPowers as DODGE (The Department of Defense Genetically Engineered) Initiative vs. the Golden Eagle Organization.Author Roge...

Roger E Pedersen Roger E Pedersen


A captivating Sci-Fi adventure about crime and politics.

This former cop fled Earth over a decade ago because a drug lord wanted him dead.

Now a high-ranking enforcement officer for the Galactic Union military, he has been ordered back to fight corruption.

If he can’t win against the secret society ruling Earth, the solar system will erupt into civil war.

ted hale ted hale


A voiceless prince. A desperate princess. A sham romance that turns heart-breakingly real.When cocky Mer prince Kaerius impulsively saves the human princess from drowning, he doesn’t expect to fall in love with her. Yet her human fragility is so unexpectedly sweet that he is soon head over tails. So he bargains his voice to the Lord of the Deep for a chance to court her on land. He's confident that he can win her affection--he's irresistible, after all.But he is a fish out of water in the human world. He didn’t expect it to be so difficult to make Marin appreciate his charms. Her father is ailing, her kingdom is threatened from multiple directions, and she must choose from among several ...

C. J. Brightley C. J. Brightley


Ils sont miens, même s’ils ne le savent pas encore. Ainsi les Ombres en ont-elles décidé... Faible. Ratée. Inutile. Je suis une paria au sein de ma propre meute, parce que ma louve n’a jamais émergé, et je ne dois ma survie qu’à mon habileté au lancer de couteau. Quand mon père m’offre au plus cruel de ses loups, je m’enfuis et passe un pacte avec trois puissants alphas, pour qu’ils me protègent. Mais mon père me traque sans relâche, et lorsque l’accord passé avec les guerriers arrivera à son terme, je redeviendrai une proie. Ni mes poignards ni mes Ombres étranges ne me sauveront. Pas plus que ces guerriers mystérieux pour lesquels...

Anna Briac Anna Briac


In the age of AI, the very act of crafting a book about AI has evolved. With the immense advancements in natural language processing, it's not unusual for AI to take a more active role in the creation of content. So, it might not surprise you that the book you're about to read, "Unraveling Language Models: From AI to ChatGPT," was not solely written by a human author. Instead, it's the result of a unique collaboration between humans and an AI model, ChatGPT.ChatGPT is a powerful language model, built upon OpenAI's GPT-3 technology, with the capability to understand and generate human-like text. But what sets this book apart is the collaborative effort between the human authors and ChatGPT. I...

Brantley Walden Brantley Walden

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