Another important prerequisite to become highly successful and win the excellent good relationship is to be a good listener.
If you observe the people around you, most of them would take up the role of speakers, but not the listeners. If you are giving any chance for the person to talk, he will talk to you more and more about the problem, his life adventures and goes on and on, because in reality, there is a huge shortage of listeners.
If you are a good listener, you will understand the other persons personality trades, which were in turn help you to detail him accordingly. You will come to know for example, about your priorities, hobbies, his positive and negative points and lot of other aspects about which you will stimulate some kind of emotional interest in him and get the job done.
On the other hand, if you are a speaker you will not be able to gain anything much because you are giving more and more about information to other persons and you are not getting anything from him. So, the exchange is imbalance.
Hence, in life, please try to cultivate the habit as good listener than speaker. Whenever asks for any suggestion at that tie you can give him in a subtle way and positive way, that is again using the technique ‘Agee to Disagree” or ‘Yes But No’ technique. This way, it is very easy to understand other human being as a very good listener.
A person who talks very less and gets the jobs done is the real creative sales person according to most successful managers of a highly reputable firm.
We were having a very light dinner at one Restaurant. This manager whose name was Mr. Gopalakrishnan was very well known and very much experienced in a multinational company. Casually we were discussing and when I asked him, according to him, who was the best person in sales, he told me a person, who talks less and gets more, would be the best and is a matured sales person.
This is what he told me. Never interrupt any person who has been telling about himself on any subject, never, never and ever try to interrupt. One should do it so out of some curiosity or some hastiness or may be to impress the other person; you would have lost the track. Never interrupt when somebody is talking to you particularly in official life.
In personal life, if you are finding the subject very boring, you can break it up. But, in real life, when you talking to an elderly person with whom you had some proposal or some official work, never interrupt and never impose your ideas or impressions without asking for, on him.
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