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Perseverance in Pages: Navigating Rejection and Encouraging the Aspiring Writer

For many aspiring authors, the dream of publishing a manuscript often collides with the harsh reality of rejection from publishing houses. This experience can be incredibly disheartening, casting a shadow of doubt over one’s creative abilities and aspirations. However, it’s essential to recognize that rejection is a common, even necessary, part of the writing journey. This article delves into the world of manuscript rejections and offers guidance and encouragement for writers facing this challenge.

Understanding the Nature of Rejection

Rejection is an inherent aspect of the literary world. Many now-celebrated authors faced numerous rejections before achieving success. J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter," for example, was turned down by multiple publishers before finding a home. Understanding that rejection is not a reflection of one's worth as a writer is crucial. Publishers reject manuscripts for various reasons, often unrelated to the manuscript's quality - market trends, publishing house capacity, and editorial preferences play significant roles.

Strategies for Dealing with Rejection

Embrace Feedback: If feedback accompanies a rejection, view it as a valuable tool for improvement. Critique can provide insights into your writing that you might have missed.

Diversify Submissions: Don’t put all your hopes into one publisher. Submit your manuscript to various publishers to increase your chances of acceptance.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of market trends and publishers’ preferences. A manuscript might be rejected simply because it doesn’t align with current trends or a publisher's focus.

Join Writing Communities: Engage with other writers who can provide support, advice, and constructive criticism. Understanding that others face similar challenges can be comforting and enlightening.

Keep Writing: Use the time during the submission process to start or continue other projects. This keeps your creative juices flowing and improves your craft.

Maintaining Motivation and Perspective

Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that rejection is common and does not equate to failure. It's a step in the process.

Celebrate Small Achievements: Whether it's completing a chapter or receiving constructive feedback, acknowledge and celebrate these milestones.

Remember Your Passion: Reconnect with the reason you started writing. Let your love for storytelling be the fuel that keeps you going.

Consider Alternative Publishing Routes: If traditional publishing doesn’t work out, explore self-publishing or digital platforms. These avenues offer more control and can be equally rewarding.

Stay Positive and Resilient: Cultivate a positive mindset. Believe in your work and your ability to improve it.

Facing rejection from publishing houses is a daunting aspect of an author’s journey, but it’s not the end of the road. By understanding the nature of rejection, employing strategies to cope with it, and maintaining motivation, aspiring writers can navigate these challenges. It’s important to remember that each rejection brings you one step closer to the right publisher who will see the value in your work. Keep writing, keep improving, and above all, keep believing in your story.


From Novice to Pro: The Journey of a Science Content Writer

The leap from a beginner to a professional science content writer is a journey filled with learning, persistence, and passion for science. Science writing, a niche that demands accuracy, clarity, and the ability to make complex topics understandable, is not just for scientists. Anyone with a keen interest in science and a flair for writing can embark on this rewarding career path. This article outlines key steps and strategies to transform from a novice to a professional science content writer.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Science Writing1. Build a Strong Foundation in Science

  • Educational Background: A degree in a scientific field can be beneficial, but it's not a strict requirement.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with scientific trends and research through journals, podcasts, and seminars.

2. Master the Art of Writing

  • Writing Courses: Consider courses in journalism, creative writing, or technical writing to hone your skills.
  • Practice Regularly: Writing regularly on various scientific topics helps in developing a clear and concise writing style.

Developing Your Unique Voice and Style1. Read Extensively

  • Immerse yourself in a range of science writing, from popular science books to academic papers. Analyze the writing styles of renowned science writers like Carl Sagan or Rachel Carson.

2. Find Your Niche

  • Specialize in a specific field of science that fascinates you. This could be anything from astrophysics to biotechnology.

3. Experiment with Different Formats

  • Try writing articles, blogs, white papers, and even scripts for science podcasts or videos.

Enhancing Research and Fact-Checking Skills1. Develop Research Skills

  • Learn to navigate scientific databases and understand research methodologies to source accurate information.

2. Fact-Check Rigorously

  • Verify every fact you include in your writing. Misinformation can damage credibility.

Building a Portfolio and Gaining Experience1. Start a Science Blog

  • Create a blog to showcase your writing. This serves as a practical portfolio for potential clients or employers.

2. Freelance and Internships

  • Seek freelance writing opportunities or internships in science writing to gain real-world experience.

3. Network

  • Attend science writing workshops and conferences. Networking with professionals can lead to valuable opportunities and mentorships.

Leveraging Social Media and Online Platforms1. Social Media Presence

  • Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and ResearchGate can be used to share your work and connect with the science writing community.

2. Online Publishing Platforms

  • Publish your articles on platforms like Medium or Scientific American Blogs to reach a wider audience.

Continual Learning and Adaptation1. Feedback and Improvement

  • Be open to feedback and use it constructively to improve your writing.

2. Stay Adaptable

  • The field of science is ever-evolving. Adapt your writing to the changing landscapes of science and media.

Transitioning from a beginner to a professional science content writer requires dedication, continuous learning, and a deep-seated passion for science. By honing your writing skills, developing a unique voice, building a robust portfolio, and staying adaptable, you can make your mark in the world of science writing. Remember, every expert was once a beginner; your journey to becoming a pro science content writer starts with your commitment to embark on this learning curve.

Ways to Find Motivation to Keep Writing When Feeling Stressed or Overwhelmed

Writing, while a fulfilling creative pursuit, can often become challenging, especially when stress or overwhelm set in. Whether you're a novelist, a blogger, or a student working on an assignment, finding the motivation to keep writing under these circumstances is crucial. Here are several strategies to help you maintain your writing momentum even when the going gets tough.

1. Set Realistic Goals

  • Break Down Tasks: Large writing projects can seem daunting. Break them into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes the process less overwhelming and provides a clear roadmap.
  • Set Achievable Targets: Aim for realistic word counts or time limits. It's more motivating to hit a modest target than to fall short of an ambitious one.

2. Create a Comfortable Writing Environment

  • Choose a Quiet Space: Find a place where distractions are minimal. A calm environment can significantly reduce stress levels.
  • Personalize Your Space: Make your writing area inviting. A comfortable chair, a favorite mug, or a plant can make a big difference in your comfort and motivation.

3. Establish a Routine

  • Fixed Writing Times: Set aside specific times for writing. Consistency can breed habit, making it easier to start each day.
  • Warm-Up Rituals: Begin with a ritual, like a cup of tea or reading a favorite poem. This can signal to your brain that it's time to write.

4. Take Regular Breaks

  • The Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. This can boost focus and prevent burnout.
  • Physical Activity: Short walks or stretches can rejuvenate your mind and body.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Stress-Relief Techniques

  • Meditation and Breathing Exercises: These can help in managing stress and clearing your mind, providing a fresh perspective on your writing.
  • Journaling: Writing about your feelings can be a cathartic experience and reduce the emotional burden.

6. Connect with Others

  • Writing Groups: Joining a writing group or community can provide support, motivation, and accountability.
  • Feedback Sessions: Sharing your work with trusted peers can offer new insights and boost your morale.

7. Remember Your ‘Why’

  • Revisit Your Goals: Remind yourself why you started writing in the first place. This can reignite your passion.
  • Visualize Success: Imagine the satisfaction of completing your project. This visual can be a powerful motivator.

8. Limit Perfectionism

  • Accept Imperfection: Understand that first drafts are rarely perfect. Allow yourself to write badly at first, knowing you can edit later.
  • Set Time Limits: Limit the time spent on each section to prevent overthinking.

9. Use Positive Reinforcement

  • Reward Yourself: Set up a reward system for meeting small goals. It could be as simple as a snack or a break to watch a favorite show.
  • Positive Affirmations: Use positive self-talk to boost confidence and reduce self-criticism.

10. Stay Inspired

  • Read Regularly: Reading can provide inspiration and new ideas.
  • Explore Different Genres: Sometimes, switching up what you're writing can rekindle your interest and creativity.

Finding motivation to write during stressful times is about understanding what works for you. It’s a personal journey of discovering how to balance discipline with self-care, and ambition with realistic expectations. Remember, every writer faces these challenges, and overcoming them is part of your growth and success story as a writer. Keep experimenting with these strategies until you find the mix that keeps the words flowing, even on the toughest days.

From Childhood Struggles to Literary Triumphs: Inspiring Stories of Famous Authors

The world of literature is filled with remarkable stories of authors who overcame adversity and hardship in their early ages or childhood to become literary giants. These authors transformed their painful experiences into powerful narratives that resonated with readers worldwide. In this article, we will explore the lives of some of these famous authors and the challenges they faced on their path to literary success.

  1. Charles Dickens Charles Dickens, one of the most celebrated novelists of the 19th century, endured a tumultuous childhood that profoundly influenced his writing. Born in 1812 to a struggling family, Dickens witnessed his father's imprisonment for debt and was sent to work in a blacking factory at the tender age of 12. These early experiences of poverty, child labor, and social injustice fueled Dickens's passion for storytelling.

In his novels, such as "Oliver Twist," "Great Expectations," and "David Copperfield," Dickens vividly depicted the hardships faced by the poor and marginalized in Victorian England. His works contributed to social reform and raised awareness about the plight of the underprivileged.

  1. Maya Angelou Maya Angelou, renowned for her autobiographical works and poetry, faced a challenging and traumatic childhood. She suffered abuse and was sexually assaulted by her mother's boyfriend at the age of 7. Following the incident, Angelou fell mute and remained silent for nearly five years, using books and literature as her refuge.

Angelou's resilience and love for literature eventually helped her find her voice again. She chronicled her experiences, pain, and triumphs in her iconic autobiography, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." Her words inspired countless readers and became a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

  1. J.K. Rowling Before she became the beloved author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling faced her share of early struggles. As a single mother living in poverty, Rowling struggled to make ends meet while working on her first novel. She battled depression and the challenges of raising her daughter alone.

Rowling's perseverance paid off when "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (known as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the United States) was finally published. The success of the series catapulted her to international fame and made her one of the wealthiest authors in the world. Her story serves as a reminder that creativity and determination can lead to extraordinary success, even in the face of adversity.

  1. Harper Lee Harper Lee, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "To Kill a Mockingbird," grew up in a racially segregated South during the 1930s. Her childhood was marked by the racial tensions and injustice that permeated society. Despite these challenges, Lee's experiences fueled her commitment to writing a novel that addressed racism and moral integrity.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" became a literary classic and a powerful critique of racial prejudice. Lee's work continues to be studied and celebrated for its timeless message and enduring impact.

The stories of these famous authors demonstrate that early struggles and adversity can serve as the catalyst for some of the most profound and influential works of literature. Through their writing, these authors not only overcame their own personal hardships but also shed light on societal injustices, inspiring generations of readers to confront and challenge the issues they faced. Their resilience and determination serve as a testament to the transformative power of literature and the human spirit.



Another important prerequisite to become highly successful and win the excellent good relationship is to be a good listener.

If you observe the people around you, most of them would take up the role of speakers, but not the listeners. If you are giving any chance for the person to talk, he will talk to you more and more about the problem, his life adventures and goes on and on, because in reality, there is a huge shortage of listeners.

If you are a good listener, you will understand the other persons personality trades, which were in turn help you to detail him accordingly.  You will come to know for example, about your priorities, hobbies, his positive and negative points and lot of other aspects about which you will stimulate some kind of emotional interest in him and get the job done. 

On the other hand, if you are a speaker you will not be able to gain anything much because you are giving more and more about information to other persons and you are not getting anything from him. So, the exchange is imbalance.

Hence, in life, please try to cultivate the habit as good listener than speaker. Whenever asks for any suggestion at that tie you can give him in a subtle way and positive way, that is again using the technique ‘Agee to Disagree” or ‘Yes But No’ technique. This way, it is very easy to understand other human being as a very good listener.

A person who talks very less and gets the jobs done is the real creative sales person according to most successful managers of a highly reputable firm.

We were having a very light dinner at one Restaurant. This manager whose name was Mr. Gopalakrishnan was very well known and very much experienced in a multinational company.  Casually we were discussing and when I asked him, according to him, who was the best person in sales, he told me a person, who talks less and gets more, would be the best and is a matured sales person.

This is what he told me. Never interrupt any person who has been telling about himself on any subject, never, never and ever try to interrupt. One should do it so out of some curiosity or some hastiness or may be to impress the other person; you would have lost the track. Never interrupt when somebody is talking to you particularly in official life.

In personal life, if you are finding the subject very boring, you can break it up. But, in real life, when you talking to an elderly person with whom you had some proposal or some official work, never interrupt and never impose your ideas or impressions without asking for, on him.





The Universe is full of exchange of energies. There is a standard and universal principle in the nature and there is always exchange of energies. When we say exchange, this exchange takes place between two or more number of people. We are living in the society and we are not alone in the society. All of us are contributing something to the society and hence there is always exchange of energies. This is the guiding principle in the famous proverb which says “What you sow so shall you reap.” To make it very simple if you sow the seed of love, in return or in exchange you will get many folds of energy of love.

Just as when you are sowing a seed, when you are offering water, when you are preparing the salt and you are taking care that the plant is receiving proper sunlight if you nurture the seed regularly it means that you are spending some energy of love, care. And as a result of spending the energy a small sapling comes out and grows into a plant or tree and against one seed you will get plenty of fruits, vegetables, flowers, fruits and also oxygen. A plant takes carbon-di-oxide and gives out Oxygen. Therefore, you cannot expect anything in return without giving anything from your side.

There is a deepest urge in all the human beings to get appreciation, attention, recognition and feeling of importance, honor etc. If you want people to appreciate, in return you need to appreciate others, if you want attention from the other people or the society; you need to give attention to the people or the society. If you want to get name and fame you also have to give name and fame to others. Like this we can give plenty of examples. On the contrary if you are giving the negative energy, you will get or you will receive negative energy only in many folds just like if you are planting a seed of thorny plant which gives a plant or a tree only with thorns. If you are doing a misdeed or harm and this misdeed or harm will manifest by many folds in the form of thorns and poisonous seeds. Hence, we need to remember that there is always an exchange of energies. If you are giving out the negative energy, in return you will receive the negative energy by many folds as we have illustrated in the above example. This is how the nature awards us.

If you want to be successful in your life, if you want to be well acceptable by the society first of all, you have to learn to give out something useful for the society. Even if you do not expect also you will be rewarded. Most of the people complain that they were not rewarded properly in spite of the fact that they have put forth lot of hard work. But this is not true. Nature is never biased. Everything is guarded by the standard well set rules by the nature. Nature does not have any discrimination. Hence, we need to be very careful in what we say and in what we do. In most of the spiritual books the wise men have confirmed that the most powerful energy is the energy of the love. This energy of love can change the atmosphere around you. And only thing is this energy has to be pure without any selfish desires. This is how the nature responds and awards. Hence whatever you want from the society because it is the society first gives you. You need to give the same kind of energy to the society unconditionally. Now let us examine the pre-requisites of a successful and a happy human being who is very well accepted by the society. First let us discuss about the physical appearance. As a person you need to interact with the other person or persons in your day-to-day activities. The people will not see your personality and most of the people they misunderstand by the word personality. They think that physical characters or the physical attitudes are the personality. But personality is nothing but the sum of physical and mental attitudes. More so, the mental attitudes as they reflect in the physical attitudes. Mental attitudes cannot be seen. When you are meeting any person or persons in your life for the first time may be if you are attending the interview, playing a game or any sports, attending a social function for the first time the people will not see your inner personality, your mental attitudes. What they see is your physical appearance. Hence the physical appearance is very important when you are meeting the people on different occasions. The dress code is very important. If you are attending an interview wearing sober colored dress, polished shoes and properly trimmed hair cut with a smiling face, the interviewer will be impressed and will give a positive response. Neat dress need not be costly one but simple one light colored and neatly pressed without any folds as wise people long time back told that “The first appearance is the best appearance”. Hence, we need to give definitely a lot of importance to our physical appearance. Then why only these sober colors why not dark colors? The Light colors have a very soothing effect on the other person as colors have their own vibratory levels. They have their own vibrations and these vibrations are very magnetic. These vibrations are the manifestation of your inner personality which is your mental attitude. This magnetic field around you will affect the other person in a positive way. When you are alert, disciplined, self-confident, thorough in the subject and you know how to behave will be reflected through your physical attributes. Therefore, the dress code is very important. If you are wearing dark colors definitely these dark colors distract the attention of the other person and you will not get a positive response in most of the cases. A lot of research has been done on the effect of colors and many giant organizations pay huge amount of money to the experts. Experts have done lot of research on the colors. Even though you are highly educated, a very knowledgeable person, but your dress code is not proper and imagine you are facing the interview for the first time there are chances that the interviewer will not be having a positive impression about you. Once an impression is made it is very difficult for him to change the impression on you. Hence the physical and the mental attitudes they have to match perfectly.

Most of the time even the odor or the smell of the sweat disturbs other person. And hence If you have the tendency of too much perspiration you can spray mild perfume which will give out pleasant response from the other people



(Copyright and Published Story)




Logline and Synopsis:


It's a Family, Fraud and Crime in the Bank. Illicit Relationship. And finally, the job holder lands in jail and the Court Proceedings take place, and the Judge gives verdict in favor of the candidate who was in the crime line.

Synopsis; A crime, fraud and a forgery by a bank employee. He makes money in a fraudulent manner. Enjoys well. His family gets ruined. He has a second set up. He lands in the problem. Bank Auditors notice this fraud and shortfall of money. Files a Police case. Case in the Court of Law. Finally, the Court acquits the employee of not guilty. By that time, the employee family is not seen anywhere. Family gets ruined. Husband cheats wife and children.


The Husband also cheats his employer Bank. A good Bank job holder turns Bank Thief. Husband’s all bad habits. Husband involved in gambling, racing, deceiving, drinking, playing cards and what not, made him to deceive his own bread-giver employer. Loses bank job. Suffers jail term. Husband maintains an illicit relationship with another woman. Wife and children suffer because of Husband’s very bad habits. Ultimately, entire family ruins and lose the family image and reputation. Finally, Husband lands in jail and suffers. Family ruins. There is no Surname address. Social circle boycotts the family The Entire family suffers, but for Husband bad deeds 


A crime, fraud and a forgery by a bank employee. He makes money in a fraudulent manner. Enjoys well. His family gets ruined. He has a second set up. He lands in problem. Bank Auditors notice this fraud and short-fall of money. Files a Police case. Case in the Court of Law. Finally, the Court acquits the employee of not guilty. By that time, the employee family is not seen anywhere. Family gets ruined.


One of the Bank Staff, was in a position in the cash counter. Very thin and skeleton staff. Bank Manager used to repose confidence on this all-important senior staff. He was also in a position to handle Fixed Deposits from the customers and used to give FDRs. He took advantage with the collusion of a Store Keeper in getting blank Fixed Deposit receipts. He used to obtain Bank Managers signature and used to college Fixed deposits. He never maintained any official ledgers. He used to manage and maintain only his personal accounting system. He used to remit the interest in time in the customers’ account. He made good amount and used to play gambling, horse races etc. He used to have illicit relationship with one woman.


He got his wife and two children (son and daughter). He used to neglect his family. Used to spend lot of money on the second un-official set-up.  This Bank fraud man earlier was having all the debts. But now he used to live luxury life. This came suspicion in other staff.


Bank Manager is supposed to show good Fixed Deposits to the bank each year. Bank Head Office Auditors could find this lapse and the Bank never showed any FDRs collected. But the Bank Manager declared that his branch made good cash deposits in the form of FDRs. The doubt came in the Head Office Auditing Department.


The Store Keeper hanged himself, due to fear of this lapse, because he colluded with this Fraud Bank staff for meagre amounts and entertainments given by the Fraud Bank Staff.


Family members of this Fraud man was advised several times. But he never heeds any advice from his relations and friends. There was a good lapse on the part of Bank Manager and believed this Fraud staff right from the beginning. But ultimately, the Bank Manager was responsible to the Bank Headquarters.


The Fraud man was caught while the customers demanded their original Deposit Money. But by that time this Fraud man was very irregular to his bank. Complaints came in from the bank customers regarding their deposited amounts. But there were no entries in the official bank records. Bank Manager was surrounded by the bank customers and were demanding their deposits bank.


A police case was filed. Police arrested and this Fraud man. In the meantime, departmental inquiry conducted. This Fraud man was held guilty and also the Bank Manager too. Both were suspended from the Bank.


The case has been filed in the Court of Law.  The case of adjourned many times. The Bank and the Police could not file strong witnesses and documentary evidences. The was went weak.  In the last, the Judge gave a verdict that the Fraud man was not found guilty. Only the Manager was responsible.  But, by the time the verdict came in favour of this Fraud man, he was happy. Reinstated back. He claimed all his pending dues and opted for Voluntary Retirement. He got all his payments from the bank. He was relived from the Jail. By the time he came out from the jail, his family members were not seen anywhere. There was no trace of his family and children. He continued to stay with his second set-up with all his booty and income proceeds.


Later the Bank Manager died. The Bank Management from then decided as a policy matter, not to retain any staff in the same branch more than 2 years.


This Fraud man spoiled his surname through his wilful crime and fraud and bad habits.


Ultimately, all the Bank Deposited Customers were paid their Deposits to keep the image of the Bank. The Fraud man had deceived his own mother Bank. This Fraud man cheated his Bank officials. He enjoyed with the Bank Money at the cost of his bank staff and public money.  The God has given the punishment that his wife and two children were suffered for the act of this Fraud man.


In the later part of years, this Fraud man died. 


There were many questions unanswered by the Bank Management. The fault lies in the Bank Management. The advantage was taken by the Bank Staff due to the loop-holes of the Bank functioning and poor management.



Something to Prove (Whoever said talk is cheap never had to write dialogue)

A question often overlooked before starting any writing project, though tacitly understood and relevant to the task, is What am I trying to prove?

Certainly, hopes for literary credibility, dreams of commercial success, the establishment of name recognition sufficient to generate interest for future projects, money (of course), all exist at the outset. These serve as both cause and effect—the impetus to continue, the culmination of plotting and planning and sheer mental effort, the enormous amount of energy and patience required, the reason for doing the damn thing in the first place.

Rarely would one in some still, quiet hour, perhaps in those early waking moments before the sun fully blooms, with that first cup of coffee to repel the last vestiges of sleep, and embracing the calm of a new day, turn to mind and think—

What am I trying to prove?

For me, and admittedly this is a vanity, I have always sought uniqueness, much to my detriment and dissatisfaction. There is nothing particularly ennobling in such endeavors. To attract a readership beyond a single story, a writer clings to a genre, commits to a style, becomes more proficient, and creates consistency in the hope of building a following.

What am I trying to prove?

Craftsmanship, certainly, an affection for elliptical phraseology and rhythmic syntax, a sardonic worldview (oh yes), and the virtue of sentimentality (I can’t seem to help myself). Beyond this—and in my own defense uniqueness is not simply being different—to attain and adhere to a self-subscribed quality level.

What I have grasped in my simple, ignominious way, is that uniqueness requires not only a host of tenebrous, almost otherworldly qualities, but advocacy from people who recognize this distinction, and exists beyond your Granny saying what a special boy you are, and is, in fact, as remote as it is indecipherable. 

What am I trying to prove?

Several years ago, I wrote a short story about an imagined conversation between Jesus and Buddha in the afterlife—satire, mind you, though with a certain philosophical bent. I ultimately decided to employ dialogue only. I had several other stories, and set about writing them strictly in dialogue, just to see if I could, at least to my own satisfaction.

The result is my new book God on a Budget and other stories in dialogue. Who knows, maybe I’m onto something.

Still, I haven’t answered the question, and I suppose I should, if for no other reason than to articulate a purpose for such a purposeless exercise.

What am I trying to prove?

That in the effort to get it right, I have produced something unique. Granted, this is not qualitative assessment. This does not address a level of artistry or even soundness.

This simply means that I pulled it off and am (mainly) pleased with the outcome.

After all, we all have something to prove. Don’t we?






Indo Russian BrahMos Supersonic Missiles (Audio-Video)





What I Thought, This World Today.

It Is Not the World, I Expected.

Reigns of Rulers, Years Rolled.

Rules Have Gone, It's Dictators Era


Confrontations and Conflicts Still in Vogue.

There Is No Day Without a Conflict.

Combats Have Become Order of The Day.

Intra-Country Combats Are the Regular Features.


No Day Left for Inter-Party Conflicts.

Whole World Watches Ongoing Combats.

Who Support Whom, For Support and Sanctions?

World Combats Sure, A Day Is Not Far


War Like Conflict, Looks to Be Common.

People Suffer Due to Power Sake Rule.

Value to Life, No Country Thinks.

War May Erupt, Can Lead to Casualties.


People Gave Power, To Rulers to Rule.

People Trusted Governance, To Keep the Environment Good.

People's Ambition Enact the Rule.

Peoples Aspirations, Hope to Be Good


Misunderstandings and Precipitations Are Often Seen.

Which Is Not Great, As Said and Done?

All Countries Are Great, As Countrymen Feel So

Dangers Are Seen Through Terrorism Strikes.


People Are Hit and Killed Through Wars of Terrorism.

Countless Casualties in War Hit Zones.

Epics and Diseases Hit the People for Long.

Properties Get Damaged and Never Recovered in Life.


Lives and Property Hit Through Chemical Bombings.

Normal Life Dislocated Through-out The World.

Lost Economy Never Regains for Decades.

Hopeless Conditions People Have to Confront.


Governments Collapse Over the Years.

Peoples' Sufferance Led to Epidemic Diseases.

Wiseman Decisions Lead to Avoidance of Conflicts.

Ceasefire Agreements Can Stop Combats for A Breath.


Judgements and Decisions Are Good for Peace.

Who Blames Who, Is the Point of Thought?

Policies and Governance Are the Duty of Government.

Efficiency of Rulers Prove the Handling of Situation.


This gives brief enlightenment, how the things happen and move in this world of super-powers. One can analyse here that which country is big and which country is great. For that matter, each country is retaining its own identify and security. International relations, hegemony means, each country has to preserve their culture, and national activities in a proper order, to maintain peace, humanity and man-kind, while maintaining cordial intra and inter-country relations for the establishment of humanity. The main theme of each Government governance should be to eradicate poverty and diseases both Corona and other epidemic diseases. Each country should strive hard to provide minimum basic facilities like food, cloth, shelter and other minimum facilities to live in. What we are seeing now a days, are something different. I want to present a present hot topic in this world now is -


Identity and Security, Hegemony and Governance.


Indo Russian BrahMos Supersonic Missiles




The most tensional ammunition missiles.

What is meant by long-range missiles?

These missiles are most powerful ones.

There cruise missiles are used as conventional or nuclear war-head can attack carrier cargos and other fighter jets and the enemy’s targeted places.

Can also damage enemies’ artillery and other installations beyond the stipulated distance range.


These latest long-range missiles can attack and destroy opponent’s artillery and property in the range up to a distance of 600 KMs.

The specifications are varied in these missiles.

If these types of danger-missiles are used, there seems to be large scale destruction and damages.


These missiles are used in critical war zones to attack and smash enemy-countries.

Russia has X-22 cruise missiles.

Even there are multiple-rocket launcher systems.

But these long-range danger missiles are very powerful.


BRAHMOS. Backdrop Story:


The present Indian hot topic in the defence sector is Philippines.

Philippines is an all-important nation now for India.

Why important nation Philippines?

Yes. There is a strong reason and work-out pertaining to the defence deals with Philippines.

There is a place called “GUAM”. This is a Territory.

Here in this GUAM, there is a Naval base belonging to America.

This Naval base is called Anderson Naval Base.

Even People of China and South East Asia speak about this Philippines Defence Deals.

Whoever takes birth in this GUAM Territory, they are treated and recognized as citizen of America by the American Government.

Now Philippines is an important nation to India.

Why means India has a defence deal BrahMos worth USD375-million.

This big BrahMos deal is to be completed in next coming 3-4 years’ time.

This Defence deal is the high technology sales to India.

The target sales of BrahMos sales worth USD 375-million are to be exported to Philippines.


In fact, if anybody talks about this subject, they may be surprised and get a laugh.

Why because, people around the world knew well that India makes largest imports pertaining to all defence products/items/equipment. This is India’s habitual customary aspect till now.

People get surprised about India’s defence item exports to other countries such as Philippines.


Philippines declared that they need few batteries of BrahMos Supersonic Missiles.

For Philippines, this is the beginning of this imports contract from India. This is the first of its kind. This contract deal does not like by America and China.


America expresses its anguish and angry on Philippines. Why means, America has its Air-base and even Naval-base at GUAM in Philippines. America says to Philippines Government that defence deals are to made with America or China and not from India.


America says that Indo-Russia Defence and other Collaborations are not acceptable.

America further says that Defence BrahMos items should not be imported by Philippines from India. This subject is a very big subject in the Defence Circles.


As everybody knew well, that USD375-million is not a small amount to India. India is exporting this worth BrahMos equipment and items to Philippines under its first contract defence deal. As said earlier, India till now imports defence equipment from other countries and also from America.


Suddenly these days, India sells and exports Defence items to other countries like Philippines. Yes. This is a reality and happening now. India exports BrahMos items under USD375-million contract to Philippines. This is the truth. India is very proud for its perceptions and thinking-lines.


What is the reason and why Philippines procure BrahMos from India?


Yes. The answer and reasons are here to Philippines.


Let it be Afghanistan or Ukraine, for example. America promised to safeguard these countries on par with NATO countries. How can America safeguard Ukraine and Afghanistan, when America itself is in economic crises and is in emergency? Sitting somewhere, how can America help, support and safeguard Ukraine, Afghanistan and NATO countries.


This America’s prevailing situation well grasped by Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines and other smaller nations. Say for example, if some other countries attack these countries, it tantamount to attacking America. This is called Security Guarantee.

Philippines apprehension is that if any conflict and combat occur with so called big nation China, America won’t help Philippines. This is the thinking of Philippines. So, Philippines wanted to think and grow independently and has a strong reason not to believe America. Why means, Philippines thinks that India is a trust-worthy nation.


For example, to mention here, that during 2017 year, Bhutan was safeguarded by Indian Defence Forces from the so-called China’s Defence Attack. China knew well that as long as India’s Defence Forces are deployed at Bhutan, China gets defeated and cannot win over Bhutan. China also knew well that it cannot combat against Indian Defence Forces which were already deployed at Bhutan. So, China army/soldiers left Bhutan in higher mountains after 70 days stay.


So, China has become a common enemy, let it be Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam or Philippines and other smaller nations in the South East Asian Countries. All these countries believe India and repose confidence and feels trust-worthy to depend on India for all its Defence Deals like BrahMos.  These nations won’t believe America and especially China.


BrahMos includes Akash, Surface, Air Missiles and other sophisticated and high technology defence equipment.


Pinaka is a multiple rocket launcher produced in India and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for the Indian Army.


Yes, these also Philippines is ready to import and buy from India. So, in the next couple of years, this USD375-million worth BrahMos Defence Deals like supersonic missiles India can sell to Philippines.  Philippines is ready to import all the BrahMos items from India without any hesitation.


Indo Russian BrahMos Supersonic Missiles


Is BrahMos Indian or Russian? BrahMos - the name represents the fury of Brahmaputra and the grace of Moskva rivers. The company was established with an authorized capital of $250 million with 50.5% from Indian side and 49.5% from Russian side. Brahmos. This missile from India and Russia is the fastest cruise missile in the world.


Is BrahMos the fastest missile? Yes, The BrahMos (also designated as PJ-10) is a medium-range stealth ramjet supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarine, ships, aircraft or land, notably being the fastest supersonic cruise missile in the world.


How strong is BrahMos? Yes, The BrahMos can carry a 250 kg submunition warhead or a 200 or 300 kg high explosive semi-armor-piercing warhead. It can be launched from the ground, from a vertical launch system, from a ramp launcher, or from the air.


Do you know What is the speciality of BrahMos? Yes, Batteries of the BrahMos missile land-based systems have been deployed along India's land borders in various theatres. The land attack version of BrahMos has the capability of cruising at 2.8 Mach speed and with the upgraded capability, the missile can hit targets at a range of up to 400 kilometers with precision.


One should know, which missile can stop BrahMos? Yes. It is non-other than Barak-8.


One should know that which missile is best in world? Yes, it is R-36M (SS-18 Satan). This Russian Intercontinental ballistic missile is the heaviest and most powerful in the world.


Can BrahMos destroy aircraft carrier? Flying over a distance of 260 kilometers, the missile effectively destroyed the vessel. This test is a game changer for Indian offensive prowess in the Indian Ocean region as the missile will act as a potent aircraft carrier killer due to its speed, range, and launch platform.


Which is fastest missile in world? BrahMos. The Indian/Russian BrahMos, currently the fastest operational supersonic missile capable of speeds of around 2,100–2,300 mph, is the most well-known supersonic missile.


Does Russia have BrahMos missile? Indian defense sources say Russia has its own version of anti-ship Brahmos, but not the land-attack ones.


Can BrahMos carry nuclear warhead? BrahMos, a nuclear-capable missile, is one of the world's fastest cruise missiles and can be fired from land, sea and air.


Is BrahMos the best missile in the world? The BrahMos missile, an Indo-Russian joint venture, has a range of 290 km and is the fastest cruise missile in the world with a top speed of Mach 2.8 (nearly three times the speed of sound)


Can BrahMos be self-destroyed? Experts say conventional missiles like the BrahMos do not have “self-destruct mechanisms” though strategic or nuclear missiles like Agni and Prithvi are said to have a kill switch.


Can Pakistan reverse engineered BrahMos? They won't be able to completely reverse engineer Brahmos at best they would able to copy some part of the missile.


How many BrahMos Missiles in India? Brahmos is fastest SUPERSONIC cruise missile, as I have accentuated it's fastest only among the other supersonic cruise missiles, there exists hypersonic cruise missiles which are much faster. 14,000 BrahMos are made by India till now


Who invented missile in India? After working for two decades in Indian Space Research Organization and mastering launch vehicle technologies, Dr Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam took up the responsibility of developing indigenous guided missiles at DRDO as the Chief Executive of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP)


Hypersonic weapons India has? India operates approximately 12 hypersonic wind tunnels 


BrahMos was not intercepted by Pakistan. Why? The Pakistani military and political leadership were reportedly aware of the overflights by India's MiG-25 but chose to remain silent.


BrahMos get fired from India earlier? Indian Navy successfully test-fired an advanced version of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile from a stealth destroyer in the Indian Ocean.




            Our eyes will never believe and our minds never think how beautiful this “Glittering World is.  This is a man’s creation and understanding world.  People, animals and creatures living on this earth are lucky enough. Many people would like to travel throughout the globe. Each country and continent has its own importance as far as biographical aspects and geographical importance is concerned. Can anybody say this is not available in this world? What is not available in this world? Only thing is money is not substantially available to people. Even, if money is available plenty with some persons, can such person purchase items and enjoy all the things in this world? Where is the place for a person to keep all the purchased items? How long he will keep such items at his house? How much a person can enjoy? Can the enjoyment be measured? How long any person can enjoy in this world? Can a person enjoy things alone? So, how about the family members enjoying this glittering world? Everybody knows, life span is limited, based on environmental conditions of place/area. Where is the end for enjoyment? How long one can enjoy? Is there any quantum of enjoyment?

          One, who steps out from his/her house, needs sufficient or minimum money. A man’s needs are more, as the money is limited.  Everybody wants to purchase everything and everybody wants to enjoy by possessing every item. Everybody wants to lead high standards of life. If we question ourselves – Is it possible? One has to make self-advocacy sincerely.  Definitely, one can say, it is not possible. Man’s ambitions are high.  But circumstances prevailing would prevent people to limit their ambitions. Of course, good money circulation in the society should also be the main factor.          

          We have seen people’s living conditions for many centuries. There are economically poor people and economically wealthy people. Very poor man enjoying, middle class and upper middle-class man is enjoying and rich and very rich man also enjoying in this world according to their financial status. But, one thing is sure. People cannot go on enjoying every time, everywhere and at all times. There are boundaries for the enjoyment. This Glittering World is Glittering World only and one could see and enjoy. Everything is available within the reach of a person. One can enjoy this Glittering World for one part of time. One has to inculcate the habit of seeing the world and enjoy rather than spending in the world.  It is everybody to save the money for their future needs of family members. World consists of spend thrifts also.  Time will not be the same for anybody. Time changes a man. There are many instances – A rich man has become a pauper. A poor man became very rich man. There is a proverb called “Money makes many things”.           

          One Professor told – when you are giving money for Charities – count the money and give. He also told – when you are throwing the money in sea, you count the money and throw.

          An experienced Professor told – that this Glittering World consists of ‘crooks & cracks’, ‘rich & poor’, ‘misers & spend thrifts.

          A senior Professor told that ‘one has to live in this glittering world for living sake’ and not for enjoyment’s sake’. “Glittering World is different” and “leading life” is different, as what was told by one Philosopher.

          There was one good Hindi version song in one famous Hindi picture “UPKAAR” sung by Late Shri Manna Dey for Late Mr. Pran, a character actor. The meaning was ‘anybody flying in the sky will be sure to get immersed in the sand’ (AASMAN ME UDNEWALE MITTE ME MILJAYENGE). The Hero in this picture was Mr. Manoj Kumar, a great actor, director, film editor and producer. Why it is being referred here is because, one should not lead very high in their life and a day for such person is sure to start for a down fall.

          Another incident the author would like to mention here.  The then combined Andhra Pradesh State Chief Minister Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, rose to top level and he was CM for six years unquestioned without any opposition for him.  He was really a worthy man and able CM.  Everything was available for him, name, fame, money, influence, properties, political power and what not. He became CM for a second five-year term contesting from a Congress Party in India with a thumbing majority. Oh. What a great leader.  Everybody knew what happened. One day, when he was flying from his Helicopter copter to attend a ‘Rachhabanda’ program, the Helicopter crashed in day light in the Nallamala forest in Andhra Pradesh.  It took two days to trace out the Helicopter and victims. It was a pitiable death.  The ‘whole world’ shocked for this incident.

Continuously enjoying in this Glittering World is also dangerous. One does not know what will happen at what time.  Time will not stop.  It goes on moving. Days pass on, months pass on and years pass on. Life is also moving. Each second as time passes, people grow old. Nobody knew, “which day it belongs to us and which day it does not belong to us”.

          Glittering World is only show put-up world.  It is only for seeing and enjoying. Who lives in this glittering world and who goes at what time, only better The God knows? One Saint said “Glittering World is a world nothing but to tempt people.

          Another Saint said, ‘all that glitters would vanish one day’.

          Everybody is living in this world with the advanced scientific & technological developments. Research & Development is going each day on many subjects. Each minute is changing the world. Man’s brain is behind the glittering world. It is a man-made world. “Glitters may last forever’, but, ‘life’ does not last forever.

          Of course, this is everybody’s Glittering World. Our life is one time life and live for a limited year.  Really our life is beautiful. Man has come from this nature and will go back to this nature. One should know how to move and live in this precious glittering world.

          Few people short close their lives on petty matters, love matters and also due to ‘desperate & disgusted mind’. Many people make suicide attempts for many reasons. Many people die due to hanging, fall before the running train, jump into lakes and die etc. This is a beautiful life. Life is nothing to do with money. Life is a very precious one. One can do wonders in the life span time.  People can see and enjoy this glittering world.

A great saint said, “it is a sin to short-close the life”. Another saint said “A great duty has been entrusted to one’s life – one has to wait for that duty completion till the end of life”.

          Another great man and philosopher said – “Taking a Birth in this world is a Nature’s Blessing and Nature decides as when to go from this World”. Another Gentleman said – “One has to obey the orders of Natures Blessing and Cursing”.      






Story & Songwriter, Lyricist



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