Jealous Mind Story (Audio-Video)

Jealous Mind Story  (Audio-Video)


Written by:

Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu, Litt.D.,

Author, Story and Songwriter

Email: [email protected]

Hyderabad, India


Voice Rendition by:

HRM Dr. Prof. Queen Eden Soriano Trinidad

The Prime Minister

The State of Birland

(Camp: Philippines)


It is a city and thickly populated residential locality.  There are two poor friends, who live with their family people and children.  Both these friend families live separately in a hut side by side, in a 50 squares land.  Of course, both these two friends are in the middle age group.  These two friends earn their Lively-hood by doing small petty vegetable business and fruit business.  Both families participate in all the house-hold functions, pujas and attend marriages of their known persons.  They lived happily.

As one knows, any family purchases any gold item or silver item or any garments or furniture on any major festival occasion, the neighbour family feels curse and jealous.  It is nothing but natural.  Everywhere the cursing and feeling jealous of somebody do happen.  In every of a family, these cursing expressions could be seen.

On one day, due to elections season, a well-known person of that city floats a new political party for contesting elections in that city.  This new political party invited all the people of that city to enrol party membership.  These two friends who live as neighbours enrol their names in the new political party. One friend, who was showing much interest in politics, works hard for the party and the party recognizes his services and gives a responsible position as an important functionary to this party.       

During the election days, this friend works hard along with others and canvasses for the party.  This new party majority member who was nominated to contest the elections gets elected.                  

This friend, who worked hard and earns some good amount of money through pyravi (negotiations) and as middleman also and earned money, and then this friend purchases a good piece of land around 400 square yards and constructs a four storied building with ultra-modern design in a span of two years.  He even purchases brand new car. Then this rich friend and his family members shifts from their Hut to this new building and lived happily after discarding the vegetable and fruit business.

This rich friend hut friend and could not spare any time to attend any function with his hug friend also stopped frequently speaking to his close neighbour hut friend and could not spare any time to attend any function with his hut friend.

Then the problem started with hut friend and his family.  There was a peak jealousy and cursing by the hut friend.  Every day, the rich friend who is presently living in a hut used to see the new building.

One Priest of a Temple who is a famous palmist and astrologist nearby used to observe the “poor hut friend” who is observing and seeing the four storied building every day and asked the Hut Friend, why you are seeing everyday this new building? What is the matter? Then the Priest asked the Hut Friend, if you want money, gold, silver or good job, I will get you.  Then the Hut Friend replied, no sir, I do not want anything.  Then the Priest asked the Hut Friend, what you need to become like your neighbour friend who has built the building in front of your Hut.  Then the Hut Friend replied to the Priest.  Sir, please make by rich friend to live like me in a Hut.  The Hut Friend also told the Priest that my rich friend should not live in that building and the Government to demolish that new building and razed to the ground, in view of his illegally earning the money through “Pyravis” (negotiations) and as “middleman”

Then the Priest told the Hut Friend that the fate of a person cannot be changed.

The Priest also told the poor Hut Friend that opportunities and luck knocks the door and at that time, one has to utilize such opportunities.

Then the Hut Friend kept mum and used to never watch his rich friend’s building from the next day.  Poor Hut Friend and his family members continued to live in their Hut without any murmuring, jealous and sadism. So, the meaning of this story is that
“murmuring, jealousness and sadism never pay’s”.  Only sheer hard work pays a person that too lucks also to favour such person.


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