Indo Russian BrahMos Supersonic Missiles (Audio-Video)

What I Thought, This World Today.
It Is Not the World, I Expected.
Reigns of Rulers, Years Rolled.
Rules Have Gone, It's Dictators Era
Confrontations and Conflicts Still in Vogue.
There Is No Day Without a Conflict.
Combats Have Become Order of The Day.
Intra-Country Combats Are the Regular Features.
No Day Left for Inter-Party Conflicts.
Whole World Watches Ongoing Combats.
Who Support Whom, For Support and Sanctions?
World Combats Sure, A Day Is Not Far
War Like Conflict, Looks to Be Common.
People Suffer Due to Power Sake Rule.
Value to Life, No Country Thinks.
War May Erupt, Can Lead to Casualties.
People Gave Power, To Rulers to Rule.
People Trusted Governance, To Keep the Environment Good.
People's Ambition Enact the Rule.
Peoples Aspirations, Hope to Be Good
Misunderstandings and Precipitations Are Often Seen.
Which Is Not Great, As Said and Done?
All Countries Are Great, As Countrymen Feel So
Dangers Are Seen Through Terrorism Strikes.
People Are Hit and Killed Through Wars of Terrorism.
Countless Casualties in War Hit Zones.
Epics and Diseases Hit the People for Long.
Properties Get Damaged and Never Recovered in Life.
Lives and Property Hit Through Chemical Bombings.
Normal Life Dislocated Through-out The World.
Lost Economy Never Regains for Decades.
Hopeless Conditions People Have to Confront.
Governments Collapse Over the Years.
Peoples' Sufferance Led to Epidemic Diseases.
Wiseman Decisions Lead to Avoidance of Conflicts.
Ceasefire Agreements Can Stop Combats for A Breath.
Judgements and Decisions Are Good for Peace.
Who Blames Who, Is the Point of Thought?
Policies and Governance Are the Duty of Government.
Efficiency of Rulers Prove the Handling of Situation.
This gives brief enlightenment, how the things happen and move in this world of super-powers. One can analyse here that which country is big and which country is great. For that matter, each country is retaining its own identify and security. International relations, hegemony means, each country has to preserve their culture, and national activities in a proper order, to maintain peace, humanity and man-kind, while maintaining cordial intra and inter-country relations for the establishment of humanity. The main theme of each Government governance should be to eradicate poverty and diseases both Corona and other epidemic diseases. Each country should strive hard to provide minimum basic facilities like food, cloth, shelter and other minimum facilities to live in. What we are seeing now a days, are something different. I want to present a present hot topic in this world now is -
Identity and Security, Hegemony and Governance.
Indo Russian BrahMos Supersonic Missiles
The most tensional ammunition missiles.
What is meant by long-range missiles?
These missiles are most powerful ones.
There cruise missiles are used as conventional or nuclear war-head can attack carrier cargos and other fighter jets and the enemy’s targeted places.
Can also damage enemies’ artillery and other installations beyond the stipulated distance range.
These latest long-range missiles can attack and destroy opponent’s artillery and property in the range up to a distance of 600 KMs.
The specifications are varied in these missiles.
If these types of danger-missiles are used, there seems to be large scale destruction and damages.
These missiles are used in critical war zones to attack and smash enemy-countries.
Russia has X-22 cruise missiles.
Even there are multiple-rocket launcher systems.
But these long-range danger missiles are very powerful.
BRAHMOS. Backdrop Story:
The present Indian hot topic in the defence sector is Philippines.
Philippines is an all-important nation now for India.
Why important nation Philippines?
Yes. There is a strong reason and work-out pertaining to the defence deals with Philippines.
There is a place called “GUAM”. This is a Territory.
Here in this GUAM, there is a Naval base belonging to America.
This Naval base is called Anderson Naval Base.
Even People of China and South East Asia speak about this Philippines Defence Deals.
Whoever takes birth in this GUAM Territory, they are treated and recognized as citizen of America by the American Government.
Now Philippines is an important nation to India.
Why means India has a defence deal BrahMos worth USD375-million.
This big BrahMos deal is to be completed in next coming 3-4 years’ time.
This Defence deal is the high technology sales to India.
The target sales of BrahMos sales worth USD 375-million are to be exported to Philippines.
In fact, if anybody talks about this subject, they may be surprised and get a laugh.
Why because, people around the world knew well that India makes largest imports pertaining to all defence products/items/equipment. This is India’s habitual customary aspect till now.
People get surprised about India’s defence item exports to other countries such as Philippines.
Philippines declared that they need few batteries of BrahMos Supersonic Missiles.
For Philippines, this is the beginning of this imports contract from India. This is the first of its kind. This contract deal does not like by America and China.
America expresses its anguish and angry on Philippines. Why means, America has its Air-base and even Naval-base at GUAM in Philippines. America says to Philippines Government that defence deals are to made with America or China and not from India.
America says that Indo-Russia Defence and other Collaborations are not acceptable.
America further says that Defence BrahMos items should not be imported by Philippines from India. This subject is a very big subject in the Defence Circles.
As everybody knew well, that USD375-million is not a small amount to India. India is exporting this worth BrahMos equipment and items to Philippines under its first contract defence deal. As said earlier, India till now imports defence equipment from other countries and also from America.
Suddenly these days, India sells and exports Defence items to other countries like Philippines. Yes. This is a reality and happening now. India exports BrahMos items under USD375-million contract to Philippines. This is the truth. India is very proud for its perceptions and thinking-lines.
What is the reason and why Philippines procure BrahMos from India?
Yes. The answer and reasons are here to Philippines.
Let it be Afghanistan or Ukraine, for example. America promised to safeguard these countries on par with NATO countries. How can America safeguard Ukraine and Afghanistan, when America itself is in economic crises and is in emergency? Sitting somewhere, how can America help, support and safeguard Ukraine, Afghanistan and NATO countries.
This America’s prevailing situation well grasped by Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines and other smaller nations. Say for example, if some other countries attack these countries, it tantamount to attacking America. This is called Security Guarantee.
Philippines apprehension is that if any conflict and combat occur with so called big nation China, America won’t help Philippines. This is the thinking of Philippines. So, Philippines wanted to think and grow independently and has a strong reason not to believe America. Why means, Philippines thinks that India is a trust-worthy nation.
For example, to mention here, that during 2017 year, Bhutan was safeguarded by Indian Defence Forces from the so-called China’s Defence Attack. China knew well that as long as India’s Defence Forces are deployed at Bhutan, China gets defeated and cannot win over Bhutan. China also knew well that it cannot combat against Indian Defence Forces which were already deployed at Bhutan. So, China army/soldiers left Bhutan in higher mountains after 70 days stay.
So, China has become a common enemy, let it be Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam or Philippines and other smaller nations in the South East Asian Countries. All these countries believe India and repose confidence and feels trust-worthy to depend on India for all its Defence Deals like BrahMos. These nations won’t believe America and especially China.
BrahMos includes Akash, Surface, Air Missiles and other sophisticated and high technology defence equipment.
Pinaka is a multiple rocket launcher produced in India and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for the Indian Army.
Yes, these also Philippines is ready to import and buy from India. So, in the next couple of years, this USD375-million worth BrahMos Defence Deals like supersonic missiles India can sell to Philippines. Philippines is ready to import all the BrahMos items from India without any hesitation.
Indo Russian BrahMos Supersonic Missiles
Is BrahMos Indian or Russian? BrahMos - the name represents the fury of Brahmaputra and the grace of Moskva rivers. The company was established with an authorized capital of $250 million with 50.5% from Indian side and 49.5% from Russian side. Brahmos. This missile from India and Russia is the fastest cruise missile in the world.
Is BrahMos the fastest missile? Yes, The BrahMos (also designated as PJ-10) is a medium-range stealth ramjet supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarine, ships, aircraft or land, notably being the fastest supersonic cruise missile in the world.
How strong is BrahMos? Yes, The BrahMos can carry a 250 kg submunition warhead or a 200 or 300 kg high explosive semi-armor-piercing warhead. It can be launched from the ground, from a vertical launch system, from a ramp launcher, or from the air.
Do you know What is the speciality of BrahMos? Yes, Batteries of the BrahMos missile land-based systems have been deployed along India's land borders in various theatres. The land attack version of BrahMos has the capability of cruising at 2.8 Mach speed and with the upgraded capability, the missile can hit targets at a range of up to 400 kilometers with precision.
One should know, which missile can stop BrahMos? Yes. It is non-other than Barak-8.
One should know that which missile is best in world? Yes, it is R-36M (SS-18 Satan). This Russian Intercontinental ballistic missile is the heaviest and most powerful in the world.
Can BrahMos destroy aircraft carrier? Flying over a distance of 260 kilometers, the missile effectively destroyed the vessel. This test is a game changer for Indian offensive prowess in the Indian Ocean region as the missile will act as a potent aircraft carrier killer due to its speed, range, and launch platform.
Which is fastest missile in world? BrahMos. The Indian/Russian BrahMos, currently the fastest operational supersonic missile capable of speeds of around 2,100–2,300 mph, is the most well-known supersonic missile.
Does Russia have BrahMos missile? Indian defense sources say Russia has its own version of anti-ship Brahmos, but not the land-attack ones.
Can BrahMos carry nuclear warhead? BrahMos, a nuclear-capable missile, is one of the world's fastest cruise missiles and can be fired from land, sea and air.
Is BrahMos the best missile in the world? The BrahMos missile, an Indo-Russian joint venture, has a range of 290 km and is the fastest cruise missile in the world with a top speed of Mach 2.8 (nearly three times the speed of sound)
Can BrahMos be self-destroyed? Experts say conventional missiles like the BrahMos do not have “self-destruct mechanisms” though strategic or nuclear missiles like Agni and Prithvi are said to have a kill switch.
Can Pakistan reverse engineered BrahMos? They won't be able to completely reverse engineer Brahmos at best they would able to copy some part of the missile.
How many BrahMos Missiles in India? Brahmos is fastest SUPERSONIC cruise missile, as I have accentuated it's fastest only among the other supersonic cruise missiles, there exists hypersonic cruise missiles which are much faster. 14,000 BrahMos are made by India till now
Who invented missile in India? After working for two decades in Indian Space Research Organization and mastering launch vehicle technologies, Dr Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam took up the responsibility of developing indigenous guided missiles at DRDO as the Chief Executive of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP)
Hypersonic weapons India has? India operates approximately 12 hypersonic wind tunnels
BrahMos was not intercepted by Pakistan. Why? The Pakistani military and political leadership were reportedly aware of the overflights by India's MiG-25 but chose to remain silent.
BrahMos get fired from India earlier? Indian Navy successfully test-fired an advanced version of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile from a stealth destroyer in the Indian Ocean.
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