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The Nephilim: Grail Bloodlines: Secrets and Enigmas of the Merovingians and Carolingians
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THE NEPHILIM, GRAIL BLOODLINES tracks down traditions concerning the enigmatic scions of the gods or Nephilim in Europe. Commencing with the oldest strata of iconographical portrayals and evidence from the Late Bronze Age in northern and western Europe, a strong and detailed case is made for a huge influx of Mediterranean influences into Europe during the aftermath of the Trojan War. These influences and the related Nephilim traditions brought about a determining and permanent influence on the evolving Celtic cultures of Europe and the British Isles.
THE NEPHILIM explores the secrets and enigmas of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Milesians, the Cimbri, the Sicambri, the Völsungs and the secretive Nibelungs. A careful look is taken at the supposed descendants of these peoples who lived in Early Medieval Europe, the mysterious descent of certain great dynasties like the Merovingians and Burgundians and the clandestine role played by their descendants during the Carolingian Age and later on. Also put under the magnifying glass is new information pertaining to the Plantard family’s claim to be of Merovingian descent and the puzzling secrets pertaining to the strange and peculiar poem, The Red Serpent.
The High Secrets of the Holy Grail are unlocked in a way never done before, secrets concerning the different Nephilim bloodlines, their mythoi and mutual struggles and aspirations. In this final edition of THE NEPHILIM trilogy, the ancient traditions of the Nephilim, followed with great care and perseverance from ancient Sumer through the many ages of world history to the very present, are brought to a dramatic and surprising climax.
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