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 "IN ENDLESS WRATH" opens with a gripping scene in Raleigh, North Carolina where, in the summer of 2013, a former political refugee lady from war-torn Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo confronted a former warlord who, in the not so distant past and in the same area, had murdered her husband and fifteen members of her family. This chilling encounter sets the stage for a riveting tale of justice and redemption.

As the narrative unfolds, readers are thrust into the heart of a trial where the warlord faces judgment for his heinous crimes. Amidst the courtroom drama, the story delves deep into the complexities of the Congo's turbulent history, shining a light on the rampant genocide that has plagued the nation for decades.

 Against the backdrop of the trial, "IN ENDLESS WRATH" exposes the insidious exploitation of Congo's vast mineral wealth by various international stakeholders, unraveling the intricate web of greed and corruption that fuels the conflict. 

From the blood-stained mines to the corridors of power, the book lays bare the stark realities faced by the Congolese people as they struggle to reclaim their sovereignty amidst a backdrop of endless violence and exploitation.

 Through vivid storytelling and meticulous research, "IN ENDLESS WRATH" offers a searing indictment of humanity's darkest impulses and a stirring testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable suffering. 

 As the trial unfolds, the book challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the global forces that perpetuate injustice and to join in the urgent call for accountability and change in one of Africa's most troubled regions.


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