The Gospel of Eve

The Gospel of Eve

Explore the profound and thought-provoking poetry of Tanya G. Guleria in "The Gospel of Eve." This collection delves into the author's critique of modern society, addressing issues of corruption, greed, and the suppression of women's rights. Through her poetic voice, Guleria challenges societal norms and invites readers to contemplate eternal values such as love, compassion, and the cycle of life. While not a religious text, "The Gospel of Eve" offers a beacon of hope and faith in our collective future.


Once a Soul Asked an Angel:


Once a soul asked an angel:
- Why should I go to Earth?
I am afraid of all the dangers,
Waiting for me after birth.


The angel answered with a  warm voice:
- No reason for your fear,
Cause everytime you take a choice,
l will be always near.


- But how could I know you if
You change your face with other?
- For your ease and relief
You should call me: “Mother”.

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