“DREAMS ~ DIRECT REFERENCES EDUCATING AWAREFULL MULTIDIMENSIONALL SEEERS. Everyone experiences what has been known as DREAMS. Those who have KONtrolled Others for eons have created their own ‘rumors&stories’ about the MultiDimensionALL Experiences that Everyone Has While Their PhysicalBody Sleeps. UNaware People are Not Told that they are Operating FiveBodies in This CreationBubble. The KONS-Kontrolling Original Nasty Slavesters, have created ‘religious taboos’ with their invented holy&divine doctrines to scare unaware people away from paying any attention to Their Nightly Dreams. This has always been purposely done by the World Kontrolling ShapeShifters on all their HUmanFarming Planets. Your DreamVisions are actually intuitive UP~UNUVERSALL PORTALS into the Many (old term ‘mansions’) MultiDimensions of This Cause&Effect CreationSimultor. EveryOne has been schooled to ‘think’ according to the ShapeShifter Languages on This Planet Earth and Millions of Other Planets in This PhysicalRealm. The V-Files contain the Actual History from the beginning of the SlaveTrading Here on This Earth. The HistoryBooks that the unaware public has read are ‘make-believe’ madeup stories that entertain the WorldKontrollers, as they like to Watch UNaware People Struggle&Suffer. REBISAR&DUNUEVA IS Here to Help EveryOne WakeUP to Their RealAwarenisss, The RealU, and then Discover THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS Beyond ALL the Restictions&Authorities in Creation. With ALLLIFE, there are NO Authorities Ever! In Creation, there are those who have self-proclaimed to be the ‘gods’ that have created Creation. Creation is a ‘Place in ALLLIFE’ and nothing more, a little dot that is so miniscule, that when compared to THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ALLLISSS, it does not seem to exist at all! For those who Take The Risk to SeeeBeyond This World, Your DreamVisions IS the First BigStep with Your INTUITIVE SEEEING. TAKE THE RISK & SEEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT IS REALLL NOW! SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ & WATCH YOUR DREAMVISIONS for THE REALANSWERS YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!
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DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS Providing ‘INTUITIVE SEEEING SURVIVAL SESSIONS’ for those who want to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient Now! LEARN to SEEE for YOURSELF WHAT IS REALNOW! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype and Make a Friend Request. SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ to SeeeBeyond ALL Your Restrictions! REALGUIDANCE IS ALLLIFE NOW! ASK REBISAR & THE REALLL UNUVERSALLL GUIDES with Your DreamVisions (INTUITIVE SENSES). www.duanethegreatwriter.net
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