Are you or a loved one suffering from one of today’s mystery illnesses?

Are you or a loved one suffering from one of today’s mystery illnesses?

Maybe you don’t feel quite like yourself. Perhaps you are experiencing aches and pains, feeling down and your ailments are interfering with the quality of your daily life. You may simply be suffering from toxic overload, which can manifest anywhere in the body and in a multitude of debilitating ways. Toxins can be found in processed foods and beverages, in our water and soil, and in the air we breathe. A few common symptoms of toxic buildup include brain fog, shortness of breath, headaches, hair loss, fatigue, bad breath, nausea, depression and weight gain. Due to the thousands of chemicals that have been released into our environment, toxic symptoms can run the gamut from mild to excruciating.

It is quite possible that the root cause of your affliction is a toxic buildup in an organ or hidden in tissues deep within. Maybe you’ve been misdiagnosed or told that your discomfort is all in your head. Your doctor may have even prescribed you pills to cover up your symptoms and make you feel better. But left untreated, numerous chemicals and toxins can damage your organs and body tissue, which can lead to disease and possibly death if left untreated. Everyone is at risk.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find answers to your infirmities and experience a renewed vitality. What if you could find your optimum level of health and live longer? Fasting Firepower provides a compelling overview of what we are being subjected to by the food, beverage, chemical and drug conglomerates and provides genuine solutions. NO ONE SHOULD LEAD A DEBILITATED LIFE FOR LACK OF THIS VITAL INFORMATION. Marjan combines science, history, spiritual wisdom, and over 50 years of personal experience in one of the most insightful books ever written on fasting, detoxification and natural healing. The straightforward answers may surprise you, challenge you, and quite possibly transform your life!



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