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The Hidden Gem

It was buried deep inside me, the desire to write. Who has the time? Being married to a needy husband, raising children. working 24/7! 
It was only after I retired and my husband passed away from cancer, that I found time to write. Life without your partner of 40 odd years, is hard. You could wallow in depression, staggering drunk or fill your lungs with smoke till they are black like a burnt piece of meat.

I had to escape!  So I joined small, writing groups, looked desperately for venues where I could drown my sorry, my boredom.

And then one day I passed by an old garden, with overgrown wild rose bushes. There was a secret door, painted pale, blue and someone had scratched a message on it. Love you forever! I wondered who could have written it. What happened to these lovers?

And that’s how I discovered my Hidden Gem- my passion to write, create characters that lived in quaint, old cottages, in an old English village.

And that’s how I survived!

My cozy corner is by the window, where the sun rises and spreads it’s crimson glow over the horizon. I am happy alone, with my cup of chai and my notebook in hand.



Leveraging Influencer Marketing: Boosting Book Sales with Litlinc

In today's digital age, influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for promoting products and services. From cosmetics to clothing and gadgets, influencers wield significant influence over their followers' purchasing decisions. However, one area where influencer marketing is often overlooked is the realm of books. With the rise of online book promotion platforms like Litlinc.com, authors and publishers now have a unique opportunity to leverage influencer partnerships to boost book sales and reach a wider audience. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of influencer marketing in the context of book promotion, exploring how authors can harness the power of influencers through Litlinc.com.

Understanding Influencer Marketing: Before diving into the specifics of influencer marketing for books, let's first understand what it entails. Influencer marketing involves collaborating with individuals who have a significant following and influence within a particular niche or industry. These influencers, often found on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, have built a loyal audience that trusts their recommendations and opinions.

The Power of Book Recommendations: Books are a unique product category in the world of influencer marketing. Unlike fashion or beauty products, books offer intellectual value and entertainment, making them an attractive proposition for influencers looking to engage their audience in meaningful ways. When an influencer recommends a book, their followers perceive it as a genuine endorsement, leading to increased interest and sales.

Enter Litlinc.com: Litlinc.com is a dedicated platform for book promotion, connecting authors and publishers with avid readers and book enthusiasts. With its user-friendly interface and extensive network of readers and influencers, Litlinc.com offers authors a powerful tool for reaching their target audience and generating buzz around their books.

How Influencers Can Drive Book Sales on Litlinc.com: So, how can authors and publishers harness the power of influencers through Litlinc.com? Here are some strategies to consider:

Influencer Reviews and Recommendations: Partnering with influencers to review and recommend your book can significantly boost its visibility and credibility. By collaborating with influencers whose interests align with your book's genre or topic, you can tap into their engaged audience and leverage their influence to drive sales.

Sponsored Content and Giveaways: In addition to reviews, consider sponsoring content or hosting giveaways with influencers to create excitement around your book launch. Whether it's a sponsored Instagram post, a YouTube review, or a TikTok unboxing, sponsored content can help generate buzz and attract new readers to your book.

Author-Influencer Collaborations: Collaborating directly with influencers can also be a fruitful strategy. Whether it's co-creating content, hosting joint events, or participating in influencer book clubs, partnering with influencers can help amplify your book's reach and foster a sense of community among readers.

Affiliate Marketing: Another effective way to incentivize influencers to promote your book is through affiliate marketing. By offering influencers a commission for every sale generated through their unique affiliate link, you can motivate them to actively promote your book to their audience.

Influencer marketing presents a unique opportunity for authors and publishers to amplify their book promotion efforts and reach a wider audience. By leveraging the power of influencers through platforms like Litlinc.com, authors can drive book sales, increase visibility, and build a loyal readership. So, if you're looking to take your book marketing to the next level, consider partnering with influencers and harnessing the power of their influence to propel your book to success.

In the digital age, where the competition for readers' attention is fiercer than ever, authors and publishers are constantly seeking innovative strategies to promote their books. Among the plethora of marketing techniques available, influencer marketing has emerged as a particularly effective method for boosting book sales and enhancing an author's visibility online. This approach leverages the reach and credibility of influencers in various niches, including literature, to recommend books to their followers, thereby reaching a wider and more engaged audience.

The Rise of Influencer Marketing for Authors

Influencer marketing isn't a new concept, but its application in the literary world has gained significant traction in recent years. Authors, from debut writers to established names, are collaborating with influencers across platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok to promote their titles. These collaborations range from sponsored posts and reviews to giveaways and live Q&A sessions, offering a human touch to book promotion that traditional advertising often lacks.

How Litlinc.com is Changing the Game for Book Promotion

Platforms like Litlinc.com have become invaluable for authors looking to streamline their influencer marketing efforts. Litlinc.com specializes in connecting authors with the right influencers to promote their books effectively. By handling the matchmaking process, Litlinc.com ensures that a book's promotion reaches the intended audience, maximizing visibility and engagement. This tailored approach means that whether an author is promoting a young adult fantasy novel or a non-fiction self-help guide, they can find influencers whose followers are the perfect fit for the book's target demographic.

Boosting Book Sales with Influencers

The primary goal of any book promotion strategy is to increase book sales, and influencer marketing has proven to be a powerful tool in achieving this objective. Influencers can sway their followers' purchasing decisions by providing authentic recommendations and insights into the books they promote. This influence is especially potent when the influencer genuinely enjoys the book, as their enthusiasm becomes contagious among their followers, leading to increased interest and sales.

Engaging Influencers for Book Promotion

Engaging with influencers requires a strategic approach. Authors and publishers should consider factors such as the influencer's audience size, engagement rate, and content relevance to ensure a successful collaboration. It's also essential to foster genuine relationships with influencers, as a partnership based on mutual respect and interest in the book can lead to more authentic and effective promotions.

Maximizing Book Visibility Online

In addition to influencer collaborations, authors can maximize their book's visibility online by leveraging multiple digital marketing techniques. This includes SEO optimization for the book's website or blog, email marketing campaigns, and engaging directly with readers through social media platforms. Combining these strategies with influencer marketing can create a comprehensive online presence that captures the attention of potential readers from various angles.

In today's digital landscape, influencer marketing stands out as an effective and innovative strategy for authors seeking to promote their books. By leveraging the credibility and reach of influencers, authors can significantly boost their book's visibility and sales. Platforms like Litlinc.com further facilitate this process by connecting authors with the right influencers, making book promotion more accessible and effective. As the literary world continues to evolve, embracing these modern marketing techniques will be key to standing out in a crowded market.

Explore Endless Reading Possibilities with KU Kindle Unlimited on LitLinc

Are you an avid reader looking for an endless supply of books at your fingertips? Look no further than Kindle Unlimited, a game-changer in the world of digital reading. At LitLinc, we specialize in promoting Kindle books, and we're excited to guide you through the world of Kindle Unlimited. This incredible service offers book enthusiasts a vast library of titles, ranging from bestsellers to hidden gems, all accessible with a simple subscription. In this article, we'll delve into the benefits of Kindle Unlimited, how it works, and why LitLinc is your go-to platform for discovering your next great read.

What is Kindle Unlimited? Kindle Unlimited is Amazon's subscription-based service that allows readers to access a wide range of eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines. For a monthly fee, subscribers can enjoy unlimited reading from over one million titles and thousands of audiobooks on any device with the Kindle app. This service is ideal for readers who devour books regularly and are looking for a cost-effective way to access a diverse range of genres.

Join the Kindle Book Promotion Website LITLINC https://litlinc.com/

The Benefits of Kindle Unlimited for Avid Readers

  • Unlimited Access: With Kindle Unlimited, you can read as much as you want, choosing from over a million eBooks.
  • Diverse Genres: Whether you're a fan of romance, thrillers, science fiction, or non-fiction, Kindle Unlimited has something for everyone.
  • Cost-Effective: For a single monthly fee, you have access to a vast library, which can significantly reduce the cost of buying individual books.
  • Discover New Authors and Titles: Kindle Unlimited is a fantastic way to discover new authors and books that you might not encounter otherwise.

How LitLinc Enhances Your Kindle Unlimited Experience At LitLinc, we understand the value of discovery in reading. Our website is dedicated to promoting Kindle books, offering readers curated lists and recommendations to enhance their Kindle Unlimited experience. We spotlight new releases, hidden gems, and trending titles to ensure you never miss a great read.

Navigating Kindle Unlimited on LitLinc

  • Personalized Recommendations: Our platform offers personalized book recommendations based on your reading preferences.
  • Exclusive Deals and Promotions: Stay updated with exclusive Kindle book deals and promotions available through LitLinc.
  • Author Spotlights and Interviews: Get insights into your favorite authors' minds with exclusive interviews and spotlights.

Maximizing Your Subscription To get the most out of Kindle Unlimited, regularly check LitLinc for updates on the latest and most popular titles. Our user-friendly interface ensures that you're always just a few clicks away from your next great read.

In today's fast-paced digital era, the way we read books has transformed dramatically. Kindle Unlimited has emerged as a beacon for book lovers, offering a versatile and extensive digital library. Coupled with the expert eBook promotion and insightful resources provided by LitLinc, readers now have an unparalleled platform to explore the realm of unlimited reading. This article delves into how Kindle Unlimited and LitLinc together are revolutionizing the reading experience for book enthusiasts around the globe.

Kindle Unlimited: Your Gateway to Infinite Stories Kindle Unlimited is more than just a book subscription service; it's a passport to a universe of stories. With access to over a million digital books, including the latest Kindle books, subscribers can indulge in a range of book genres, from thrilling mysteries to captivating romances. The beauty of Kindle Unlimited lies in its simplicity and breadth, offering something for every type of reader.

LitLinc: Elevating Your Kindle Unlimited Experience While Kindle Unlimited provides the content, LitLinc enhances your reading journey. As a premier eBook promotion platform, LitLinc brings readers closer to the books they love and introduces them to new gems waiting to be discovered. The site offers curated book recommendations, ensuring that you're always in touch with the most compelling reads.

A Hub for Audiobook Enthusiasts The joy of reading isn't just in the eyes; it's also in the ears. Kindle Unlimited includes thousands of audiobooks, perfect for those who prefer listening to their literature. LitLinc recognizes this growing trend and features audiobook recommendations and reviews, making it easy to find your next great listen.

Stay Ahead with New Releases and Author Interviews Keeping up with new releases can be challenging. LitLinc simplifies this by providing updates on the latest Kindle Unlimited additions. The site also offers exclusive author interviews, giving readers a behind-the-scenes look at the minds creating their favorite books.

Exclusive Deals and Promotions One of the perks of being a Kindle Unlimited subscriber and a LitLinc visitor is access to exclusive deals and promotions. From discounted eBooks to special offers, these platforms ensure that your reading hobby remains as affordable as it is enjoyable.

The Convenience of the Kindle App With the Kindle app, your entire library is in the palm of your hand. Whether you're using a smartphone, tablet, or computer, your next great read is always accessible. LitLinc complements this by providing a seamless interface where you can easily find and manage your Kindle Unlimited content.

Kindle Unlimited and LitLinc together offer a dynamic and comprehensive reading platform for the modern reader. From unlimited access to eBooks and audiobooks across various genres to personalized recommendations and exclusive deals, these platforms are transforming the digital book landscape. Whether you're a seasoned bibliophile or a casual reader, Kindle Unlimited and LitLinc are your portals to an endless world of stories. Embrace the future of reading and join the digital book revolution today!

Kindle Unlimited offers an unparalleled reading experience for book lovers, and LitLinc is your perfect companion in this literary journey. With our curated recommendations, exclusive deals, and insightful author content, we ensure that your Kindle Unlimited experience is enriching and enjoyable. Sign up for Kindle Unlimited today, and dive into the endless world of books with LitLinc by your side!

Remember to visit LitLinc for the latest in Kindle Unlimited offerings and to make your reading experience as rewarding as possible. Happy reading!

Expand Your Writing Network: Top X Communities, LinkedIn & Facebook Groups for Writers and Authors

Are you a writer or author looking to expand your network, find inspiration, and discover new opportunities? In the digital age, connecting with like-minded individuals and industry professionals has never been easier. We've curated essential resources from two reputable websites, bookblastboost.com and writezenith.com, guiding you to the top LinkedIn and Facebook groups where you can connect, learn, and grow.

1. LinkedIn: A Professional Haven for Writers & Authors

LinkedIn, known for its professional networking prowess, offers a goldmine of groups tailored for writers and authors. The article "Top Six LinkedIn Groups for Writers & Authors" on bookblastboost.com is your gateway to these elite communities. Whether you're seeking advice on publishing, looking for writing tips, or aiming to network with industry professionals, these LinkedIn groups provide a platform to engage with peers and experts alike.

Explore these top-rated groups by visiting: Top Six LinkedIn Groups for Writers & Authors. https://bookblastboost.com/article/top-six-linkedin-groups-for-writers-authors

2. Facebook: A Diverse Community for Creative Minds

On the other hand, Facebook's more casual and diverse environment hosts a variety of groups where writers and authors can share their work, seek feedback, and connect with fellow creatives. The article "Unlocking 29 Opportunities: Promote Your Book with These Elite Facebook Groups!" on writezenith.com introduces you to 29 vibrant communities. These groups cater to different genres, writing stages, and promotional needs, ensuring there's a spot for every writer.

Join these dynamic groups by visiting: Unlocking 29 Opportunities: Promote Your Book with These Elite Facebook Groups! https://writezenith.com/article/join-a-writers-community

3. The Power of X Communities for Authors

This comprehensive guide on LitLinc.com delves into 18 X communities, each offering unique opportunities for authors. From genre-specific groups to general author networks, these communities provide platforms for promotion, support, and collaboration. Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out, these X communities can be pivotal in expanding your online presence.

Discover these vibrant communities by visiting: Mastering the Tweet: 18 X Communities for Authors and Book Promotion. https://litlinc.com/article/18-twitter-communities-authors

Why Join These Groups?

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, mentors, and industry leaders.
  • Resource Sharing: Access a wealth of information, from writing tips to marketing strategies.
  • Feedback and Support: Engage in constructive discussions and receive feedback on your work.
  • Promotional Platforms: Find new avenues to promote your writing and reach wider audiences.

X offers a world of possibilities for authors looking to enhance their online presence and promote their work. By joining the communities highlighted in LitLinc.com's article, you can unlock the potential of X and make meaningful connections in the literary world.  

Both LinkedIn and Facebook groups offer unique advantages and environments. By joining these recommended groups, you can significantly enhance your writing journey, gain valuable insights, and make lasting connections in the literary world.

Take advantage of this opportunity to be part of vibrant, supportive communities that can propel your writing career forward. Visit bookblastboost.com, Litlinc.com, and writezenith.com today, and start exploring the best LinkedIn, X, and Facebook groups/communities for writers and authors!

Expanding Horizons: How LinkedIn, Facebook, and X Communities Empower Writers and Authors to Reach a Global Audience

In the ever-evolving landscape of book publishing and promotion, harnessing the power of social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and X has become essential for authors aiming to broaden their reach. These platforms offer unique communities where writers can connect, share, and promote their work to a global audience. Let's explore how these varied platforms help authors break geographical barriers and reach readers worldwide.

1. LinkedIn: The Professional Networking Powerhouse

LinkedIn, known for its professional network, is a valuable tool for authors to establish credibility and engage with industry professionals, including publishers, literary agents, and fellow authors. LinkedIn groups provide a space for sharing industry knowledge, discussing writing techniques, and promoting new releases. By connecting with professionals across the globe, authors can gain insights into different markets and expand their professional network, which is instrumental in securing global publishing deals and collaborations.

2. Facebook: The Community-Centric Giant

Facebook's diverse and vast user base offers authors a more casual platform to connect with readers and other writers. The platform's groups cater to various genres and interests, allowing authors to target specific reader demographics. Authors can participate in discussions, host live Q&A sessions, and share excerpts and updates about their books. By engaging with these communities, authors can build a loyal following, receive real-time feedback, and increase visibility, ultimately driving book sales across different regions.

3. X: The Dynamic and Interactive Platform

X communities, with their interactive and fast-paced nature, provide a unique avenue for authors to engage in real-time discussions, share bite-sized content, and participate in trending literary conversations. These communities are often frequented by avid readers, literary influencers, and industry professionals, offering authors the chance to promote their books directly to their target audience. The use of hashtags and participation in literary trends on X can significantly increase a book's visibility and appeal to a global audience.

The Combined Impact on Global Book Promotion

  • Increased Visibility: By engaging with these diverse platforms, authors can increase the visibility of their books across different demographics and regions.
  • Networking Opportunities: These platforms facilitate connections with industry professionals, influencers, and potential collaborators worldwide.
  • Targeted Promotion: Authors can tailor their promotional strategies to specific groups and communities, ensuring their book reaches the most relevant audience.
  • Feedback and Adaptation: Interacting with a global audience allows authors to gather diverse feedback, enabling them to adapt their writing and marketing strategies to suit different cultural contexts.

The combined power of LinkedIn, Facebook, and X communities offers a multifaceted approach for authors to promote their books globally. By leveraging the unique strengths of each platform, authors can effectively expand their reach, connect with readers worldwide, and achieve greater success in the global literary market.

For authors looking to take their book promotion to a global scale, embracing these platforms and their communities is not just a strategy, it's a necessity in today's digitally connected world.

From Childhood Struggles to Literary Triumphs: Inspiring Stories of Famous Authors

The world of literature is filled with remarkable stories of authors who overcame adversity and hardship in their early ages or childhood to become literary giants. These authors transformed their painful experiences into powerful narratives that resonated with readers worldwide. In this article, we will explore the lives of some of these famous authors and the challenges they faced on their path to literary success.

  1. Charles Dickens Charles Dickens, one of the most celebrated novelists of the 19th century, endured a tumultuous childhood that profoundly influenced his writing. Born in 1812 to a struggling family, Dickens witnessed his father's imprisonment for debt and was sent to work in a blacking factory at the tender age of 12. These early experiences of poverty, child labor, and social injustice fueled Dickens's passion for storytelling.

In his novels, such as "Oliver Twist," "Great Expectations," and "David Copperfield," Dickens vividly depicted the hardships faced by the poor and marginalized in Victorian England. His works contributed to social reform and raised awareness about the plight of the underprivileged.

  1. Maya Angelou Maya Angelou, renowned for her autobiographical works and poetry, faced a challenging and traumatic childhood. She suffered abuse and was sexually assaulted by her mother's boyfriend at the age of 7. Following the incident, Angelou fell mute and remained silent for nearly five years, using books and literature as her refuge.

Angelou's resilience and love for literature eventually helped her find her voice again. She chronicled her experiences, pain, and triumphs in her iconic autobiography, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." Her words inspired countless readers and became a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

  1. J.K. Rowling Before she became the beloved author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling faced her share of early struggles. As a single mother living in poverty, Rowling struggled to make ends meet while working on her first novel. She battled depression and the challenges of raising her daughter alone.

Rowling's perseverance paid off when "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (known as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the United States) was finally published. The success of the series catapulted her to international fame and made her one of the wealthiest authors in the world. Her story serves as a reminder that creativity and determination can lead to extraordinary success, even in the face of adversity.

  1. Harper Lee Harper Lee, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "To Kill a Mockingbird," grew up in a racially segregated South during the 1930s. Her childhood was marked by the racial tensions and injustice that permeated society. Despite these challenges, Lee's experiences fueled her commitment to writing a novel that addressed racism and moral integrity.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" became a literary classic and a powerful critique of racial prejudice. Lee's work continues to be studied and celebrated for its timeless message and enduring impact.

The stories of these famous authors demonstrate that early struggles and adversity can serve as the catalyst for some of the most profound and influential works of literature. Through their writing, these authors not only overcame their own personal hardships but also shed light on societal injustices, inspiring generations of readers to confront and challenge the issues they faced. Their resilience and determination serve as a testament to the transformative power of literature and the human spirit.

Mastering the Tweet: 18 Twitter Communities for Authors and Book Promotion

Are you an author looking to skyrocket your book's visibility and connect with your target audience? Dive into the world of Twitter communities! Discover the untapped potential of these dynamic spaces, where authors unite, readers engage, and books flourish. Join the conversation, share your work, and watch your author brand soar to new heights. Picture this: a platform where authors can share their stories, gain valuable insights, and build a dedicated fanbase. That's exactly what Twitter communities offer. Whether you write fiction, non-fiction, or children's books, there's a community tailored just for you. Don't miss out on the chance to supercharge your book promotion and network with fellow wordsmiths. Success as an author requires more than just great writing; it demands a strong online presence. With Twitter communities, you can harness the power of social media to connect, collaborate, and conquer the literary world. Discover the strategies, support, and inspiration you need to turn your writing dreams into reality. Join the Twitter community revolution today!

Book Reviews & Promotion This Twitter community is a haven for authors seeking valuable feedback and exposure for their books. With a focus on both reviewing and promoting literature, it provides a supportive platform where authors can engage with readers and fellow writers. By participating in this community, authors can gain essential insights and share their work with a broader audience, ultimately helping them boost their book's visibility. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1712295766184861894

Book Promotion on X "Book Promotion on X" is a vibrant Twitter community dedicated to helping authors effectively market their books. It offers a unique space where authors can discover innovative promotional strategies and connect with others in the literary world. This community empowers authors to showcase their work and explore various avenues to increase their book's reach and success.https://twitter.com/i/communities/1712295141787247013

Authors, Books & Readers Unite This Twitter community serves as a unifying force for authors, avid readers, and book enthusiasts. It fosters a sense of camaraderie among individuals who share a passion for literature. Authors can not only promote their books here but also engage in meaningful conversations with their target audience, creating a supportive and mutually beneficial environment. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1712636366650245609

ART, BOOKS & MUSIC "ART, BOOKS & MUSIC" brings together creative minds from various artistic disciplines, including literature. Authors can collaborate and cross-promote their work with artists and musicians, broadening their reach across different art forms. This community nurtures the fusion of creativity and allows authors to promote their books in a diverse and artistic context.https://twitter.com/i/communities/1689577665681138131

Writer, Author, Film, Media TV This Twitter community caters to authors with a multimedia focus, offering opportunities for collaboration and promotion in the realms of film, media, and television. It's a hub for authors looking to adapt their written works into other visual forms, providing invaluable connections and resources to help them navigate this transition. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1692456008462053662

Author & Book Promotions As the name suggests, "Author & Book Promotions" is a community solely dedicated to helping authors promote their books. It offers authors a platform to share their latest works, connect with potential readers, and discover promotional techniques that can boost their book sales.https://twitter.com/i/communities/1712149735560400965

Book Club "Book Club" is the ideal Twitter community for authors aiming to get their books into the hands of avid readers. Authors can engage with book club members, potentially having their books selected for discussion, which can significantly enhance their book's exposure and generate valuable reviews. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1720648431134499301

Fiction Writers "Fiction Writers" is a Twitter community where authors of fictional works can thrive. It provides an excellent space for authors to connect with readers who share a love for fiction. Authors can discuss their latest novels, share writing tips, and promote their books within this like-minded community. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1720774054012146064

Children's Books This Twitter community is tailored for children's book authors and enthusiasts. It's an excellent place to promote books geared towards younger audiences, fostering connections between authors and parents, educators, and young readers. Authors can find valuable support and exposure for their children's books here. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1718463379071963163

Poems "Poems" is a Twitter community that celebrates the art of poetry. Authors who specialize in poetry can showcase their verses, connect with fellow poets, and find opportunities for book promotions. It's a community that appreciates the beauty of words and provides a platform for poets to share their creations. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1718439883545727471

Books to Film Brigade Ink&Reel For authors with aspirations of seeing their books on the big screen, this community is a treasure trove of opportunities. It connects authors with individuals in the film industry and promotes the adaptation of books into movies, creating a bridge between the literary and cinematic worlds. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1712149300195766380

Books, Drawings & Paintings This Twitter community bridges the worlds of literature and visual arts. Authors can collaborate with artists to create book cover designs, illustrations, and promotional materials that enhance the visual appeal of their books. It's a fusion of creativity and book promotion. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1719047538307649932

Children's Authors & Illustrators Specifically designed for children's book creators, this community facilitates collaborations between authors and illustrators, resulting in beautifully crafted children's books. Authors can also find ample support for promoting their children's literature within this community. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1718452304557605214

Mindset and Motivation Hub While not directly focused on books, the "Mindset and Motivation Hub" can still be a valuable resource for authors. It provides inspiration, productivity tips, and a positive mindset that can help authors overcome challenges and stay motivated in their writing and book promotion endeavors. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1720775550745432474

Business | Finance | Success This community extends beyond the literary realm and is more suitable for non-fiction authors. It offers a platform for authors to share their expertise in business, finance, and personal development, connecting with readers interested in these topics and promoting their books in a relevant context. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1712148906686239175

Writers & Authors Last but not least, "Writers & Authors" is a general community for writers of all genres. It's an excellent place to network with fellow authors, share experiences, and promote books across various genres, making it a versatile resource for authors seeking to expand their reach. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1669908019797458945

Kindle Book Promotion KU Focusing specifically on Kindle books and Kindle Unlimited, this community is perfect for authors publishing through Amazon. It offers tips, tricks, and promotional strategies tailored to the Kindle platform, helping authors maximize their visibility and success on Amazon. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1719876328982487402

Entrepreneurs Business Success Although not exclusively literary, this community can benefit authors who view their writing endeavors as entrepreneurial ventures. It provides insights into business success, which can be applied to book promotion and authorship as authors work to establish themselves as successful entrepreneurs in the publishing industry. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1719761056195854764

Each of these Twitter communities offers a unique space for authors to connect, promote their work, and gain valuable insights, ultimately assisting them in their journey towards successful book promotion and publication. In today's digital age, social media platforms have become an essential tool for authors to connect with their readers and promote their work. Among these platforms, Twitter stands out as a dynamic and vibrant space where authors can engage with a global audience. However, navigating the vast Twitterverse can be daunting, which is why Twitter Communities have emerged as a valuable resource for authors. These communities provide a dedicated space where writers can share their work, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and gain exposure.

Benefits of Joining Twitter Communities for Authors

Exposure: Twitter communities allow authors to showcase their work to a dedicated audience interested in their genre or niche. This exposure can lead to increased book sales and a growing fan base.

Networking: Authors can connect with fellow writers, reviewers, and potential collaborators within these communities. Building meaningful relationships can lead to opportunities for joint promotions, guest blogging, and cross-promotion.

Feedback: Honest feedback from readers and writers is invaluable for authors looking to improve their craft. Twitter communities often provide a safe space for constructive criticism and improvement.

Promotional Strategies: Authors can gain access to tried-and-true promotional strategies, helping them navigate the complex world of book marketing more effectively.

Support: The communities offer emotional support, encouragement, and motivation, which are crucial for authors facing the challenges of the writing and publishing journey.


Twitter communities have emerged as powerful tools for authors seeking to promote their books and connect with their audience. These communities provide a space where writers can share their work, gain exposure, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. From fiction writers to children's book authors and those aspiring to see their work on the big screen, there is a Twitter community for every author. By actively participating in these communities, authors can leverage the collective knowledge and support of their peers to boost their book promotion efforts and advance their writing careers.

Unveiling Your Passion, Career, and Prosperity: Discover the Journey with See "U" in "YOU"

About Book :

The average human spends roughly 79 years, or 28835 days, on earth. So, there are an average of 692040 hours in a lifetime. Would you like to spend most of your time doing what you don't like? or do you want to follow your passion, build a brand career, and make lots of paisa for yourself? The choice is yours.

Every Human being on this earth came for some

Purpose; know your Calling, Passion, and Reason

for being here...

If you know early in your life, that is the first step to "success."

A palliative nurse who has counseled the dying in their last days has revealed the most common regrets we have at the end of our lives.

Top five regrets before we leaving this world are

  • "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
  • "I wish I hadn't worked so hard."
  • "I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings."
  • "I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends."
  • "I wish that I had let myself be happier."

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded their dying epiphanies.

After reading this, I started questioning

  1. What is one thing I can give to this world before i Go!..
  2. How can I transform people's lives!, so that I wont feel regret while i Go!

So my Idea behind creating this book is,  I struggled with and had no clarity on when I started my career. I wanted to give the best of experience to those starters yet to enter into this real world.Still, I gained more clarity, more wisdom, more power to handle any situation in life when I found the formula for "Find "U" in "You." by following my passion.

My biggest realization is that I am mixing my “Passion and technical skill = Passiontech”

The Major Challenge is Seeing U in You, Who You are?, Finding Your Potential, Knowing your calling, Building your Character.

“Don't just become a Dreamer Become a Achiever” ~Akhilesh Telkar

Sometimes we lose our focus in life, for some they are sure they are on the right path in finding the answers of career.

The Powerful 4 W’s

1.Where to start?, 2.Which path to go?, 3.Why to do it? 4. Whom to contact?

By the end of this book, three things you will realize -

Passion - You who most of the time, ignoring

Career - Build the career you are looking for.

Paisa - Followed by Vitamin M. Who doesn't want this?

If you are holding this book that shows you are hungry to change, many will read the books, but only a few challenge themselves and take massive actions.

Stop being Common

Be the best version of Yourself

Change the old belief in you

Find “U” in “YOU”

Find the Passion in You

Become unstoppable and transform your career

Ultimately, fill the success bag with Paisa

See “U” in “YOU”

See "U" in "YOU" is a life guide with 21 practical step-by-step activities laid out to find "U" in "YOU" and success in seeing "U" in "YOU".

Akhilesh Telkar


Warning: 50% of people who buy a self-help book won’t read till the end; what about you?

Ring the Dollar Bell - Vote with your Wallet

A trend that will soon become as important as the ballot box.


We all understand the importance of the ballot box and who hasn’t heard of the Liberty Bell. Perhaps it’s time we create a highly visible online Dollar Bell and begin to vote with our wallets. Individual purchasing power allows us to hold businesses accountable by either rewarding or punishing them based on our preferences, values, beliefs and politics. Companies will either hear the productive ding, ding, ding of incoming dollars or silent disapproval.

An individual voting with their wallet is barely significant as one billionaire can offset a lot of purchases, consequently voting with your wallet MUST resonate with the masses. Grassroots consumer boycotts are extremely powerful, and regardless of anyone’s political posture, we’ve all witnessed the recent and sudden decline of Budweiser.

Politicians can’t get elected without financial support and less money for businesses that are not in step with voter concerns means less money for the politicians they keep in their pockets. On the other hand, politicians and their webmasters should be decidedly proactive because someone is eventually going to hit on the right formula and make a voting with your wallet website happen in a big way. There will be challenges, but it would behoove some savvy politician to be the first out of the gate. Just ask Burger King.

Large corporations and their profit-minded shareholders work tirelessly to dominate the marketplace by any means possible. Financial coercion has already been demonstrated at the very top, as Blackrock, the world’s largest institutional investor, said it would no longer do business with companies that would not articulate their social position. But there is one thing that is undeniable. There are a whole lot more consumers than there are shareholders and an easy-to-use, highly visible and informative website we can call www.ringthedollarbell.com would be a beacon for hordes of conscientious voters to flex their purses. Who is going to set the standard?© 


By Marjan, Author of 600 Devils and Fasting Firepower -  A Guide to Fasting, Detoxification, Natural Healing and a Mountain Moving Life

Are you or a loved one suffering from one of today’s mystery illnesses?

Maybe you don’t feel quite like yourself. Perhaps you are experiencing aches and pains, feeling down and your ailments are interfering with the quality of your daily life. You may simply be suffering from toxic overload, which can manifest anywhere in the body and in a multitude of debilitating ways. Toxins can be found in processed foods and beverages, in our water and soil, and in the air we breathe. A few common symptoms of toxic buildup include brain fog, shortness of breath, headaches, hair loss, fatigue, bad breath, nausea, depression and weight gain. Due to the thousands of chemicals that have been released into our environment, toxic symptoms can run the gamut from mild to excruciating.

It is quite possible that the root cause of your affliction is a toxic buildup in an organ or hidden in tissues deep within. Maybe you’ve been misdiagnosed or told that your discomfort is all in your head. Your doctor may have even prescribed you pills to cover up your symptoms and make you feel better. But left untreated, numerous chemicals and toxins can damage your organs and body tissue, which can lead to disease and possibly death if left untreated. Everyone is at risk.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find answers to your infirmities and experience a renewed vitality. What if you could find your optimum level of health and live longer? Fasting Firepower provides a compelling overview of what we are being subjected to by the food, beverage, chemical and drug conglomerates and provides genuine solutions. NO ONE SHOULD LEAD A DEBILITATED LIFE FOR LACK OF THIS VITAL INFORMATION. Marjan combines science, history, spiritual wisdom, and over 50 years of personal experience in one of the most insightful books ever written on fasting, detoxification and natural healing. The straightforward answers may surprise you, challenge you, and quite possibly transform your life!



Our Children are being poisoned - by Marjan, author of Fasting Firepower and 600 Devils

Children have less knowledge in matters of health, and pound for pound they eat more food, breathe more air and drink more water than an adult. Their hand-to-mouth behaviors and activities close to the ground increase their chances for exposure to hazardous substances. Children’s metabolic pathways are more fragile and immature, so they detoxify and excrete pollutants less efficiently than adults. In addition, children develop rapidly and their growth can be disrupted by hazardous substances. Because of today’s marked increase to toxic exposure, the behavioral disorders and the incidence of infant and childhood cancers in particular are rising at an astronomical rate.


Studies have shown that leading causes of today’s childhood disorders is a combination of dietary issues and environmental toxins. Children are especially vulnerable to toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and manufactured artificial substances, as well as to the processed foods and drinks pushed by the unconscionable food and beverage conglomerates. A substantial number of childhood allergies are attributed to an underlying toxicity and blood tests reveal deficiencies in many important nutrients. It has also been found that some of the drugs children are being given for their conditions actually further deplete some of these necessary vitamins and nutrients.


Leading causes of child poisoning are personal care products, cleaning products, medications, synthetic vitamins, topical creams, tobacco products, antihistamines, pesticides, hydrocarbons, batteries, drugs, alcohol and toxic plants.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that every day 374 children up to the age of 19 are treated for poisoning in emergency rooms in the USA. At least two of them die every day.[i] Each year, more than 500,000 children under the age of 5 experience poisoning related to medications. More than 60,000 children are treated in emergency rooms due to accidental unsupervised ingestions each year.


Heavy metals like mercury, manganese, arsenic, aluminum and lead, even at low levels, are extremely harmful to children and can cause ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), autism, depression, spectrum disorder, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and other cognitive disorders.[ii] Heavy metal testing, including blood, hair and urine samples all have drawbacks and are often not conclusive. If metal poisoning is suspected in a child, a comprehensive detox program and elimination diet under the supervision of a highly trained professional is essential. Thankfully, researchers are beginning to uncover many of the causes of child maladies, such as the nutritional deficiencies, toxic chemicals, processed foods, GMOs, food additives, food coloring, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, phthalates, refined sugars and junk food.


It is normal for children to emit excess energy, get distracted, upset or argumentative, but when these behaviors are out of control and cause harm to the child or others, a diagnosis of a behavioral disorder is often made. Sadly, there is an epidemic of such disorders affecting children worldwide. Research indicates that one in six children in the USA alone is afflicted with developmental and behavioral disorders.[iii] In third world countries, no firm statistics are available, but the disorders are much worse as children are exposed to many more risks, including poverty, malnutrition, lack of education, lack of industrial controls, lack of health care, untreated infectious diseases and unfavorable home environments. One-third of children in low and middle-income countries fail to reach developmental milestones.[iv]  


Unfortunately, many allopathic doctors and psychiatrists do not recognize these underlying causes and simply dispense pills and pharmaceutical cocktails to our children that artificially increase the level of chemicals in their young brains. These pills include Ritalin, allergy medication, Trileptal, Concerta, antidepressants like Prozac, painkillers, Adderall and a host of other pharmaceuticals. One in ten children are now on drugs, an increase of over 300% in the last few years. Of course, there may be an organic, underlying medical problem to some of the disorders and all possibilities must be explored, but there is also the potential that a child experiencing these issues is just toxic. These toxins, as we have noted, are everywhere, even in the mother’s womb.[v]


The brain is connected to everything in the body and brain disorders can be caused by what is in the body. Children exhibit a myriad of cognitive symptoms, generally coming from brain malfunctions or the weakest parts of their constitutions. Adverse symptoms can include sleeplessness, anxiety, autism, irrational behavior, hypersensitivity, pain, muscle spasms, cramps, fear, inflammation, a craving for sweets and the many psychological deficit disorders we have noted. For some of these children, the treatment can be relatively simple. We can discontinue their medication and address their nutrient deficiencies. We can also modify their lifestyle by adding natural nutrition and antioxidants, exercise, fresh air, proper rest, and most of all an effective detoxification program. In one study, conducted for at least three months, ADHD was reduced by 60% simply by switching to a healthy diet called a few-foods diet (FFD).[vi] There are a number of other studies that come to similar conclusions. [vii]


To reduce heavy metal toxicity and other toxins, it is imperative to clear and strengthen detoxification pathways, replenish natural vitamins and minerals and supplement the diet with probiotics, which several studies have shown to be effective.[viii] But before diving headlong into any treatment, and before stopping any medication for a child, it is imperative that a person consult a reputable and knowledgeable physician.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could find answers to your child’s infirmities and watch them experience a renewed vitality. What if you could find your child’s optimum level of health and provide them, as well as yourself, a way of living a longer, healthier life. Fasting Firepower provides a compelling overview of what we are all being subjected to and provides genuine solutions. NO ONE SHOULD LEAD A DEBILITATED LIFE FOR LACK OF THIS VITAL INFORMATION. Marjan combines science, history, spiritual wisdom, and over 50 years of personal experience in one of the most insightful books ever written on fasting, detoxification and natural healing. The straightforward answers may surprise you, challenge you, and quite possibly transform a life!




[i] chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.cdc.gov/injury/pdfs/fact_sheets/poisoning-fact-sheet-a-1.pdf    

[ii]  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3491943/

[iii]  https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

[iv]  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/press-releases/children-low-middle-income-countries-fail-developmental-milestones/

[v]  https://vitalitytruehealth.com/blogs/blog/goodbye-ritalin-hello-zeolite-detoxifying-adhd

[vi]  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7081264/

[vii]  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7081264/

[viii]  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22684513/

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