The Lost Son (Second Edition)

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The Lost Son (Second Edition)
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When Henry finds a mysterious coin, it has life-altering consequences…

Henry Simmons's life as a typical high schooler is upheaved when he finds a mystical golden coin. What began as harmless fun with the magical object takes a drastic turn when he and his prom date, Tracey, along with three others, are transported to a different world – Zargothia.

This is a land where humans live in fear, hiding from the terrifying Sadarkians, creatures ruled by the ruthless King Zakarius, who is hellbent on human extinction. Henry discovers that he, Tracey, two WWII pilots and a talking cat named Jasper, have been chosen to liberate the Zargothians – with Henry being the one to lead the army alongside their king.

But the clock is ticking and King Zakarius, alerted to their presence, is more determined to annihilate not just the chosen five but also the Zargothians’ hidden refuge.

Will Henry rise to his destiny and lead Zargothia to victory, or will the weight of his new reality crush him?

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