Promise to Eddie

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Promise to Eddie
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CONTENT WARNING! This book contains depictions of alcoholism, child abuse, cults, homophobia, graphic violence, murder, necrophilia, pedophilia, physical abuse, profanity, racism, rape, sexual abuse, and sexual assault. This book contains mature, adult (18+) content. Therefore, it should not be read by children or minors.

A group of intergenerational secret society sadistic pedophiles targets and brutalizes poor young boys in a rigidly conservative southern rural, small-town community. Five victims endure horrific childhoods and become close friends, and all but Eddie grow into men. Two things are in common with the survivors: they want revenge against their abusers and to avenge the death of Eddie.

Lieutenant Luke Tanner of the local sheriff’s office stumbles upon damning and incriminating evidence during the deathbed confession of a convicted pedophile about corrupt leaders of the community who live double lives, including law enforcement, the judicial system, and local and state government.

With law enforcement gone bad and his trust in the legal system shattered, what will Luke do with this information, and how will he handle triggered feelings about his own past? Will Luke and the other survivors continue through life without justice, or will they take matters into their own hands?

Purchase now to experience how these boys survived, grew into men, and avenged the death of their dear friend.

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