Love in Words and Music (Who I am, what I do, and oh Lord, what have I gone and done now)
- #AuthorLife

I’m an old guy, a dreaded boomer, a curmudgeonly curmudgeon; someone who has seen it all and seen too much. I am a Woodstock baby, a bleeding heart, a dinosaur who doesn’t have a clue about how things should be done now. I am more wizened than wise and straddle the fine line between eccentric and obstreperous.
I hate the superficiality of social media. I hate it more that people love it. I hate it more still that people no one should know are famous for hyperbole and the superfluous use of the word epic.
I hate reality TV. My kids love The Bachelor. In my admittedly outré world, the happy couple would be forced to stay married at least ten years and work their crummy jobs while their luster faded. Should they fail, they would spend the remainder of the ten years in the same jail cell. Live and in color!
I have written eight books of fiction. No two are alike. I do not write in a single genre. I used to think this was a good thing. I have written social satire, sci-fi/fantasy, and Americana.
Despite such prescient limitations and consequent dyspepsia, I decided to write a love story, an honest-to-God, dyed-in-the-wool love story filled with hugging-and-kissing-and-houghmagandy (look it up).
I will, of course, be revealed as a sap, a quasi-whimsical romantic yearning for irretrievable youth, as opposed to the erudite elder statesman I yearn to be. So be it.
It gets even weirder.
Not only was my inclination to pen an epic tale of man-woman amour, I decided to write the whole thing in dialogue—an entire novel. Nearly 9000 lines. I recently wrote a short story collection in dialogue and had an epiphany that I was onto something—or else my Doritos came from ergot-infested corn.
I just hope Nora Roberts doesn’t puke in her oatmeal.
There you have it. Love in Words and Music. My paean to intransigence.
Ah, but what a lovely web I’ve woven, a lifelong affair filled with humor, affection, and abiding devotion. Spicy and sweet like the Honey Bar-B-Q at B-Dubs.
Ain’t life grand.
P.S. Special eBook introductory price. A buck. What a bargain! Buy it. Make an old man smile.
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