The Interview - Sandro Romanov

Which character do you enjoy writing the most as a writer and why? If choosing a favorite character is like choosing a favorite child, which character do you find requires the most attention and detail from you as a writer?

My protoganist. His struggle to be able to be himself. To say to everyone go to hell I do what I want and how I want it.

Can you explain your writing process? Do you prefer to create an outline and plan beforehand, or do you prefer to write more spontaneously and organically?

First I play with an idea in my head for a while. When that takes shape, I write a few chapters, usually in one go. When I'm satisfied with that, then I start an outline, but it's not set in stone. Everything depends on what my chaotic brain wants to throw out.

What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?

Jeez, there are so many. One that I myself always put first is Fredrick Forsysht. One of the very first books for “adults” that I worked through as a child is The Eagle has Landed. About a group of German paratroopers who were dropped in England with the mission of kidnapping Chruchill. Nothing and no one in that book turned out to be who he was supposed to be. The German soldiers are anything but Nazis but convicts from a penal regiment for saving a Jew girl from the Gestato. A member of the IRA who hates bloodshed. And even Churchill turns out not to be Churchill but a double agent. Forsycht is perhaps better known for his work Day of the Jackhal from which two films were made. Clancy, when it was still Clancy, is a favorite. As if the man could see into the future. What is happening now in Russia and Ukraine he described almost 20 years ago.

Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.

A pissed-off Antichrist refuses to unleash the apocalypse!

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

Usually not but once an idea gets stuck in my head then sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I just have to keep writing.

Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?1. What is your favorite line from your book?

Never, ever give up, keep writing and keep trying. With everything you write you hone your talent and get better. Favorite phrase from this book “Reluctance”? The Antichrist and his girlfriend are cozy in bed talking about what could possibly be going on. Until at one point he says of the Archangels Michael, Uriel and Mataron; “Those three are idiots every day of the week and twice as bad on Sunday besides they have two brain cells together.”

Did you have any say in the cover design?

Yep but I used a free AI program. I was in conversation with a graphic designer for a while and it remained a back and forth chatter that went nowhere. Also because he wanted to incorporate his own idea somewhere. I wanted something simple that had something to say without a lot of bla bla.

Did you always want to be an author? If not, what did you want to be when you grew up?

As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a history teacher. I think this is actually not that far removed from being a writer. You tell a story in the hopes of holding the attention of your “class” so that they get something out of it.

Are any of the characters in your book based on people in your real life? If so, can you tell us more about that process and how it influenced your writing?

No, not really based on people I know although some of my characters have certain traits I know from people I have known or encountered in my life.

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