The Interview - Prafulla
Can you explain your writing process? Do you prefer to create an outline and plan beforehand, or do you prefer to write more spontaneously and organically?
Before I used to write as ideas flowed through my mind. But now I prefer an outline and jot points down for every chapter. But I do several drafts where I might making changes regarding plots, characters etc.
My writing space is by the window on my couch. A writing pad and a cup of chai.
What have you found to be most challenging about writing in [genre]?
Sometimes I worry that my writing is not good enough. I feel that there are better writers out there than me. But then I console myself, thinking it’s about my experiences, my love for writing and creating characters that are unique to me.
It’s my passion.
I want to create something that other people will appreciate.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I prefer to write in the early morning.
Later in the day, after my daily walk, I read my favorite books by Agatha Christie, R.K Narayan and Daphne du Maurier.
I also play bridge with my friends and watch movies on Netflix. I love Turkish dramas.
How long did it take you to write this book?
My first book in the series, took me almost two years to complete. But then I got better at it and now I am creating two books a year. Thrilling for me.
Are any of the characters in your book based on people in your real life? If so, can you tell us more about that process and how it influenced your writing?
None of my characters are based on people in real life. Sometimes characters from books or movies inspire me. But usually they are born out of a need.
For example in my third novel, a neighbor is a flat character but he might grow as the plot develops.