HISTORICAL SAGA ON THE JOURNEY OF THE IMMORTAL FLY: AN AVALANCHE OF FEAR AND BLOOD [#(history)Interview of the book from the Author, herself].
https://g.co/kgs/nxR3qtj, https://harvardworldrecords.com/record-holder/rituparna-ray-chaudhuri/
The book 'The Immortal Fly : Eternal Whispers' is a new form of creative powerful history on captivating words. How did you gain that?
My tenure to my maternal grandmother's house in Madhyamgram (West Bengal) is no less than a glimpse of immortality.
I cannot think a single day without Ma ...As medical records withheld, on 18th December, 2018 at 8.20 P.M. Ma was admitted in the hospital. The Doctor no sooner had said, "The Patient should be shifted to ICU immediately''... I had once looked to the Doctor vaguely....My inner world appeared to be uproarious and tumultuous....but I had believed God!
Ma was declared by the ICU as 'vulnerable'...still I had faith on God....if some miracles could ever be happened...…...
Aftermath of Ma's demise, with a mere existence of self in a territorial and a terrestrial desert with no oasis of its own, the words then for the book of some chapters were innate and therefore completely unconscious.... With time gradually I cannot repeat the same metaphorical and ambiguous words, now in my conscious mind.
Why you named the book on reality as 'The Fly'?
On 4th February, 2019 Ma for the second time was ventilated. While I looked at 'it', I saw no pain was there; the lips seemed me to smile with her like the same which I could not bear for now here to carry with description...
On 2nd February, 2019 on a sudden period of time on my dizziness I was brewing a Fly. . The fly would be ever so appreciative to be freed from that likely vile site. No sooner had I opened my eyes than the first thing I remembered of Fly which I deliberately wanted to avoid …..I became terrified...it was tumultuous for me...I did not know what to do next...…on 4th February when I stepped to ICU it was closely the same look with the face of Ma so peaceful and calm but firm like same in her life....it didn't appear to me death, but more like an image of life! …..It seemed in the hey-day of life to ebb with the decay of blood and my spirits. [The Immortal Fly was Tired. Let it go]
Of reality, what do you mean by 'Eternal Whispers'?
With demise of Ma, I had slowly started to realize am plunging into the world of despondency: there was no sacred solution. During these irrevocable moments, I come across with different sorts of people-from known to unknown, from plucky to merry devils. I earned self realization of my existence much more later of constant humility and tediousness: even from my very own. I blamed God on giving me such territory, the unwanted circumstances! With advent of time, before 'tear fountain' would now receive again signals from the part of my brain, I remember Ma's eternal words, "Everything will be deceased...I shall allow my daughter only to hold my pen and, she knows that-"
Do you blame anyone for the death of 'The Immortal Fly'?
It is written the same about the book : "I had asked Ma many times, but her 'impenetrable personality' and dynamic words to everyone with a tinge of smile as reflected on her face, she was reluctant to continue her conversation with me. I had thought, hence I must not be dusty on my spoken words. Who shall I blame?
You mentioned of your maternal grandmother. No sooner after her death you had faced 'The Immortal Fly's' death. How shall you co-relate these two Deaths?
The relationship between # Late (Mrs.) Samaddar [Maternal Grandmother, Death: 13th Oct., 2017] and # Late (Mrs.) Roy Choudhury [Ma, Death: 7th Feb., 2019] as I experienced from both sides: "With her, life was routine; without her, life was unbearable." Yet, after death of my maternal grandmother, Ma was recovering slowly. On 14th January, 2018 I had noted after a certain call from someone during the day...Ma was too perturbed. I had asked Ma many times on reason to make her behavourial changes as to be isolated from everything. She was reluctant to provide me any answer. With time, I had noticed the life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. According to Medical Science, this is the Mirror image of my maternal grandmother(at 88th/89th year just on death) and Ma (at 70th year on death)
On context to the book and your later book published in 2022, The Revolt in the Desert , how shall you describe self now?
Wikipedia is giving the answer. The trails of the book shares intimate reflections on influence of a mother and her own aspirations on her daughter, particularly in relation to America. The book concludes with a message of hope and continuity, as the Author’s mother entrusts her legacy to her daughter; exploring in the desert as oasis themes of literature, philosophy, fear, and medical challenges.
Why the name of the book is 'The Immortal'?
The immortal book delves into the profound impact of destiny and fate on the life of the protagonist, the Daughter [ME]. Based on the title alone, it could still explore themes of eternal life, whispers of wisdom or secrets passed down through generations, and the significance of seemingly insignificant being.
My unique perspective and writing style would undoubtedly shape the themes and messages within the book. It’s open interpretation, like a piece of abstract art or a line from a surrealist poem. Additionally, it could touch upon the interconnectedness of all living beings and the hidden knowledge that exists within the natural world.
Do you know the Exposure of your book?
The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers” is originally framed with its subtitle ‘Based on true events of a family’. With many reviews, ratings and tributes from both India and abroad, this book captures the essence of the document, highlighting its blend of personal narrative, literary analysis and philosophical musings. , Ubuy mentioned the book as The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers-A Gripping Family saga with rating 4.7 and Everand with rating 5/5. The book , among many sites, is also notably placed in the catalogue at Penticton Public Library, Milton Public Library, World Cat Library, Bodleian Library, Kobo and recognised in limelight by the University of London.
‘‘ART IS NEVER FINISHED, ONLY ABANDONED”: What is the connection of Shelley's poem 'Ode to West Wind' with 'The Immortal Fly'?
Nothing can surpass Shelley's poetic artistic description of himself in 'Adonais' , as a frail form, a phantom among men, 'companionless' as ' the last cloud of an expiring storm'... they began, as I foresaw, at sunset with a violent tempest of hail and rain, attended by that magnificent thunder and lightning peculiar to the Cisalpine regions:
The book mentioned 'The tired Passenger' is happy now after crossing the bar that separates harbour and sea; 'He' would be able to see the 'Pilot', face to face, 'in the guise of a specially qualified mariner.'
How do you like the book to be historically recorded? Mention from bookish pages.
On Page 255 of the book, I wrote Ma's words to me. As translated from Bengali Language to the English Language, it is mentioned of Ma's Eternal Whispers, "World will recognise you through your writing."
On Page 254, similarly, as translated from the Bengali Language to the English Language, it is written of my grandmother's words tome till the end she could speak her words on deathbed, "Didibhai[ My maternal grandmother whom I called 'dimma' used to call me 'Didibhai'], go ahead on way of your life."
On Page 20, it is mentioned that during a certain recovery , in midst of struggle, throughout long period of 51days in ICU, Ma had her blissful words [as translated from Bengali Language]: 'I believe from self, on what my daughter speaks deeply on own style is 'Hence, for The World.''
What is the difference of five to six years in between past and present since the death of The Immortal Fly, 7th February, 2019?
If the function of Literature of Knowledge is to teach, Literature of Power shows us to move. If Literature of Knowledge is a rudder, Literature of Power is an oar or a sail...the free-lances on literature together lives largely on what is analysed, re-edified, destroyed and reverted: The labour on my work increases...
Less is always more: How shall you define the Ambiguity left in the book?
A 'timid'' silence pervades in my room....the secret was such an old one now, had so grown into me and become a part of myself, that I could not tear it away.
Do you want to continue with the interview on the book? History has many things to ask you. And, how shall you answer this as a literary critic?
"I am puzzled in a question about Hell; in hell there is one material fire.....though in our miseries Fortune have a part, yet in our noble sufferings she has none" : I must not be, hence, dusty on my spoken words: to conclude, 'The fault, dear Brutus, lies in Me and not stars. Yet , I have a talk to my God only...and to none else.'
Wikipedia has given a place of your book, 'The Immortal Fly :Eternal Whispers'. How shall you like to witness your book in an Alternate Title from any page of this powerful historical book?
Let History knows the name of the house, as mentioned on Page: 62, where I am in, belongs to my maternal grandmother. During her time, of her immense creativity, in Bengali she named the house at Madhyamgram, a suburb in Kolkata, as 'Saptabarna' [which in the English Language means 'Seven Rays''] comprising the names of her own family members constituting the names of her two daughters, her grandchildren, her sons-in-law and also her husband. This house, mysteriously has eternal, a 'synchronous' name!
Though you do not want to be dusty on your words, according to your book how shall you judge a character apart from you and The Immortal Fly?
On Page: 63 of the book, an image is provided of the maid who belonged to my maternal grandmother, came to my grandmother's house in Madhyamgram, in the year 1972(January/February). Her name Aarati. My grandmother used to call as 'Bou'(a Bengali word which means a bride). She, still, stands as the witness of the house, now about 80years old. With demise of Ma in February, 2019 , she left Dimma's house with her words to me, "Khuki[a Bengali word stands for Little Daughter that she used to call me], so long my health permits I shall come to Mashima's [the old maid used to call my maternal grandmother by this Bengali word, which in English the word is synonymous like 'Aunty']house to visit you...she leaned on her walking cane and comes to see me at Dimma's house twice a year [February and October].
Last question, whom do you think the immortal insatiable fly wants to hide? Was it that deliberate?Your book reveals many intentional hazy as well as unseen relationships.
....that sustaining love which through the web of being blindly wove by man and beast and earth and air and sea. # ......