The Interview - Cecile Beaulieu
When you're working on a book and a new idea pops up, should you pursue it immediately (also known as 'UP syndrome') or finish your current project first? What do you think is the best course of action?
Work the idea immediately, so I don't lose it and forget about it.
Can you explain your writing process? Do you prefer to create an outline and plan beforehand, or do you prefer to write more spontaneously and organically?
I write spontaneously and organically.
What have you found to be most challenging about writing in [genre]?
I had a hard time trying to write the three stories in a way that would allow the story to flow. I had to break many rules of writing according to chronological order. Some chapters flip back and forth in time to give it logical flow. I had to decide whether chronological order was more important than story... I elected to write it in a way that would support the story and I'm glad I did.
Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in [jobs/education] in your writing?
This book was all about my experience with surviving suicide and surviving the loss of three brothers to suicide.
I wanted to bring my brothers back to life in the writing. It was my way of coping with their loss. The book also covers many stages of grief, because the losses spanned almost 30 years from losing the first brother to the loss of the third brother. Their lives were complicated by mental illness and, in one case, alcoholism. But there is one other cause that can never be verified, because there is no one left to direct the question to. It will forever remain unanswered.
Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
A Saskatchewan true story of three brother and suicide.
Would you like readers to have any specific takeaway from your book?
If you are suffering, mourning or considering suicide, my deepest wish is for the story to speak to you, bring you out of despair and give you hope.
Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?1. What is your favorite line from your book?
My advice to aspiring authors: sometimes, you'll wish you never started writing... and other times when all you'll want to do is to keep writing, because it soothes the soul. It's not an easy calling, you'll need grit and fortitude to get 'er done. Don't skimp on writing, editing, proof reading, manuscript reviews... make sure your work is not just okay, make it your personal best. That way, you can say you gave your all... which is your actual success and accomplishment.
My favorite line is: "Perhaps I wouldn’t have fought so hard had I known that winning was going to feel this bad."
To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?
Chapter 9: The Sex Talk.
How long did it take you to write this book?
It took seven and one-half years to write the book.
Are any of the characters in your book based on people in your real life? If so, can you tell us more about that process and how it influenced your writing?
All the characters are about real people. Many are deceased, but some are still living. It was awkward writing about them, not knowing if they would want me to divulge details of our lives, but when I informed them of my plan to write the book, they were very supportive... even enthusiastic about reading the final work.
Do you have any personal connection to the story or characters?
I have extreme connection to the story and all the characters in the story. They were my family, as well as my closest and dearest companions on this rugged journey called life. Some passed many years ago, but they are still with me. I expect they will never leave me.