Adrian Blue

Adrian Blue

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Monsters Need Love, Too!

Adrian Blue is a romance author who writes short stories about a wide variety of monstrous creatures and the women who love them. Some are romantic love stories, some are ships passing in the night, but all are full of spice.

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MERCH!? Yeah, we got that! Want your favorite AB characters on a magnet? Bookmark? Want super spicy art on a journal? I got you! adrian-blue (period) printify (period) me

Check-in regularly on my blog for sexy story excerpts and what's new. :)

Come Stalk Me on Social Media!

Facebook (My light-hearted SM :P) : AdrianBlueAuthor

Twitter (My Extra Spicy SM!) : @adrianbluefics

Instagram (No Idea, yet. I just set it up. LOL!): @adrianblueauthor


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