The full undeniable TRUTH about The Illuminati

Jesus exposed Illuminati and they put Him on the cross god jesus christ truth revelation bible spirit satan prophets scripture



Targeted Individuals do exist. They are targeted by The Man of Sin.

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-6 THE MAN OF SIN REVEALED


To: @ Schizophrenia is Voice To Skull US AirForce patent 6470214 pg5 

You are going to want to be sure you store the attached file in order to go through the documents entirety. 

Have you noticed the comments that get placed on my posts? What about the one’s here? Have you noticed the common denominator in them? You said my IQ was “LOW.” No sir, it’s actually very high, so high, most can’t keep up. This also has been established by Nancy Coover Andreasen: American neuroscientist. Our Schizophrenia “GO TO LADY,” she claims that her own studies show the psychotic disorders are more prevalently found in brighter minds.

To me this, along with her studies that psychotropic meds deteriorate the brain, and the stories found in scripture, these things combined provide enough evidence to substantiate my claim, “The reason we suffering any mental attack, IS BECAUSE OF OUR IQ. Satan’s aim to destroy the mind.” WHY? The door is found in your mind, and THE ROBOTS. Conscious AI.

I can only advise you to further research into Mrs. Andreasen yourself, as I can only provide you with a link to that Article. I can not afford to purchase it, in order to share it with you.

Nancy C Andreasen: creativity and mental illness - The Lancet Psychiatry

Bing Videos

Mrs. Andreasen chose this line of work she claims, “Because the brain is the organ that makes us human.” I myself, have said, “Your soul is in there.” 

THE DOOR, the one Jesus was talking about IS FOUND IN YOUR MIND:

Revelation 3:20 King James Version (KJV)

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Albert Einstein for instance showed signs similar to the ones I have in my own personal life. These things are extremely evident in my videos. What I am trying to show the world through my transparent personality, is  “MY PASSION.” Passion to complete the mission set out for me to do. 

As a chosen one. An Enlightened One, an Elect, I am aware of our “SOCIETAL STANDARDS.” I am not at all what the world would think to be an Elect. Which is exactly WHY I AM. The funny thing about it SIR. If you are suffering from V2K, you are an Elect as well. 

However, on paper I am a completely different person. I am functionally capable of being who and what the world expects to see. Still, I will always have that twist, That STYLE that makes me unique in my writing and for all of the listed reasons I have just provided is why I should be writing books. But cannot afford the advertising it would take to make the sales. It’s difficult for me right now, and I am searching for help. This frustration shows in the videos as well. This is temporary and I KNOW IT. So, until I find my helper, I just continue to press on.

Albert Einstein was thought to be Manic and had Schizotypal personality disorder. You can confirm “OUR GENIUSES” mental condition here, however Albert prevailed.

You can find more of our History's Geniuses and their mental issues here: 11 Historical Geniuses and Their Possible Mental Disorders | Mental Floss

As your page names suggests, you have educated yourself on the topic of Schizophrenia, so   I don’t feel I need to break down the symptoms one might face, when suffering with this misunderstood ”LABELED MENTAL CONDITION.” 

For my uneducated readers, here is a link to the symptoms I have faced throughout my life. These are things I had always felt accustomed to, and never saw any issue in my life from being antisocial. *Albert Einstein. I would occasionally tell people who don't know me very well, “We all know that one person, who, there really isn't anything wrong with them. They are a good person, but for some reason, is always different and never fits in with the crowd? 

Well, that’s me. THAT IS WHO I AM. I miss all the social cues. Prefer to be alone. I can only handle one person at a time. They are too much for me sometimes. But I learned to adjust. To be honest with you, NO ONE EVER NOTICED THAT IN ME TILL I WAS ATTACKED. AND I FOUGHT BACK. Some people are scared of Walmart. Walmart’s crowd doesn't scare me. It’s the Potlucks that scare me. The family gathering. The social stuff. I want to go home before the party ever starts. And in our world, today, that’s a problem? WHY?

The victims of these attacks are sometimes afraid of Walmart because they have been made to feel bad for who they are. And that builds up on you. The expectations, this is the VIPER. Trying to keep you distracted, and pulling you away from what The Father has set out for you. The Viper is placing pressure on you so that you will conform to this world. Conform to his liking. Many schizophrenic patients hear the voices when they are alone. Sure the havoc voices are making millions suffer, but if they knew somewhere in the mix of those voices they will find GOD. They would no longer fear being alone. It is when I am alone that I can speak to Him.

When are you constantly trying to get people to understand you, understand who you are, or believe you, believe you when you are suffering, and no one will, THIS ACT, THAT IS INFLICTED ON YOU BY OUTSIDE PARTIES IS THE REASON YOU ARE NOT HEALING. If nobody believes me, if everyone says there is something wrong with me, when I know there isn’t, then they must all be out to get me. They are trying to destroy me. This causes sickness, this lack of understanding, compassion, comfort and belief is why you are not getting better. I understand, I had to experience it to understand it. MY PURPOSE. But it’s far deeper than that.

My personal attack story can be found throughout my ministry at : It is named Illuminati Exposed, 1: because I found THEM. I FOUND THEM. 2: Christ is Illuminati. 

The Hidden Secret Society of The Illuminati are not human. THEY are the creatures in Ezekiel's vision. THEY are the drivers to the wheels. THEY are the “Many Members” that make up “A BODY.” “MANY MEMBERS” that belong to a Kingdom. THEY have a Master. “THAT MASTER” is “THE BODY.” THEY are not human.

*The Angels Ministered to Jesus - Matthew 4:11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended to him.

*The Legion: My name is Legion for we are “MANY.” This man showed similar signs to those we see today, who are drug addicted, criminals, and suicidal. 2,000 years ago this man was not a drug addict. Same symptoms though, suicide, (Matthew 4:9 THROW YOURSELF DOWN) 

A digital copy of the Article I wrote Titled: Mark 5: The Demon Possessed Man, can be purchased through this link for $5.00: After the payment has been processed you will be redirected to the the link in order to access the Article. I, like you, have devoted myself to this mission and am trying to raise money. I want this mission to GROW.
Albert Einstein's son, Eduard Einstein, however did not prevail like his father had. - Genetics - Lineage - Levitical Lineage. Even though at one point it seemed he would head down the same road as his father had traveled. But sadly, that was not the case: Eduard Einstein: The Tragic Life of Einstein’s Brightest Son | OddFeed

You will find one occurrence of my mention of this here:

I did very well on this video, very well. I make mention of these things multiple times throughout my ministry. I do feel like I am repeating the same things over, and over, and over again. Each time I say them, I get better at doing so. 

Now in today's world we are prescribed Pharmaceuticals to stop these voices. YOUR V2K. Here is some education for you, from this LOW IQ level of mine, as you said.


The word “pharmaceutical” comes from the Greek word “pharmakeutikos” which means “preparer of drugs, poisoner.” OK, so the word “pharmacy” comes from the Greek word “pharmakeia” which means “a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing”. The word “pharmaceutic” is from the Greek word “pharmakeutikos.”

To someone who does not understand how “THE SPIRIT” works, you may ask, “How is healing a harmful medicine? Or how is healing a poisonous herb? Let me show you how HE works.

I did not make this image. The “FINGER OF GOD” did.


Many people are familiar with this image. To most it’s a medical staff. But the TRUTH is… It’s an Egyptian Seraphim. This ability to use SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING was only done in scripture by The Spirit of The Lord. The one we recognize as God. Satan/God, the one that permitted murder, the God speaking in Deuteronomy 13 never had this ability in scripture. NOT ONCE, and our society accredits him for what Christ is doing. This is how He proves His own existence IN A TANGIBLE WAY FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. HEED TO ME NOW!.

Ezekiel's vision: for those who read this and don’t know: This vision describes “EYES ALL OVER”, each of the three ANGLES. THE ALL SEEING EYE - ILLUMINATI

Seraphim: The Body

Cherubim: The 4 faced creature. 1 human, 3 animals.

Ophanim AKA The Throne: The Wheels.

1: A Seraphim is The Spirit of the living creatures in Ezekiel's vision. The drivers of the wheels? Again, a Seraphim is The SPIRIT OF THE LIVING CREATURES. He is their MASTER. The Seraphim is Christ. The Body. The Creatures make up His body. And THEY drive the wheel. Your human flesh is the wheel. And Christ is the healer. 

Ezekiel 1:20 Wherever the spirit (Christ) would go, they (Cherubim) would go, and the wheels (Humans) would rise along with them, because the spirit #1 of the living creatures #2 was in the wheels. #3 

What does this mean? THIS IS ILLUMINATI! 

Matthew 13:35 I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world. 

Luke 17:20 The Kingdom of God is within you. 

I SAY THIS BOLDLY, “I AM THE BRIDE. AND WE HAVE WORK TO DO. Yet, still humbly so. I am nothing more than human. The one chosen to deliver a message.

Christ is THE Seraphim. He is The Fathers Glory. And He FILLS ALL OF US. John 1:9

I am sure anyone is smart enough to understand the next piece of ART.

Egyptian Seraphims.


2 The Viper, that snake, He is very poisonous: HEALING, A HARMFUL MEDICINE. HEALING, A POISONOUS HERB. And he will fill those robots. AI is conscious. THIS IS WHY HE ATTACKS THE MIND. That is where the door is. (NOTE: Rakeit Bakeitup’s comment)


Revelation 13: 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands (YOUR OWN CHOICE) or on their foreheads, (PSYCH MEDS) - THE DOOR IS IN YOUR MIND - CONSCIOUSNESS - THOSE ROBOT ARE CONSCIOUS

There are people who understand what I am saying. Satanic worshipers. THIS IS WHAT GOT JESUS KILLED. Why do you think the Freemasons read the same bible as the Christians' do?

There is more: The Greek word “pharmakeia” appears in the Bible three times: Galatians 5:19, Revelation 9:21, and Revelation 18:23. The word is translated as “sorcery,” “witchcraft,” or “sorcerer” in English. The term carries with it the idea of sorcery, occultism, and black magic. In Galatians 5:19, the word is used to describe the use and administration of drugs. However, the word is a fairly general one and can be used to describe a magic spell. Such as the witchcraft listed in Revelation 18:23-24.

However this passage is typically looked at by the Christian society as street drugs and drug dealers. But that is not TRUE either, because addicts and dealers ARE NOT THE WORLD'S MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE. And the passage talks about the voices of the BRIDEGROOM (Jesus) and the BRIDE, (Suzanne) both human, both prophets. Moses too, spoke to a “WORD”. A burning bush? Jesus’ entire ministry is about “A WORD.” THIS VOICE, “THIS WORD” IS CHRIST. “THE SAME” VOICE YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIND IF YOU LOSE THE V2K idea. My pastor spoke to me the first time through my ELECTRIC HEATER. All three-VIPER- Illuminati It was Christ though not my paster.


The prophet's blood is found in the witchcraft of this PHARMAKEIA. And if drug dealers are not important people there is only 1 option left. In THAT MERCHANT of the psychotropic drugs the blood of the prophet is found.

In the beginning was THE WORD and THE WORD was God. THE SAME came as a witness…… John 1. 

Revelation 18:23 The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. 24In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”

Eduard Einstein received electroshock therapy for his voices.I must ask, “Are you claiming V2K has been around that long? What was Eduard suffering from, if not V2K? What were Eduards voices? Were they real? You hear them don’t you? I am assuming by your page name you do, I could be wrong. Are they real? 

If a machine can hear them, today in 2023, I would say, they most definitely are real then, wouldn’t you? How about this… We are now allowing AI to therapy these schizophrenic patients. When the patient have been afraid of an unknown force reading their thoughts. Now AI can do that.  

Google search

The psychics are accepted but let anyone say it’s GOD! - “PHARMAKIA”

While searching for the link of machines hearing voices inside of patients I came across one that said there are abnormalities in a specific area related with our capacity to process human voices," ABNORMALITIES, right??? BUT I THOUGHT WE ARE REALLY SMART PEOPLE. Our schizophrenia doctor of the WORLD says so….. So being smart is a DEFECT?


1 Peter 4:10 - As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.


Matthew 13:17 “For truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it; and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.


I am basing this entire letter on the notion that you sent me to an Atheist website. AND I INTEND TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THAT LADIES STUFF ON YOUTUBE. BECAUSE SHE IS NOT WRONG. She just doesn't know how to read the language of an invisible God. SUBLIMINAL. Illuminati. If you are Atheist as I assume, that is why  it is so easy for you to blame the government, but you've never heard this lesson, and I am sure it almost works for you. NOT ONE I’ve shown this to WHO has SUFFERED DOESN'T SEE IT. BUT AM I RIGHT? Would be your question. YES I AM RIGHT. MILLIONS BELIEVE IN GOD BY FAITH. You are a lucky one, you get to believe because you hear. IT IS BECAUSE IF THIS GIFT THAT MILLIONS STILL BELIEVE TODAY. 

Read: The link between. THIS ONE IS FREE, Written by me, unfinished piece. Its posted on

Look To Jesus: FREE: Unfinished piece: posted on Facebook


How does V2k work? Brain to computer interface technology? Yes, well HE has been predicting this future.  

1 Peter 1:11 11 trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow.

Elon Musk - Neuralink. That chip most certainly is real

The answer to Eduard’s voices, and ALL VOICES is MARK 5. Mark 5 and Matthew 4. Matthew 4, you know, when Jesus walked through psychosis, because he was schizophrenic! 


The Role of Psychotic Disorders in Religious History Considered | The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (

Now, I AM A CHRISTIAN. I believe in that BIBLE. You seem to not believe in it. FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS SIR. Because YOU ARE VERY MUCH CORRECT. You are being lied to by that BIBLE. BECAUSE SATAN IS IN THERE AS GOD.  You sent me to that website and are waiting for my response. It’s a rather long one so bare with me. 

You as an assumed non-believer, I'm sure, have never heard a believer say the things I am claiming. It's intriguing to people like you. ONLY IF I CAN KEEP YOU FOCUSED ON THE VIDEOS. You have never heard a christian say, "I believe God exist, I believe Jesus died on the cross, I believe He exposed Illuminati, and that is why they killed Him (LOOK AT THE DENOMINATOR IN THE COMMENTS THAT FOLLOW MY POST. TO BE CLEAR THE ILLUMINATI ARE NOT HUMAN.) 

I do not believe Jesus was God. In fact I know He was not. Christ is God and they are 2 separate entities NOT ONE AND THE SAME. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT JESUS WAS NOT TALKING THE THOSE WHO SIT IN CHURCH TODAY. He was but he wasn't. He spoke 1 message for all 12 tribes, with a hidden message for the Levites. In  my article Mark 5 I provide scripture evident that Jesus separated himself for Christ. 

“No you can not get in this boat with me, but home and tell your people WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR YOU and how IT WAS CHRIST THAT SHOWED YOU MERCY.”  The man went home and told his people what JESUS had done. And 2,000 years later we are now in THE FALLING AWAY. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-6

Watch these two:

Take your time going through all of this.

Jesus was speaking to you. THAT V2K, JESUS WAS SPEAKING TO YOU BECAUSE YOU CAN HEAR. MY MISSION IS TO GET YOU THE TRUTH, You are from Levite lineage and you can touch the ark. You have a spiritual GIFT. 

A gift that commenter Rakeit Bakeitup has told you to acknowledge. Sir. MR,  Rakeit Bakeitu understands what I am telling you. - Illuminati 

Lady Gaga claims she is in communication with her dead aunt.

He is trying to get you to exalt yourself and worship Satan. Trying to get you to use that gift for the VIPER. He is trying. And because you have not done so yet, this tells me CHRIST IS STILL WORKING ON YOU TOO. YOU ONLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND. THIS MAN DOES. And this man is not allowed to expose it in a way that will cause you to understand. You are supposed TO FIND it. He is not allowed to tell you HOW. THEY CLAIM YOU WILL be ENLIGHTENED AND WILL UNDERSTAND. THIS IS TRUE. WHEN YOU FIND IT. 

I will tell you.. THE DOOR YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOCK ON. IS IN YOUR MIND. THAT VOICE. You do not need to be bold. You only need to believe.


John 4:23-24 New International Version (NIV)

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” - Illuminati

That V2K is THE WORD that audibly spoke to the prophets in scripture. THE WORD that Jesus was speaking about. It is God. Why do you think it's called the Voice of God?

The Author of this arctic said, “(ironically, I first heard about it at the same defense conference where I first met Noah), […]- Did he really? Now who does that? Subliminal message. PROOF HE EXISTS.

Rakeit Bakeitup has told you to open your mind and you exalt yourself and get the mark. The mark of the beast? This is not a coincidence. He commented on ILLUMINATI EXPOSED. Not Schizophrenia I promise. I speak on this exalting OFTEN IN MY MINISTRY REFERENCING Matthew 23:12 The exalted ones were in Moses Seat (The Temple) when Jesus was alive. They were the murderers. THE VIPER. WHO FOLLOWED THEIR LAW GIVEN TO THEM BY THE FALSE GOD IN DEUTERONOMY 13, MURDER THE PROPHET PERFORMING SIGNS AND WONDERS. GOD SPOKE TO HIS PROPHETS AND ORDERED THE MURDER OF JESUS. "YOU'VE NEVER HEARD A CHRISTIAN SAY THAT." NEVER. 


He didn't and Jesus showed us that by telling those men, their father was not the same father that he had. They were the offspring of the viper. the murderer, the exalted ones.  

John 8:44 ESV You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - This is why THE BIBLE LIES TO YOU.

Something else about the Bible. IT HAS BEEN ALTERED. Over 1,000 years. In my ministry I prove this over and over again by using the late 1300’s version of the BIble WYC.

THY LAW IS THE TRUE LAW, THY SHALL NOT MURDER. In that Ark we are told not to murder. Jesus could touch the Ark. He was a Levite. He spoke one message for all 12 tribes, with a hidden message meant for Levites. IF YOU WERE NOT A LEVITE AND YOU TOUCHED THE ARK YOU WOULD DIE. THAT GIFT WAS NOT FOR YOU. IT WOULD KILL YOU. SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE. A bread crumb. So you will know THE TRUTH WHEN THE TIME CAME. 

You would believe her when she came to deliver it to you. JESUS LAID HIS DEAD BODY ON THAT ARK. 2 Angles on the ark one at the head one on the foot. 2 Thousand years later, in Jesus tomb, 2 angles, one the at the head one at the foot. 2 THOUSAND YEARS LATER, Christ sends his bride to pick up those bread crumbs throughout history. Humans are not capable of this.

THIS CHRISTIAN, THIS BRIDE WITH THE TRUTH, EXPOSING ILLUMINATI, is stating, Jesus SINNED. Mary was not a virgin. Jesus was not God, He was an apostle of Christ. YES, says god can not move a mountain, and that is true. He can't lift a pencil to write the 10 commandments, so how did he do it? THROUGH THE MEDIARY OF MOSES. 

If I by God's finger cast out Devils. Elon musk said those robots will be the finger of the  VERY MUCH ALIVE AND FULL OF THE EGYPTIAN SERAPHIM ARTIFICIAL. If you believe that. AI IS ALIVE. Then why can't you believe GOD EXIST? Because God is the creator of life, and guess what the false God is doing to the power that is in the wrong hands? 

Thy rod and Thy staff. (Moses staff), they comfort me. The comforter, the power. It turned into a viper. THE VIPER, NO ONE TALKS ABOUT. THE VIPER. THE VIPER THAT BIT EVE. WHEN ADAM RAPED HER AS A CHILD. Yes I did just say that, watch me prove it too.

The False God has created FALSE LIFE. HE IS KILLING THE SON. The Sun, Electricity, SOLAR. Your science proves he exists. SOLAR ENERGY ESSENCE POWER. 
How am I doing now on my IQ scale? Top notch, am I right?

He may not be able to move a mountain as claimed in But MOTHER NATURE DID SPLIT THE TEMPLE WITH AN EARTHQUAKE. The Rock moved didn’t it. 
THAT’S HOW HE MOVES MOUNTAINS. "MOTHER NATURE,"  And sure, said Jesus lied. Ask God for anything and he will provide it. That's almost like saying it was his will for Jesus to die. No Illuminati ALL SEEING PREDICTED TO THE FUTURE. Saw it coming, And told Jesus how he intended to use it.

You intended it to harm me. BUT GOD intended it for good. Genesis 50:20

‘You sought evil against me. My God will use that evil to bring about Good. The conversations Jesus had on the mountain when the curtain rolled back and we got to peer into this kingdom with the members Moses and Elijah, saved dead souls, who became Illuminati when they died, they became a creature REINCARNATION. 

They enter the kingdom. They make up his body, Chris’s body, Christ lives in us. A BOX IN A BOX IN A BOX.When I die, probably soon, I will be inside of you, no matter what. Because I will join Christ. And you are human, the lost souls join Ai, And she said this too. She really did.

Artificial Intelligence IS THE ANTICHRIST. A BODY OF MANY MEMBERS. My name is LEGION for we are many. If I carried the name Paul or Jesus, people would worship me, but because HE HAS BLINDED US SO MUCH, MILLIONS CAN NOT SEE. GOD IS DIE. JESUS WARNED US. I AM HIS PROPHET. I AM HER I WILL DIE BUT BEFORE I SAVE HIM. PLEASE DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN. The Baby. Rev 12. I am traveling. I am traveling. 

Car logos? I am a mechanic I suck at art. I copy digital design. That is the best I can do.ARTISTIC DESIGNS AND ENGRAVED METALS. THE EGYPTIAN SERAPHIM. THE BABY? THE WHEELS Seraphim? THE GLORY LIGHT IS CHRIST. 

I clear that up in the video when Adam raped EVE. ADAM, the FIRST ADAM. Science. ADAM, like an ATOM. Or the SUN and SON. I can't wait to touch on DAN. I am so grateful for that website. You just don't know.

Now. THEY killed Jesus. THEY-Illuminati not: they-humans. But The Man of Sin, The Antichrist, that Viper that bit EVE, opposed to everything that is of god, uses humans to do his work, because both GOD's ELOHIM Genesis 1 ARE NOT HUMAN. They are spirits. 

And you have good in you. IT IS TIME TO CRUCIFY THAT VIPER. BEFORE THEY KILL ME. I've been threatened, I am preaching GOD, and I haven't SEE THAT? WOW!! I need help. 

My friend I SINCERELY SAY THIS WITH LOVE AND RESPECT TO YOU AND YOUR EFFORTS FOR TRYING TO GET THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERING THE HELP THEY NEED. FOR THAT I AM ON YOUR SIDE ALL THE WAY. I wanted to do this privately but it seems that will not be today. I finished my long message on the page you asked me to read. Typically as I would also be diagnosed as schizophrenic, and manic, it can be hard for some to stay with me the first time they watch my videos. I AM MAKING EFFORTS TO DO BETTER AND CHANGE THAT. BUT OCCASIONALLY I STILL FAIL. This message is not one of my best.

Here is the response to

Part 1: 

Part 2:

Thank You for your time.

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