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The Life of Plants in a Changing Environment by Rishikesh Upadhyay

Non-heritable modifications in morphological, physiological or biochemical characteristics tend to reduce or decrease growth and productivity, and sometimes lead to death. The Life of Plants in a Changing Environment presents an exhaustive overview of the specific effects and modifications that could occur in this regards, and will serve to consolidate the ideas to promote standardization of plant adaptation to these changes in the environment.

This book is, rather, a comprehensive review of all aspects of the responses of plants to changes in the environment.

The book is available online at


Happy reading!

Stress in Plants: The Hidden Half by Rishikesh Upadhyay

In a comprehensive manner, Stress in Plants: The Hidden Half provides an overview of the challenges of increasing crop or agricultural productivity to meet the demands of a growing population, linking descriptions of physiological, ecological, biochemical and molecular activity in plants with their tolerance and adaptation to natural environments. In the case of plants, a stress is an adverse condition or substance that affects or blocks a plant’s metabolism, growth, or development.

For more, please visit on the web at:


Join Our 'Non-Fiction Books' Facebook Group for Thought-Provoking Reads

Are you an avid reader with an insatiable appetite for knowledge? Are you constantly on the lookout for thought-provoking, real-life stories, and factual insights? If so, you're in for a treat! Welcome to the "Non-Fiction Books" Facebook Group, where the pages of non-fictional narratives come alive, sparking engaging discussions and expanding your horizons. In this article, we'll delve into the intriguing world of our Facebook group and why you should consider joining us on this literary journey.

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In a world filled with countless literary genres and storytelling styles, non-fiction books hold a unique place. They invite readers to embark on a journey of exploration, understanding, and enlightenment. Unlike fiction, which immerses you in imaginary worlds, non-fiction offers real-life narratives, factual accounts, and thought-provoking insights that can reshape your perspective and expand your knowledge.

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Non-fiction books are grounded in reality. They rely on factual information, research, and credible sources to present a truthful account of their subject matter. This commitment to accuracy ensures that readers can trust the information they encounter, making non-fiction a valuable resource for learning and reference.

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Engaging with non-fiction books is not just a one-time endeavor but a lifelong journey of continuous learning. As you delve into different topics, you'll find yourself developing a thirst for knowledge that keeps you coming back for more.

Non-fiction books are not just a source of knowledge; they are a gateway to understanding the complexities of our world and the depth of human experience. They challenge our perspectives, inspire our minds, and empower us to make informed decisions. Whether you're an established non-fiction enthusiast or just beginning to explore this genre, there's always a new perspective to discover, a new subject to explore, and a new book to enlighten your path. Dive into the world of non-fiction and unlock the wisdom that awaits within its pages.

If you're passionate about non-fiction literature and eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm, don't miss out on the opportunity to join our "Non-Fiction Books" Facebook Group. We're here to inspire, educate, and engage in the world of facts, real-life stories, and knowledge. Join us today and start your exciting journey into the realm of non-fiction!



Back From The Dead - A Russian Real Story

A Real Story of a Russian

(People with weak mind Please don’t read)




Poet, Novelist, Song and Story Writer


(Visited Nairobi-Kenya, East Africa)

Quote –

“Death is a depressingly inevitable consequence of life, but now scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.

The largest ever medical study into near-death and out-of-body experiences has discovered that some awareness may continue even after the brain has shut down completely.”


Back from the Dead:

Some times and on some occasions and at some Countries/places, it happens really in few cases, that dead persons come alive and participate in functions.


“A Russian who was declared dead from drinking too much Vodka, returned from the dead to join in on the party being conducted in his memory.

His friends panicked and called the Police after he “partied too hard”.

He was taken in an ambulance to the nearest hospital but declared dead on arrival.

The guards at the morgue were shocked when he had a “miraculous awakening” and then returned to continue partying, this time in the celebration of his rebirth”

 – Unquote



O My Friends, I Never Drank

No, no, I Never Drank

I Only Had a Small Pint

To warm up the Body and Mind ǁ


You Drink, You Drink

Enjoy and Enjoy the Cocktail Enjoy

A Day Rolled, Never Come Back

This Day, an Entertainment Day ǁ


I Know, Everybody Likes Vodka

They Give Jerk, That They Never Take

But Feels Like to Have Wine

Time Rolls Away, Take and Take the Drink ǁ


Have a Pint and Tell the Truth

The Cocktail Gives You Power and Kick

I Know, Your Tongue Will Like Vodka

Come on and come on, Have the Sip ǁ


Drink and Dance the Way You Like

This Party Is a Cocktail One

Have the Drink and Show the Way

Try to Shake the Body and Legs ǁ


Dance to the Music of Melody

Never seen before the Dancing Beauties

Dance and Step with Lanky Legs

Time is Rolling in a Dancing Way ǁ


Beauty like Queens are hosting one

Dance and Dance to the Sound of Music

Blow the Mind with Blowing Sound

Music and Dance is a Party Feature ǁ


Shake the Leg with your Vibrant Body

Music World is a Dance of Gift

Shine and Shine with Dancing Legends

Music and Dance is a Nature’s Combo ǁ


Music makes the World so high

Music brings the Angels to Dance

Angels like the Music and Dance

The Earth, a place for Dancing Styles ǁ


Drink and dine, a system in life

Sing and Dance, a routine in style

Dance like an Angle, make the Soul feel happy

Life to move like an Angel’s way ǁ


Full details of this incident are as follows; this incident took place in Russia:


One Russian celebrated his birthday function at one Star Hotel.

All friends were invited.


In that party, all types of drinks including vodka, whisky, gin, brandy, rum etc. were served and all the friends were asked to enjoy from morning to night.

No time limit was set.


The Russian and his friends booked Hotel Rooms, and right from morning to midnight, drink, eat, dance, enjoy music etc. all times, as per one’s wish.


All the friends used to drink what they want up to deep neck.

On first day


This Russian had too much of drink and suddenly died during the course of drink party.

The Doctor from nearby Hotel called for, for medical check-up and treatment to this Russian.


Everybody felt sad about this incident, which took place on the very first day.

One Doctor, after medical check-up, declared that this person is dead.


Few of family members took this Russian to the nearest hospital.

But the party was going on in full swing.


Most of the partying friends were unaware of this incident because they were in their own world with too much of drinks and high state of condition.


At the Hospital also, the Doctors after verifying the complete body check-up came to conclusion that this man was brought ‘dead’.


With the request of this dead man’s relatives, the ‘dead body’ was kept in the mortuary of the hospital.


The news spread to his friends at the Hotel where the party was going on.

Some of friends got disturbed and some friends were not able to understand what happened to the hosting friend.


Some friends were very high on alcohol consumption.


The Russian family members decided that the party at the Hotel to continue, as per original schedule i.e., for one complete week.


This was in memory of the departed Russian, as Soul to rest in peace, the party since continued.


All friends were in one way felt very happy about this decision.

Every guest was happy.


All others are too good in sober condition.

There was no control for drinks.


Totally all the invitees/friends were drinking, dining, eating, dancing, all things are going on at the partying hotel.


All people took self-decisions to enjoy the entire week.

Because, everything was free.

No need to pay any money to anybody.

The entire hotel bill including that of rooms were at the cost of the hosting Russian family. Each invitee was a millionaire.

Each friend was moneyed person.

Everybody was a big business shot.

Each day, drink, drink and drink.

Nobody asks them or nobody to question them.

As a mark of respect, all the friends maintained two minutes silence as a mark of respect to the departed Soul.

All people again confirmed to continue this party, as usual.

All people are in full condition.

Few people are eating.

Few people are dancing.

There was also a cabaret dance on the stage, which was organized by the Hotel Management.

Most of the friends were smoking too.

Few people were playing cards.

All were enjoying as per their own wish.


Next Day Morning

The Russian whose dead body at mortuary, woke-up in the presence of mortuary staff and guards, stood-up and came back to the Hotel where the party was going on.


The Hospital security guards and staff became aghast, ‘as the dead man from the mortuary became alive’.


This news became viral in the hospital.

All the relatives of this Russian were surprised.

Some relatives even feared for this incident.


They thought that how a dead man become alive and attend the party which he was hosting to his friends.


Even the Russian friends were afraid of his coming back to the hotel.


The party at the Hotel continued for the entire week.

In this party, the Russian who died and returned back to hotel for partying with friends, enjoyed a lot and lot with all types of drinks, eating, dining, dancing and there was not control of people during the party.


On the last day of the party at Hotel, this Russian was in high state of in-abbreviated condition and at midnight 1200 hours, he fell down and died, as everybody witnessed this incident.


This information and incident were informed to Police and in Ambulance, the dead Russian was taken to the same hospital, where he was taken earlier a week ago.


Hospital Doctors, Nurses and other staff feared for this, as once this Russian was declared dead and again, he was brought in Ambulance after becoming second time dead.


After testing and verifying the ‘Russian Body’, he was declared as’ brought dead’ and was accordingly issued with “Death Certificate”.


This Russian dead body was handed over to his relatives.

The dead body taken direct to his home.

At Hotel, friends were in too much in-abbreviated condition.

Friends’ brain was not working.

They were in high condition.


After the party was over, friends could know that the host “Russian was really dead.

People and friends felt sorry for this.


But condolence meetings were conducted and prayed for the dead man’s Soul be rest in peace.




Poet, Novelist, Song and Story Writer


(Visited Nairobi-Kenya, East Africa)


Hon. Doctorate in Literary from ITMUT, Brazil.



Gujarat Sahitya Academy and Motivational Strips Literary Excellence

                                “A Royal Commemorative Peace & Humanity Award” by the “Royal Kutai Mulawarman  

                                                                                    Peace Intl.  Instt, Philippines”

Royal Success International Book of Records Honour, Hyderabad - India

Institute of Scholars (InSc) Research Excellence Award, Bangalore - India

Gujarat Sahitya Academy and Motivational Strips Honour, Gujarat - India

Literary Brigadier Honour) from Story Mirror, Mumbai - India

Spotlight Superstar Honour from Story Mirror, Mumbai - India

Golden Ambassador General for Development and Peace Forum @ TWPF/BTYA, Bangladesh

“State of Birland” at Bir Tawil (Birland Government) Recognized Poet (55th Country in African Continent)

Trainer in Management and Personality development Programs.


mrkndyl@gmail.com / mantri73@yahoo.com

Twitter: @mrkndyl68






600 Devils, by Marjan - From refugee to redemption, a life impacted by smuggling, cannabis, psychedelics, conmen, cops and assorted holy men.

This intriguing, never-before-told story has remained hidden for over forty years. Travel the world with a surreptitious cast of cunning smugglers. Meet an elusive and reclusive international kingpin named Mario, drug lords in tropical jungles, obscure mobsters, the man the FBI dubbed the world’s greatest conman and a bevy of questionable government officials. Learn how Mario’s smuggling crew flew under the radar while it supplied America China White heroin and the world’s most potent marijuana.

From the Alps to the Mexican border to the Burmese jungle, Thailand, Florida, Venezuela, and on to a Senatorial chamber in Washington D.C., this brutally honest generational struggle for freedom is highlighted by Marjan’s relentless quest for truth and the profound pedigree he inherited from his Uncle Aloyz’s daunting display of courage.

600 Devils is a powerful story about humanity's brokenness and cruelty, and the pattern that develops when people try to fill the void in their hearts with whatever it takes, sometimes costing them their lives. An outlaw with a spiritual conscience, Marjan cheekily engages alcoholics, druggies and those suffering from PTSD, low self-esteem and deep-seated anger issues. If you ever smoked pot, chanted a mantra, dabbled in psychedelics or pondered the meaning of life, this quest for truth and survival is a great read.


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